Can we get a horror movie thread going? Kudos to top tier

Can we get a horror movie thread going? Kudos to top tier

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Evil dead 2010



This one

Martyrs (2008)

>that filename
what's there to explain?

I was really hoping this thread was already fleshed out when I saw the thumbnail.

man, martyrs sucked major balls. what a fucking disappointment. it could have been brutal but was just gay

That's a really fucked up movie, I was dating someone with autism at the time and boy , how they screeched

the babameme

That movie is really stupid

Fuck all these movies. Where's the real kino shit at?

contributions other than shitting on martyrs:

i just watched the brood for the first time and that shit scary. cronenberg always gets me all messed up.

Original rec was good, maybe 2, but it's shit afterwards.

The Witch is the most shit boring ass overrated movie of all time. fuck that movie and fuck you retards

The Witch was the last high class one I've watched. It's not necessarily horror but Alien: Covenant was really good too. I watched the Korean "The Wailing" and it was fuckin great too.

nigger the witch was great

I don't know how to respond to this

The Descent.

Well since your attention span last for so long, here I'll make it short for you. Pay attention and fuck you

I love that movie the wailing

Agreed completely.

Hell yeah... I find Korean film to be way ahead of Chinese or Japanese. Except for the kungfu, Chinas got that shit on lock

I just finished watching this 30min ago. It was a stupid piece of shit. Just wanted to see Thomasin's tits and it never really happened except a poor shot of her fat ass.

Koreans have had horror and thrillers down on lock for a decade now. Nobody touches them in those genres.

Just saw The Void and Honeymoon on Netflix. They're both pretty good for being low budget.

Dog Soldiers scared me as a kid

Low budget but I was pleasantly surprised.


Insidious and It Follows are pretty good

"The belko experiment", more of a thriller than horror though, it's like Battle royale or Hunger Games in a office building

Feminist renting out your basement?

This one actually surprised me

It follows was retarded as fuck.
Fuck that Z level shit tier garbage


lake mungo spooked me good



Do not care, I think this movie is great. Is about just about everything I fear.

>inb4 "there's no witch and nothing happens"

watched that when it first came out and i don't think of myself as a pussy when it comes to horror but i still get chills thinking of it, especially the phone scene with the creepy face.

If you haven't seen Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon...get the fuck out of this topic and watch it. Not scary, but it's fucking great.

Yeah when I was a kid this movie scared me to death. The sequel (2005 or whatever ) to it is complete garbage . Those I hear the remake isn't too bad.

The sequel could've been a gem in the comedy-horror genre I'm told.

The "requel" seems like the usual modern horror jumpscare fest. Like the first hour is filled with those cat scares.

i was 5 when this came out and before i had the internet so i couldn't google it like i would today. i went for a few years thinking this was a true story and had constant nightmares. that and jeepers creepers will always spook my childhood.

Have you seen it? Recommend ? I don't know if I should give it the time

The usher outside had to explain this ending to us. Earlier on in the movie you were supposed to remember they made you stand in front of a wall before they killed you.

not that user but i've seen it, if you have ALOT of free time, go for it. otherwise watch literally anything else.

Alright, maybe I'll give it a weekend. I've been curious about it anyways so fk it


There's an article that explains the ending as the cinematic "mindjob" that explains why it's so scary, and not just the "well maybe it was this"

I hate when people say there's actually no witch. What's the point then?

Creepy/Sup Forums/horror

This movie is really great. Its underrated in my opinion and deserves more attention.

Because their retarded

Movie sucks cock. Part 2 is even worse

Loved the witch, atmosphere and setting were top notch

The Strangers was pretty good the first time I watched it. Not really scary I guess but interesting because it could happen

Man Rec 4 was a huge letdown

I could only take so much of those cunts babbling and giggling like Valley Girls every moment they had screen time

Couldn't finish it

I believe this is recently , since the japs had that already down during the 90s before gangnam style

Great review

Yeah you're telling me, I hated it, after the wedding I was done.

It follows is fucking boring and gay


I liked May. Anna Farris looked hot in it

Mind you the same guy she cut the hands off was the same guy who acted in clueless :c
Crazy how drastically he changed his acting

It was not a good movie. It had to do with a zombie invasion and some radio station in the middle of nowhere. Talk talk and more talk.

Finally someone who gets it. Matpat gave the stupidest fucking theory about this, per usual.
