Can we talk about the NV Democratic convention?

The Bernie supporters had a riot in Nevada this weekend over a recount and a voice vote that got ignored.



Video for all the details:

Can we all now accept that Bernie supporters are not as brainwashed as Hillary shills?

Other urls found in this thread:






It's funny, the dem primary got rigged, but the republican primary went off without a hitch.

Just goes to show which party actually believes in freedom.

I don't know much about the politics, friend!!!!

Is this the NV branch of the Democratic party or is this the Democratic party that happened to hold their convention in NV?

Here's the problem I have with this shit.

Berniebots insisted on not attacking Hillary "stick to le issues XD" while demonizing Trump. So many people claimed Trump is "anti-democratic", Louis C.ucK. basically said Trump supporters were gonna beat up Democrat voters or some shit.
But when Shillary employs military boots to literally keep Berniebots from voting, noone raises an eyebrow.

Of course the Berniebots are upset now that they're getting fucked in the ass, but that's on them too. That's what they get for not fucking attacking Hillary. Hell, the Berniebot pundits like TYT even told people to vote for her in the presidential because "muh Trump".

errmahhgerrd dey where uniforms so dey must bee fascists!!!111!

Nah, fagit, the Repubs would've pulled the same shit and were planning on it, but they can't handle the "silent" majority and how Trump was calling them out with a 50 megaton megaphone all over the place.

If Bernie weren't such a dried up old cuck maybe anyone would've cared when he complained about it. To everyone he just sounds like their Grandpa complaining about the thermostat being set too cold.

That's only because Bernie doesn't have them mob connections to make the party officials shit their pants.


Bernie got cucked by Hillary, big surprise

Why the fuck don't you amerifags ever adapt to a fucking reasonable system WHERE YOU HAVE MORE THAN TWO parties?

>Louis C.ucK. basically said Trump supporters were gonna beat up Democrat voters or some shit.

Weird how it's the other way around in reality.



And we know now that Hillary is going to get crushed in the General election now.

Look on the bright side. After something like this being spread to all the bernie supporters, this just strengthens the BernieOrBust movement, which in the end helps Trump out a lot.

>b-but it's different!

Yeah, nah. Democrats are anti-liberty and always have been.

Aren't you the one saying it's different?

Lefties gonna left


They really forgot who the real main priority target is.

and now they're paying the price.

This is why Trump will win, Trump is a no holds barrel kind of guy.

Bernie lacks the energy to attack who is really threatening is campaign (Hillary), he's bitting the hand of Trump who is one of the few people who is self-aware of all this.

Butthurt Bernie bros.

I'm not saying it's different. I'm saying that rigging is dem party business as usual.

My ranking:

Well, yeah I agree with you. I'm just pointing out that the RNC was planning on rigging their shit too, but couldn't get away with it, because they have a wrecking ball as their nominee, not a grandpa.


These are the same people that were cheering when they found out Ted Cruz was playing dirty and doing rigging of his own, because it meant screwing over Trump and making Republicans look bad in general. Now they're receiving a taste of their own medicine and I say good riddance.

There's no real evidence to substantiate fraud in the first place. "OMG my candidate didn't win, there must be fraud!!!!11!one". BernOuts are the most delusional voter base out there. They're so brainwashed into believing he's the best candidate since sliced bread that they're doing mental gymnastics to justify why he isn't winning. "He draws the most crowds and yet gets the least coverage!", "The media is bought by Hillary so nobody ever talks about Bernie!", "His plans don't cater to the elite so the elite silence him!". There's a girl I know who posts on Facebook practically every 2 hours with some meme or statement about Bernard and their supporters, to the tune of "don't give in, do all you can to show support!", they're just so convinced he's the "one" and I'm going to have gallons and gallons of their tears collected that I'll merrily guzzle down as Trump gets sworn into office.

kek, dat movie.
>holds no barrel
What did he mean by this?

>Bernie supporters



that fucking feminine figure holy shit

>rating Merkel that high

Satan should be president before her. At least he would prefer to have a kingdom to preside over after his rule.





It's funny cause all my faggot leftist friends were making fun of the republican party earlier on for being so fucked up and un-unified. Now they look like morons. Good.


Fuck no.

it's scary how the Democrats become the Republican party.

what a time to be alive.

There is one thing that keeps us unified, most of us are nationalists. The Dems are everything but nationalist, they are the party for illegals, the party for faux social justice, the party for corruption if it is done by rich leftists.

Can someone give me the cliffnotes on what happened here? Hillary had cops block people from voting?

Repubs do this shit, but not on such a grand scale, and they're quick to back down (as they are in many cases)

For instance in 2012 with requiring that any nominee at the convention has to have won the majority of eight states. New rule to edge out any chance of Ron Paul. Then when it still looks like they may be able to beat Trump they start saying the rule was only for 2012, despite nothing written to that effect.

Then the debacle in Colorado, where they made it to where the delegates were all basically Democrat-esque "super delegates" in that they were not bound to any vote, a rule they changed just back in August. It wasn't entirely fixed, but it was dishonest, and counter to the notion of a republican or democratic process where people's votes don't mean anything.

What they did to Bernie, as much as I don't like him (although Hillary markedly moreso) was about as crooked and corrupt as it gets. Vote blocking, silencing of constituents, blatant rule/bylaw breaking, using guards to protect themselves because they know people would be pissed, etc. You could go on, it's quite distressing and just shows you how fucked up that party really is in perspective.

Not that it makes what Republicans have done any better by comparison. We shouldn't compare ourselves to the Dems; we have a standard our party should be held to, regardless of what is done across the aisle.

Bernie truly is a cuck, and media is so far in the corner for Hillary it's amazing. This should be getting tons of exposure, but they don't want anyone to know about it. Works for us in the end, I'd rather us face Hillary than Bernie (it's a better dichotomy for the narrative of history), although I have no doubt Trump could trounce both.

Will Bernie still endorse Clinton after he inevitably loses?

Bernie supporters are brainwashed and have no idea how economics works, but that doesn't change the fact that they're still getting shafted by a corrupt Democrat party.

He meant "no holds barred" and autocorrect fucked it up for him, probably.

Watch the second video in OP.

this also kind of summarizes it.

How do they not understand economics? Bernie's economic platform is to emulate Scandinavian economics, and you can go on and on about how we're cucks and shit but we were still the most prosperous nations twenty years ago with the best education, public transport, healthcare etc.

Yeah but by a sixpack of beer and you're bankrupt.

He has the body of a FTM tranny.

>Bernie supporters are not as brainwashed as Hillary shills?
Maybe they'll be useful in the general election then, when the time comes to push Johnson.

dem chairwoman makes motion, then seconds motion her own motion, then passes motion all by herself while pretending to take a voice vote that was monumentally against it.

Its hilarious how the sheep obey the media shilling a narrative praising the establishment puppet Clinton and attack Trump for some vague "racism" as if it's the end of the world, yet they ignore the fact they're being subverted like this.

Just laugh at them for being brainwashed garbage. Call them subhuman. Tell them to go back to sucking the media cock so Hillary's superdelegates can keep the establishment in power. Hopefully Trump will win, but I still doubt they won't kill him or rig the election anyway.

Very true.

Not really.

Socialism only works with a monoculture of hard workers like what Sweden used to have before it became blacked. Basically, nationalist socialism can work. Multicultural socialism means you'll have whitey busting his ass to pay a 70% tax rate to subsidize fast-breeding niggers that despise him. It all collapses before too long.

You guys don't pay for a significant military, right? That is what we would need to have similar. Plus less niggers.

They point is, costs of living are relatively high compared to other developed countries.

I can't wait until the Democratic National Convention. The Bernie People are going to go Ferguson when their meme candidate fails to get enough superdelegates, and when the public sees the chaos they will back the law and order candidate (Trump) just like in '68.

So when do we switch to Johnson guys? Have we been successful in our efforts to destroy the GOP yet?

>police = fascism

epic! upvoted

That glasses guy from tyt really hates hillary tho.

is that a tranny

hopefully there will be dead liberal scum in the streets.

>facism = Bad
ebin to the max

Hillary didn't even have to fuck over Bernie supporters. She has the nomination pretty much in the bag. Everybody has written off Bernie, so Nevada doesn't really matter that much.

Now, Bernie supporters are pissed, and rightly so.

First Past the Post voting will never be challenged by the current two parties, that's what prevents 3rd parties from taking off.

There are no provisions for citizens alone to change election rules, it must be initiated by an elected representative (from one of the two parties).

I suspect the republicans will try to take the Democrats down with them by moving to switch away from FPTP if they don't win one of the next two presidential elections

>A monolithic country that spends virtually nothing on the military is prosperous

Wow! Now why does Japan have a high standard of living..
>Monolithic country that spends virtually nothing on the military

Well, what about Denmark?
>Monolithic country that spends virtually nothing on the military

Pure coincidence.

Not really much to discuss. We all know that this shit has been going on, it's just that as of late they haven't even been trying to hide it.

>Bernie Supporters
>not shills

The useless do-gooder is the worst kind of shill.

The fact Bernie shills chose the wrong team doesn't make them less of a shill. It just confirms they're idiots.

>not as brainwashed
Depends what they do now.

Vote Hillary? Max brainwashed

Vote Green party? Still brainwashed but I guess this helps Trump by accident

Vote Libertarian? Can't really fault that

Vote Trump? There's hope for them.

>everything that involves security detail is fascism

The fact that NV Democratic party tried to fuck over Bernie supporters just shows how close they think the race might be. As I've said before, Hillary didn't need to do incredibly well in Nevada. She's ahead by hundreds of delegates, not even counting superdelegates.

Now they've angered Bernie supporters, who they'll need for the general election. Bernie supporters will see Hillary as a corrupt Wall Street puppet, and they'll see that Trump fought against the same corrupt system on the Republican side. Most probably won't vote for Trump, but many will vote third party, write-in, or stay home.

Hillary is fucking herself. Maybe her campaign staff really is inept.

I hate imgur's community so much.
They claim to hate reddit but they are about as bad or worst.

Christ, did you guys miss the fact everyone was out to get Trump until the end?

They're still threatening third party and aren't standing behind him.


Nevada branch

>private party pulls bullshit
Fucking liberal children. Hillary isnt president the police are there to stop chimpouts.

of course. all their content comes from reddit


Much of the party is falling in line. Out of all the sitting congressmen, a grand total of five (5) have railed against Trump. They know their careers are on the line if they go against him. It's mainly pundits, lobbyists, and former politicians who are railing against Trump.

They seem big, because they're loud, but they're all concentrated in the NYC and DC areas. The only swing state they could possibly affect is Virginia.

If by "had a riot" you mean they cried on Reddit for 3 days.

Kek even Bernie people are using trumps nicknames

>They seem big, because they're loud, but they're all concentrated in the NYC and DC areas.

At least pieces of shit like Romney is just one person.

The best part in all of this is that it's their own party that they are going to trash in an attempt to get "justice for Bernie." The rest of us get an amusing show to watch while Trump walks away with the keys to the White House.

Oh shit
I guess I'm a #CruzMissile now

They don't really consider it their own party which is at least one thing in the Bernie people's favor. People should be more independently minded.

>linking to the young roaches

Fuck off, there has to be someone else who's explained this

Yet they won't ever admit to it. I got into an argument on Reddit with some Bernout about how Sanders supporters were far more violent than Trump supports and he wouldn't accept it. I kept sending him videos of Sanders supporters attacking people at rallies, destroying property, blocking ambulances, burning/spitting on the American flag, waving the communist flag, and a bunch of other shit and he refused to even watch them. He kept going back to the "Trump needs to condemn his violent followers" so I sent him the video of Bernie saying he wouldn't take responsibility for the violent actions of his supporters and he still wouldn't accept it.

Who the fuck are Hillary supporters anyways? What's her target demographic? Has she even taken a single strong stance on anything other than 'stop da wepubwicans!!!'

Do you have a list of all these videos? I'd like to have it if you do.

It's called primaries, and you have your voice heard through those. Secondly, strong party unity is only a recent phenomenon, and one that only flares up periodically. In many points during American history, a Democrat in New York had more in common with a Republican in New Hampshire than a fellow Democrat in Georgia. The Party's are simply big tents where people with similar visions but different scopes group together.

Should have unloaded your ammunition against Hillary instead of Trump to bad you are all Good Goys who can't play the game.

Really is no point in trying to convince people, especially online.

vids or fake

Here are some.
This one pisses me off because they try and paint the Trump supporters as the aggressors despite clearly showing they're just trying to protect themselves.

>MFW I am gently agitating on Reddit for Sanders supporters to vote Trump to punish the Democrats for what they are doing to Bernie

This shit is far more fun when you are actually telling the genuine truth. Sanders got fucked, the objections are legitimate and the argument that the demos should not be rewarded for their fuckery is also legit.