Participated in a local antifa group in Germoney. AMA

Participated in a local antifa group in Germoney. AMA

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You're a waste of protein.


Why are you an idiot sheep person?

have a wash , ever heard of soap u leftard?

How edgy are you?

youre right
he should have shot or doxxed him instead like brave tolerant antifa do

Antifa literally is anti free speech
And hate speech are things Antifa scum hates.

how much dick have you sucked ?

Uh oh. Someone has a different opinion than you. Better go drive your car into a crowd.

Stupid ancom people never take you seriously

Freedom of speech vs. living with the consequences.

How was it?

Are you now healed of homosexuality?

You're talking about hippies, get your facts straight.

There's a difference between being called out on your opinions and people punching others because they think they don't like their opinions.

no, he is actually right this time. Antifa isnt down to talk about their "Nazis". Just throw urine because they mad they cant be the only nazis in town.

9/10. Good Times
Stopped the process. A faggot beatin up "aryans" is way to entertaining.

What do you think about how the life in east germany was compared to the west during the previous "antifa" times?

I hope you die from cancer.

It is stupid to start to analyze, to dialogue. etc. With blacks, Arabs, Jews, etc. They are the ones who want to eliminate the whites. The whites are alone in the world and they want to eliminate us to steal our country.

It is stupid to try to reason with who wants to eliminate you. The whites are alone and want to eliminate us. We must be more intelligent. And it would not be enough to make more white babies ... you also have to eliminate the other races! The lower ones especially! Create a virus that will kill brown skin! and kill all jews!.

More detail pls
kys neckbeard

why do you all feel ashamed of your german cultural heritage?

no amount of silly protesting will erase Germany's glorious past

>More detail pls

Authoritarian principles antifa is advocating seems comparable to socialism. Since you kind of experienced it first hand in the half of the country and it is a generally accepted fact that life in East Germany was much worse than in the West I find it strange you would identify with the movement. Let me take a wild guess: You were either not born yet during the fall of the Berlin Wall or you were too young to remember it.

>beatin up "aryans"
ooooh boys we a got a tough one over here!
Damn! I sure hope they put you up with real Aryans in Prison someday

Gz, hoffe du wirst auf der nächsten "friedlichen" Demo von Polizisten zusammengeknüppelt nachdem du und deine retardierten Freunde mal wieder ein paar Autos angezündet habt um "gegen das Sytsem!!11" zu demonstrieren

Links ist genauso schlimm wie rechts, seid genauso intolerant und kleingeistig

und sie stinken beide genau soviel, man mag es kaum glauben!

ich glaub die linken stinken sogar noch etwas mehr, die rechten machen ja eher auf gutbürgerlich / arisch, da gehört körperpflege eher dazu

Die Knüppel schwingenden Baustellen Arbeiter riechen garantiert nicht besser, kann ich dir versichern

What if Neo-Nazis would beat the living shit out of everyone that disagrees with them, would that still be ok?

Were you ever taught your own country's history?


Here OP, learn about your critics:

General ANTIFA HATE thread and fresh OG memes, also sign a petition to make antifa a terrorist organization:

Antifa is just as dumb as nazis

Have fun w/ your violent commie friends.

Was just wondering how many Sup Forums people are gonna take the bullet when the revolution comes
But nah they will hide somewhere in their parents' basement, as they are already used to

You are the just as bad as the fascists you claim to fight against. Should rename yourselves to Faschistische Aktion.

If antifa starts a revolution a lot of us will be shooting at them. Fuck those violent assholes.



Ich würde euch alle noch heute vergasen

Irony is many of us would be using rifles that were either heavily used by the soviets or straight up symbols of communism for a long time. Nuggets and AKs for everyone!

The difference is that they aren't. Antifa actually does punch people If they don't agree with them.

Finally. I was searching for this several times

Why even have a far right protest in Germany? Fuckers had to go through checkpoints where police searched their body for even tattoos of nazi symbols and made them wear black tape over it. These fucks were even forced to a bunch of other nuts rules by the city itself, and ultimately didn't make it to their destination because a lot of Germans actually don't like the Nazi's.

As long as you kill the right People with it

I mean some of these antifa are probably minorities, and you guys have been very vocal in wanting them murdered, so they probably will treat you the way you would treat me if I came up to you and said I will kill you.

In the situation in question that would be idiot commies trying their "revolution".

lefts ar gay...

A lot of you won't have such weapons because the most populous states have harsh weapons regulations. Good luck storming California when you can't even get ammunition for your gun in the state.

What is your opinion on trve black metal?

>Actually thinking there are any commies in America
I will never get this fear of the far right. There are no fucking commies.

They seriously call themselves anarcho-communists as if those two ideologies can play well together in the first place. They're pretty often far leftists which means extreme progressives, socialists, and communists.

Why are you such a faggot? And why do you think you're fighting fascism when AntiFa is, itself, oppressively authoritarian and uses threats of violence to coerce people into submission?

Aren't you being a giant fucking hypocrite?

How does one "participate in a group"? What does that even mean?


Oh yeah, there aren't any communists in Antifa at all. That's crazy talk.

Alt right: stand up to bullies! Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun! Sometimes violence is the answer! Praise God!

BLM, antifa, fags, ect: Ok

Alt right: whhhaaauuuuuuuuutttt?!?!?!


how many random civilians are you gonna assault? also why are you almost indistinguishable from nazis?

Did you know there's an arrow in the FedEx logo?

As much as we may mock CA for their situation you're a dumbass if you think there's not a large number of well armed and stocked people just waiting for shit to kick off.


Is not toleratable the intolerance opinions.

Did you know that Klansman are holding a banner in the logo of Marlboro Cigarettes?

>implying everyone who isn't antifa is a racist
can't wait till you and the nazis wipe each other out so everyone else can live in piece

Anti-fa memes of this style are some of the dumbest on the internet. That takes effort.

Yes and proud, right must be in Gulags

Don't cry pussy


This why the left is going to lose this civil war.

Hahahahaha dreams...

Why do you think the reason that antifa is mostly 15-25 year olds with no job? Why dont we ever see a grown man with children being a member? because it's awkward, thats why

This meme is fake news the real flag in 1933 was this

Who's crying brochevski? Those meme attempts are seriously stupid. Could do so much better without making yourself look like a dumbass.

why so low res?

They're basically these guys without the power armor and less intelligence.

Hahahahaha Reality bitch. We have more guns, More Guts, and more resources. Don't Mistake our patience as weakness or inability. We are biding our time until the right moment to strike. When we do, no one will ever vote left again because most will be purged. The remaining will be so horrified by the carnage, they will stay right of center out of fear. Someone like you will be the first gone. You will beg for understanding, play a victim card, or ask your connections to shield you. Guess what? No one will protect you. There is no honor among the left, only an ideology. An Ideology they will never die for. But that same ideology the right will savagely annihilate. Soon snowflake, you will know what the meaning of fear truly is. See you and your "comrades" real soon.

Don't cut yourself on that edge.

Why do you believe it's ok to respond to rhetoric with physical violence?

Afuckingmen. I'm ready to start mowing down libtards en masse.

Can you explain why Antifa hates Jews so much?

they're nazis larping as commies

From a bystander's perspective, Boston was boring as fuck. It was less nazis vs communists and more center left people getting yelled at by extreme left retards. Nothing was accomplished, no message was sent or received.

Hopefully Austin is more exciting. I wouldn't be surprised if there were molotovs.

Oh, I agree. I'm just glad to hear about the 27 leftist fucktards that got arrested. Should have been more though.

Liberalism is a cancer, and the only cure is hot lead.

I would prefer if you called it progressivism. Classical liberalism is "Leave me the fuck alone and let me do what I want." I fucking despise that the left co-opted it for their particular brand of retarded.

Communists are the good guys though. Only privileged liberals who think they deserve to live off of global poverty and slavery fail to realize this.

Communists have killed and oppressed more people than Nazis.

And you know what? I'm cool with that definition. They leave us alone, we leave them alone, we're all a-ok.

What I'm not ok with is these faggots trying to push their agendas on us. Fag marriage? Treating trannies like they're human beings? Fuck that. They can take their shit and go eat it alone, and leave the sane human beings out of it.

My nigga, against nazis or corporate nazis?
Free speech is meaningless when you do not recognize an authority capable of arbitrarily granting it or taking it away. What matters is right and wrong on the individual level, having a government that uses its militarized policy force to protect fascists from people's self-governance is not okay.
Neo nazis are openly advocating and perputuating racial violence under the protection of the state.

Lmao. Renaming your alt right rally with alt right speakers 'free speech rally' doesn't make it a free speech rally!


Feel good that the Alt right nazis got BTFO hard in Boston yesterday.

>Everything I don't agree with is alt-right!
Everything right of you is not evil nazi racists.

Get the fuck out of here, wanting everyone to have equal civil rights does not infringe on your life at all you fucking bigot.

Question: Is this a post written by a liberal or a white supremacist?

>The government won't let us beat up the people we disagree with
>This is an injustice

Impossible to tell

Ask me if I care, degenerate.

It's not about beating up people you disagree with. It's about beating up people who want to ruin other people's lifves and throw the world into violence with their racial autism. There is a clear right and wrong, the state does not recognize that.
This is injustice. Do whatever you want just don't be a dick and get hit.