Sex as a whole can be considered disgusting...

Sex as a whole can be considered disgusting. Vaginas are unaesthetic and they fucking piss and bleed from there so why taste and lick it? Dicks are gross and get cheesy and piss also comes from there so why do girls degrade themselves are suck them?

But i digress... because theres one thing worth mentioning that makes me vomit. Ass eating. There is LITERAL shit particles you can't avoid. People joke about eating ass but it's become ritualistic. You're all aware that it's a nigger thing right? They are the masters of being degraded and being slaves.

go be a virgin somewhere else

go get hpv in your mouth and eat a hookers ass because of your underlying scat fetish. Freak

It was a funny post until you mentioned niggers. Kys idiot.

Get muted fucktard. You're mad that you're complarable to them? Gtfo the fuck off my Board

'Cause I'm a horny human, retard.

pathetic. almost laughable.

Thats why we call it "intimacy." Its something you wouldn't do with just anybody. There (usually) needs to be some level of trust. Aside from all the "humans are gross animals" argument there are pleany of viruses to worry about as well.
Also, all you pee/shit problems are solved with a quick shower and a washcloth.

A statement about your life, I suppose? Get yourself tested for, I don't know, gay?

yeah, you're muted. enjoy it you cumshot.

Dear OP, so far you've been called a virgin, freak, idiot and a retard. Do you still believe there is nothing wrong with you?

Fuck you too.

Confirmed, OP is a girl that was cheated on. Her ex and best friend did everything OP wouldn't and is now mad at the world.

Agreed OP.

Sexual degeneracy is part and parcel of destabilising a nation in order to destroy it from within and recreate it in the desired image, it's well underway. Almost everyone suffers from some kind of sexual degeneracy due to some kind of psychological imbalance in relation to sex. And this is no accident.

mhm i don't suck the bloody slits inbetween a female (arguable the cringiest organism on the planet) 's legs. and that makes me weird yeah.

Maybe it's the fact that i don't want my mouth within 5 feet of a fucking anus, that makes me completely mental. You're muted retard cya.

thank you, fuck

Op got fuckin' ruined

i like the taste of shit and piss.

Any man who says he wouldn't eat this ass is lying, a faggot, or both.

>Vaginas are unaesthetic

OP confirmed for autism

cant believe im replying to this bait

Man, it's almost like chemicals in my brain make me like the taste of a girl's pee.

embrace. lick. be buried in her thighs. but why do you fucking degens have to lick an Anus. that's disgusting. I speak from no experience and probably it's just the ultimate thing to do when you're horny as an ape. But step back and look at this girl like she SHITS. this girl SHITS and u want to "eat" her fucking ASSHOLE. get a grip, you're muted.

like... you guys aren't even joking that's the thing. Thats the pathogenic cancer you both are giving to me. Both muted, enjoy.

Also. There is only so much room in a relationship. The more emphasis you put on sexual satisfaction through "alternative" or "divergant" forms of sexual recreation, the less emphasis you put on the other aspects of the relationship. As in, the interaction between your two personalities and creating a general compromise to make the relationship work long-term. If an emphasis is put on sex, the general consensus in the relationship is "you're here to make me feel good", but that's not the purpose of a relationship. You can't expect someone to make you feel good all of the time, or even most of the time. That's not where the true value of a relationship comes from. It comes from loving one another even when you're not making each other feel good. Putting an emphasis on sexual satisfaction flips this dynamic and makes the relationship about "me me me" rather than "us." And this is a massive part of why most relationships fail. Because they're not about duty to family, or your significant other. They're about self-satisfaction.

Most people will never realise this because they are completely and utterly addicted to their self-imposed hedonism. They need to feel good as much as possible. And anything that contradicts that need, or that desire, or anything relating to it, is an enemy. Hence why there is so much vitriol in this thread towards you OP.

You might be a faggot. It's not for everyone.

Retard. It's like someone sliced them open right under the abdonmon. A Vagina is a wound, do you like looking at a big thick slick wound on the side of someones head? No. Vaginas are a disgrace for a reproductive organ. AT LEAST a phallus has some sort of aesthetic to it. Also muted.

We have a name for that, OCD. YOU 'get a grip' you racist degenerate retard.

I agree with all of it, sex is pretty gross unless everyone involved is clean as fuck. STDs man ugh.

I'm not OP but if you look at a vagina and get very aroused and think "damn that looks so hot" as if you were looking at a nice ass or tits, then I envy you.

I would drag my balls through a mile of barbed wire, used needles from aids infected junkies, and broken class, just to give her ring the tiniest, briefest smooch.

>you're muted.

Nothing says "us" more than licking your partner's asshole because it feels good.

Look at me. Stooping toward their vile level. Trying to justify my normalcy do these apes it like convincing snails that we've landed on the moon. You're completely right. Your post is a fucking breath of fresh air. Never change. This is how i look at relationships myself. Any female or male that needs to be "stimulated" 24/7 in a sense of affection, praise, sex etc. Doesn't deserve my time in a relationship. Very Toxic.

Sounds like you're just a babby with a weak immune system, I bet you don't eat food that's fallen on the ground or drink water from streams either.

I bet you drink orange juice with no pulp faggot.


you're the babby.

Muted so fast holy shit lmfao.

True who the fuck prefers orange juice with no pulp, might as well just drink water with an orange crystal lite pack.

This is a good point, I can see past all the regular bodily things involved in sexual conduct but the risk of STDs has me edgy.

To Sup Forums, you trash.

> a wild wizard appears

I pooped a little.

do you think that rejecting human desires is separating you from the rest of society or something? Grow the fuck up, you degenerate.

>So why taste and lick it?
Because for some reason, I like the taste of it, gets me rock hard.

As for the whole Anal thing?
Again, I kinda like the taste and smell. Nothing like the pheremones of a woman to get you going


holy shit, supreme gentleman is that you?


Like I said before as well it's completely intentional. Look at how popular culture pushes this hedonistic lifestyle. And how little, well, nothing really, pushes the traditional, dutiful, communal, familial lifestyle. Even when popular culture talks about love. It's all about what feels good, not what is actually good for the pair in question. Or what's good for those around them, it's always about what's most satisfying for the pair in question. It's about what they desire, and that they're entitled to what they desire.

Also, this dynamic puts women above men in the social hierarchy. Because women are far more demanding than men in general. They're the ones who subtly, but also not so subtly demand satisfaction constantly as you suggested. They want as much as they can get. And as a result, most men become submissive to women and become appeasers. Men however, like the old saying goes, all a man needs to be happy is a full belly and empty balls. And a man can cook his own food and empty his own balls. He doesn't need a woman (but many believe they do because women tell them they do).

Women are never happy no matter how much they have. Because their material and social value directly correlates with their sexual marketplace value. So the more popular they are, and they more they have, the more biologically successful they are. And so, women have an infinite potential for greed and hedonism as opposed to men who's desires are far more simple (obviously this isn't always the case, if it was, we wouldn't have power hungry megalomaniac men, but nothing is 100% in this world, this is just how it goes within the majority).

So yeah, this is why women today are calling the shots more than men, and this is why they're becoming far more brazen and outspoken, and demanding more and more at an exponential rate. Because society as a whole is hedonism incarnate, and women always rule hedonistic societies because they are far more demanding.

I think Op left lol.

I know, it's just that I like ass.

This guy fucking gets it holy shit
shut your yap
Un muted you just to re mute you. How are you saying what you're saying this literally is blowing my mind
lick an anus

Unless you have a very long torso, your mouth is within 5 feet of your own anus

Everyone should understand this shit by now mate. Anyone who doesn't simply doesn't want to because they're stuck in their hedonistic mindset. They don't care as long as they get to satisfy their urges.

Op I know this be bait but...

All organisms are designed to do only two things. Everything else is in reference to those two things. Those two things are eating and fucking.

You are saying the most natural thing in the world, the thing humans were designed to do, is disgusting? Sounds like you are the anomaly not us

Elliot Rodgers came back from the grave to tell us all what's the real word from the afterlife. Peepees and vagoos are icky.

Or maybe... just hear me out here....

You are the one who is wrong.

This would only be true if we were on the same evolutionary level as all other animals. Just pure instinct and pure "must satisfy urges."

This isn't true because we have the capacity for logic, reason, and understand concepts such as morality and can perceive the world and understand it through philosophical principles.

He's looking down on these behaviours because they essentially degrade us, make us no better than animals. When we have so much potential to be so much more.

I think everybody will agree that wasted potential is a sin, especially when that wasted potential is willingly wasted for the sake of satisfying urges.

Everyone has the capacity to be better than beings of pure instinct. They just choose not to be because it takes work and effort to rise above that mindset. And as a result, because this seems to be a majority nowadays. The general quality of life materially and socially speaking for most people drops drastically, because instead of working together for mutual benefit, we seek personal satisfaction instead. Not caring who we step on, or what we have to do to satisfy ourselves.

>they are the masters of being slaves
what did he mean by this

If I was wrong, someone, perhaps you, would be able to provide me with a counter-arguement. But since you've failed to do so and your response is simply trying to bait me into doubting my own position, your comment only affirms that what I'm saying is at the very least, somewhat accurate.

Well the counter point is that you are the one man not fucking. You are the one man not doing your biological duty as an animal (cause even as an higher level capable being you are still just a chimp) and sending your genetic material along.

To say that fucking is "only to satisfy urges" is false and you know it. Fucking has actual merit as many things, including stress relief, exercise, and you know, creating some children.

Unless your argument includes selective breeding and eugenics, it has no merits to disprove.

Hell, you wanna not fuck at all? Fine, but don't think it makes you a good man. It just makes you a visible fool

I'm a virgin like you, but only for the fact that I don't care enough to go through the pointless effort to have sex.
Still, if I ever do end up in the situation I'd eat ass and pussy for hours on end.

Once again though this is because I'm not a gay baby with a shit immune system worried about "ew icky germs"

I bet you would return a burger at a restaurant if there was a tiny bit of pink in the middle, I bet you wouldn't put raw eggs in a protein shake.

Bitch ass nigga.

Wrong. I never said nor implied I wasn't fucking, or that I don't have the desire to. I have had my fill (pun intended), fucked lots of girls. Indulged in lots of different forms of sexual degeneracy myself. Had several long-term relationships. Several flings. Lots of one nighters. And have observed multitudes of other people's relationships, and have seen the same dynamics being at play in every single instance. The dynamic being "it's all about me." Even I had that general mindset in relation to relationships myself, and this is all why I can speak so affluently about this. Because I've been there, I've done that, I've overexposed myself to all of it so much, and am introspective enough to recognise why it's wrong, how it's wrong, and how it affected me and other people in the long-term. How it affects them individually and collectively.

Now I'm at the point where I want sex. But only under certain conditions. I only want sex if there's a genuine connection there with a woman whom I share common positive moral values with. Someone who respects the family, has a sense of duty towards family and society. At least to the extent where she doesn't think it's all about her, and that society or anyone or anything else owes her anything, that she gets what she works for, what she invests in will invest in her.

I just see that there is literally no point in having sex with women unless these conditions are met, that it's actually counter-productive on many levels. Because it gets you addicted to self-satisfaction, distracts you from many other walks of life and the things that come with them, and ultimately gives you less time and less incentive to invest in any "good women" that may come your way. Which is unlikely I admit. But there's still a chance.

theres probably benefits IF YOU LOOK FOR THEM. but fucking is absolutely just a primal pathetic urge. How can you not think that

>not wanting to be balls deep whilst cumming into a female

cease your faggatory

Also, as I hinted above, it's also damaging, not only for yourself, but for anyone else who you have sexual relations with. It's recently been stated publicly that psychologically speaking, the more sexual partners a woman has the less likely she is to be satisfied in later relationships or marriage (and this is why women were kinda forced into marrage at a young age back in the day, because the whole "damaged goods" thing was understood to be accurate and that a woman who goes through multiple men is likely never going to be happy or even settle down after a certain age and a certain number). So it's actually extremely damaging for women, for men to just go about their business fucking multiple women over time. And I've already done enough of that. I don't want to contribute to the damaging of women anymore. Not because I want to serve them or because I deify them or anything, but because damaged women damage men, and that damages society.

I began to have this mindset in my last relationship. I even said to the girl I was with, something along the lines of:

"Y'know, if this goes anywhere, which it seems like it might, we have a bit of a duty to other people to show them how relationships work y'know. People use each other far too much, there's not enough genuine connection or genuine love or affection. If that comes about, we need to kinda show others how good relationships can be if we make them work. Not just for them individually but for society, because society has practically no role models in popular culture that actively show how beneficial good relationships are and how to create them."

And she often used to compliment me on how my mind worked. Said she loved the fact I thought about this stuff and agreed totally. Just a shame it didn't work out because she was so self-hating. Well not really a shame, I'm glad it didn't. But yeah, more people need to think like this and help each other in relation to this subject.

That's a really unappealing photo, it looks like she's melting or something.