Why do mud people always shit while squatting...

Why do mud people always shit while squatting? It's like sitting while taking a daump is one of the major differences between first worlders and turd worlders.

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better bowel movement. I shit like that in our designated cities when im constipated

Also, I guess I should turn down my MONITOR BRIGHTNESS because your flags isn't dark enough hehehhehehehehe

If you will see their toilets literally covered with shit you will understand why.

I always poop like the "NO" guy except I use pic related instead of standing on the toilet. Way better poops and way better for your organs too. I culturally appropriated 3rd world pooping it's 100% superior.

The body is designed to shit in a squat. Toilets are superior though, so hopefully we adapt.

What about the japanese?

No shit my Austrian friend, you will pass your poos much smoother when you are squatting. When I have done it innawoods, it is never be a 20+ wipe job, and it just seems to slide out effortlessly.

I actually switched 3 years ago from sitting to squatting, I am never constipated anymore, never feel the "not really empty feeling" and shit quite fast every morning, I don't even speak about the slavs knees I developped.


Basically squatting is the healthy position and sitting is normally reserved to crippled people.

>this woman is shitting and pissing her pants

ITT: people who actually get it.

I either squat or just lean forward nowadays. I got a pretty bad external thrombosed hemmorrhoid a couple of years ago, shit fucking sucked and I vowed never to get one ever again. So far, it's been working out.

It's actually best way to shit.

Because the human body is physically designed to shit from a squatting position. In fact, a lot of first-world nations are starting to see squat toilets. And how do you shit when you're in the woods and have no other option? You probably squat because it's what's natural. They squat when they shit for the same reason people eat meat or prefer unprotected sex. Doing what comes naturally feels good, or at least better.

The article you linked doesn't really support squatting over normal sitting.

It doesn't condemn it, but it's not outright praise.

Fish oil capsules (swallowed, not suppositories) will help reduce your inflammation at the exit station.

>source: me.

>that pic
>unnatural squatting

>implying you can't just lean to the front if you want to shit faster

Dangerous as fuck

I came here to promulgate slav squatting wisdom, but apparently you guys already get it.

what? Russians squat while shitting?
And I thought you were humans.
No wonder the west thinks of us other slavs as subhumans thanks to your representation

Why you ask?


Holy shit, that's some brutal slashing right here. Fucking tore through flesh like butter.


a few years ago when i went out to malaysia. fucking savage monkeys

Russians squat in general, please familiarize yourself with the stereotypes.

Because obviously it's easier to push when you're squatted like that and putting more force into it. Not to mention that being squatted is one of the most natural positions a human can be in. We're not even made to be sitting down for long, eiter standing or squatting like in fetal position.

Squatting is right.
Can confirm
Coming from an expert

Fucking ceramics why u so sharp man

>chances that happens < being hit by a lightning strike

By the way this WC seems to be really bad in term of quality and the guy seems quite big too, if you are under 80kg I don't know why the sit would break when wester are designer to handle up to 450kg people (thank you america).

If you still fear just by accesories they sell.

The plevis is not in the same position and gravity don't eat