If elected, Hillary will put Bill Clinton in charge of economic issues

I can't believe what I'm reading, is this a joke?

This totally legitimizes Trump's attacks on Bill, which he's made clear are going to be a major focal point of his campaign against her.

Not to mention that Bill himself isn't looking too hot nowadays, in fact he looks like he's about to keel over. He barely even makes sense when questioned by the press.

Strategy this bad....doesn't happen by accident. Or does it?
Hillary and her team are either totally, grossly incompetent or she is indeed a plant for Trump as some people have been saying.

What is going on here?

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Everyone knows that women aren't actually capable of leading, look at Merkel or Dilma, so it's reassuring to see it would actually be Bill who's running shit with Hillary just being a spokeswoman.

>she is indeed a plant for Trump
Who says this? I have only seen the one accusing Trump of being one.

Isn't it illegal to hire your husband? Why is america such a banarepublic?

Why hasn't she dropped out yet?

Don't a lot of people like Bill?

the Right doesnt like Smooth Billy because he did everything BushSr couldnt or didnt.
So ready to bring muh boi back playas

Bill's a pimp

Its banana, b-a-n-a-n-a

Bill again?!

Not really. He's more likable than Hillary, though.

Liberals credit Bill for what the Republican congress shoved down Bill's throat.

>repealed glass steagall
>deregulated FCC
>deregulated Wall Street
>mass immigration
>had Robert Rubin tell banks to loan to minorities
>ran budget surplus

he was shit for the economy. Only neolibs like him

The kikes that destroyed the economy under Clinton

Robert Rubin
Alan Greenspan
Larry Summers


She needs to give him something to do, so he's not flying around the world to have sex with minors.


JFK hired his brother as Attorney General, and that's an official legal Congress-approved highest executive position (and he was in the Oval Office for every crisis).

Hillary had kinda a similar role for Bill when Bill was president, as sort of an unofficial everpresent advisor/senior staffer/liason/surrogate. Basically everybody assumes Bill will take on something of a similar position to Hillary.

Hillary by making the statement is sorta casually reminding people that the economy was the awesomest it was in over 100 years under Bill.

tfw you are right and she is poisoning him as a sacrifice for the white house. she sells her soul completely to the devil, i will laugh when trump still btfo´s her

Isn't Bill brain dead? He was unable to speak the last time I checked.

is he really suitable for that job? he looks really sick

This is like House of Cards shit 2bh

That doesn't say much


it does look like someone draped his skin over a robot

Is House of Cards any good? I've heard a lot of people talk about it, but I can get finish the first episode, I know I have a short attention span, but I can watch it if I know it will pick up.

not very good, no

Dilma was entirely controlled by Lula, she followed his instructions to the letter. Turns out having a puppet president isn't a good thing.

>Trump is a plant for Hillary
>Hillary is a plant for Trump

It's hilarious how the narrative flipped like that.

It gets boring after second season, forth season has its moments, fucked up my earlier post sorry


>Is it a victory for women that Clinton wants her husband to do the part of her job that involves math?

don't be a dunce, mate. campaign politics rarely resemble in office realities. what each candidate is doing is trying to wrangle in the majority of voters. the majority of democrats have fond memories of the Clinton years due to what came after with W. she's just basing her rhetoric off of that. same with Bernie promising free college for everyone and Trump with building walls and getting someone else to pay for it. it's all just campaign politics, mate.

jeez, lots of rookies on the boards these days.

I think Greenspan, at least, might be a human being. he had the decency to admit he was wrong after the 2008 crash