What the fuck gives Walmart the right to check my bags as I'm leaving the store?

What the fuck gives Walmart the right to check my bags as I'm leaving the store?

Who wouldn't be suspicious after seeing someone as autistic as you

Doesn't your family work the entrance? smooth sailing retard

It's their store, they can do what they want. Just like cops can pull you over and search your car for no reason.

private property. be glad they dont check your bumhole as well.

They have no right. You simply say "No, thank you." and keep walking. LP can't legally touch or grab you.

are you a nigger?



you're on their property. they have the right to ask you if they can look in your bags before you leave.

however, you don't have to let them. just breeze on by and say "no, thank you" when they tell you they need to look in your bag.

they can ask, but they can't make you.

Probable cause.


the fact you look like you stole something, nigger.

Copypasta must always be checked at the door, faggot.

because they only have those bag checkers at the ghetto environments.

"the more you know".

the same thing we said every other time you autistically made this thread. now fuck right off.

Nigger Detected.

I confront them before they get a chance to confront me. That's how I walk out the store with free groceries, my nigga.

thats fake news. have to have probable cause otherwise that's an unreasonable search.

if you get pulled over and they ask if they can search, you can say no

not even the same picture stupid
the fuck isn't even capitalized dummy

They have the right to ask you if they can, not to stop you or detain you. Only law enforcement have that kind of authority and even then there usually needs to be a demonstrable reason.

The real question should be: what am I doing in my life that people in WalMart suspect me of stealing and how can I stop that from happening?

Was just at the Walmart near my house and there was someone checking people's carts as they left. I started to walk by and the guy tried to tell me I have to wait and be checked


did you shoot him?

It's their property.

Nigga you lie

Nigga we fed.

Nothing. And they can't impede your leave either. They could call the police I suppose, but I doubt most would bother.

>thinks that if you say "no" to a search, cops can't continue whatever they want to do.

That cop had better not have a body cam on. If he does, he'll be enjoying a paid leave after forcing a search on someone.

Legally, you paid for everything in your bag and own it all, so you aren't obliged to stop and let them check. You aren't subordinate to the stores you shop at.