Reminder that a Fucking huge Sun spot just around the west side of the sun is about to aim straight at earth

Reminder that a Fucking huge Sun spot just around the west side of the sun is about to aim straight at earth

Last time it pointed at earth we had the 2016 Japan quakes and some radio loss

Get ready

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fucking jews

Its pretty cool, put on a double pair of welding goggles and you can actually see it with your naked eyes.

neat as fuck.

shit the one day i left my welding goggles in my other pants

whats even crazier is that one sun spot is about the size of jupiter

As a NEET, i am accustomed to the fact that the sun is my eternal enemy.

Sunspots don't cause earthquakes.


When will it hit? Days ? Months?


When is it hitting?


They could actually. A solar flare carries with it a magnetic field. That magnetic field interacts with our magnetosphere and in turn our magnetosphere affects our planet's crust. One unlikely arrangement of the flare can create disruptions in our magnetosphere that can alter the way the crust shifts over the mantle and that could trigger an earthquake if it's in the right position and arrangement. The connections are there.

a jewish security company had assumed responsibility of fukushima 6 months before the "quake"

>your daily reminder kikes literally did everything

source pls

Thanks Trudeau

This happens pretty much weekly

stop pretending you understand science

Just tried this. Clearly visible.

Underrated film

Good taste murica

Yellowstone good bye.

Just seen with naked eye. There sunlight send to have cured my depression. Only took five minutes. Time to get a job and a gf.

Jim Stone originally broke it, source is pretty tinfoil, I don't believe it 100% but knowing how the kikes like to fuck around, I wouldn't rule it out.

> implying causal relationship between sunspots and quakes

EM observations around earthquakes are BECAUSE of quakes, they dont INDUCE quakes

negative. the connections aren't there.

one of the best movie soundtracks.

>revolving around the solar jew


Youre retarded




Nice source faggot

I get spooked out by how huge things are sometimes

>I'm a black star, I'm a black star

Planets and shit we can see are small. The scale of the universe is fucking mind blowing. Almost makes you want to off yourself since we'll never have an effect on the universe

>Welding goggles.
>naked eyes.

Shaking my head to be honest famalamadingdong.

Nice sauce bro.

It's a leaf, no surprise there.

Are sun spots little floating islands that are made of cooled lava?

Wouldn't it be cool to use a sun spot as like a surf board?

Oh well

Takes the pressure off too i guess

2nd post best post

sure totally.

The sun's pretty gay.


Sun spots are holes caused by the magnetic field concentrating in one area. Although cooler than the rest of the sun it would probably instantly incinerate you.

But yes it would be fucking amazing to use a sunspot to surf the sun.

Because I'm confident that there is not enough research to prove or deny a claim of that nature.

And Jupiter's big red spot is about the size of the earth!

>huge spot
don't worry for the Sun is a very small orb, a few dozen miles wide and not even a sphere.

What are sun spots made of?

Just because they didn't create them in our historical research doesn't mean a freak sunspot never before observed could hit us just right and create one.

Quantum mechanics states that one could keep pushing against a wall for a long time and by chance you could pass through the wall. It's highly improbable but not impossible. Yet many people will say it is and even show you graphs of how many times it's been tried to no avail.

That's the important part of a theory you should wrap your head around. You should always keep your mind open to what's possible, regardless of how improbable.

this graph is bullshit
according to this crap there wasnt 7+ magnitude in the last 35 years.
also no one cares about the numbers of sunspots, what matters is the size of them and their direction (earth)