Karl marx did have a point and real communism WAS NEVER TRIED

karl marx did have a point and real communism WAS NEVER TRIED

captalism is a system that exploits labour from hardworking black man therefor captalism is racism and if u support captalism u are racst too

He was a very, very smart man. The world would have been a lot better if commies and tankies had actually read him before they started killing people.

You are fucking stupid



>"captalism is a system that exploits labour from hardworking black man therefor captalism is racism and if u support captalism u are racst too"
WTF I love capitalism now

Hotel ahead

Real communism has been tried, and it works. There are many monasteries which are legit communist communities.
It doesn't normally work because of greed.

here's a suggestion for communists / socialists / anarchists:

write down exactly what you mean by communism, or socialism, or anarchism. spell it out in great detail. get all your friends to check it and agree with it.

THEN implement it.

> nobody ever agrees

fucking real communism cant exist with humanity, because it disregards human self interest.
"communism" is the easiest ploy to get an entire society under the thumb of a totalitarian regime.

he got his maid pregnant and then kicked her out onto the street. he was a cunt.

This is accurate. All living examples of communism has been a multi-tier system with a ruling class and proles, just like capitalism.


When do you guys start Grade 8?

Communism's real flaw is that it it failed to say exactly how the revolution should be carried out and what to do to prevent it from backsliding into an unequal society. The communism that was carried out in the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, Korea, etc. only managed to invert the power structures they fought against, creating new classes of inequality, not replace them.

Why do people bring this up? Especially the first part of what you said.

Communism is rape. Capitalism is freedom. America is a fed run corperatism government. If only America could practice pure capitalism

Not true. The reason why they invariably fail is human greed. The only times communism works is when it is done in an altruistic vacuum, like a Monastery.

Can you explain why you believe what you do, instead of making assertions without any evidence to support your claim?

what is a character flaw?

You know, communism is more one of those things that's introduced to me through memes (thank you boris) but then I looked into and I mean... it's not bad, but it's not good. It's just a different way to live

It's always funny how morons like you always double down on this kind of horseshit when someone fucks up.

>Soviet Union
"That wasn't REAL Communism!"

"That wasn't REAL Socialism!"

>Sweden can't even plow the streets that should be prioritized first, forcing Stockholm into a gridlock
"That wasn't REAL Feminism!"

Just take your stupid shit off my planet, ok? You're interrupting my late-night sitcom, otherwise known as Sup Forums.

Go read the gulag archipelago, or as its known amongst people with sense "Communisms greatest hits"

Is this a response to what I've said?


>hardworking black man
Where can I find these? Never seen one

Its a very short life when you get taken in the night and executed for working too hard and making your fellow comrades jealous for not performing at their level.

>but user that wouldnt happen

Nigger its a socialist society everyones snitchin and makin shit up about everyone so they can get an extra grain of rice for sucking the local oligarchs balls.

>hardworking black man

How bout you save me the time, and you articulate a proper argument.


Communism is the perfect form of government. For ants. Why? Because they're all identical.

It can't work for humans. We are different from each other.

And if I get the same stuff a man who works very hard gets what's my.motivation to work?


Here's the thing:

The white man could have built America without the black man's help. It just would have been harder.

The black man would have NEVER built something like America on his own - the white man had to whip him to make him do it, and without the white man's guidance, it will fall apart. See Detroit.


It can't be tried, though. It takes more than human capability and character to administrate communism or you end up with the same subversions into cult of personality over and over again. Too much power ends up in the hands of too few and they try to use communism to remake the world in their image every goddamn time.

For humans to "try" communism it would have to be administrated by a computer, who programs the computer itself would turn into a microcosm of the communist problem and it's highly likely even an attempt at making the computer would be ruined by people. You simply don't deserve to be communist, you will never be communist, you will always live in a system where living is a struggle because the moment you step away from the demands of nature you "mysteriously" begin to fail. Accept your limitations as a conscious, animal being. You can't live without war for long, warrior.

Since when is getting somebody pregnant, in and of itself, a character flaw? He might have been a cunt in other ways, but this part doesn't really highlight that for me.

Communism isn't going to work because humans have instincts they can't overcome you fucking retard.

It's also bait. kys.

I was under the impression the Marx theory (although not entirely definable) was the idea that class and structure of a socioeconomic nation under capitalism was soiled by money , greed and class imbalance.

Not taking money and property from the rich to give to the poor, like socialism?

And not like taking everyones shit away and giving everyone fuck all in return but bare neccesities in exchange for labour , like the commies?

or we can continue insisting that there doesn't need to be an absolute and apply the law equally.

we can let will to power continue to drive prosperity instead of territory

or, most likely, we'll keep electing Donald Cuck because "he makes me feel good"



It's supposed to be based on a scientific plan and an atheist state, it sounds great but flaws in reasoning, mainly concerning "dialectic" reasoning result in a situation where the scientific planning and socialistic sense of wellbeing-for-all are subsumed by increasingly militaristic plans based on ideological purity of fewer and fewer individuals, becoming increasingly insane and violent as it goes in response to ideological opposition within the shrinking ingroup.

Humans are literally too stupid and selfish to scientifically plan their own future and are at the whim of market forces. Oh, and communism can't make the market just go away - the black market grew in communist nations the more commies clamped down, as it always does regardless of the reason it's being suppressed. The market is omnipresent, the market is barter and favors if it needs to be.

Yet people want to be free of "alientating work" as marxism-leninism put it so badly the millstone will turn forever until we're eventually Star Trek motherfuckers with too much tech to give a shit anymore.

And you're also gay.


Regarding Star Trek, what exactly would their 'system' be classed as?

I've wondered this for years and it seems idealic. Work to progress yourself not to accumilate money and other concepts of 'value' like a greedy jew.

People plan their own future on a daily basis, the only ideological jump it's expand that to everybody.

This is a fabulous response

>groups with a social hierarchy and answer to the authority of the vatican
More like communistic.

















What's this about?

Realistic pure communism, full scientific leadership and planning in all things. This, though, did not nearly occur until the near-past of the times of any Star Trek story and no Star Trek character from Earth was born pre-pure-communism or remembers it. Their history includes a full-on-nuclear WW3 and a decidedly nasty WW4-like situation in which they decided to not genetically engineer themselves because that's Body Capitalism or some shit. (Also, for dramatic emphasis, it makes you EVIL). But, you know, Star Trek people can just replicate gold and food and 95% of the pieces of their starships from their near-infinite energy sources. That's pretty fucking much what it would take and humans even in Star Trek were violent fuck-ups before this point.

But that's IMPOSSIBLE. It's like saying people drive to work every day and the only technological jump is to faster than light travel.

Communists never learn. Can't have freedoms with group identity over individual identity.





Poor attempt and recreating a recently successful b8 thread.










The best society is one where we eliminate money entirely. It is absolutely 3rd world country ass backwards that in todays day and age, anybody has to work a job that does not provide more than enough money to live comfortably and independently.

There should be no such thing as minimum wage. There should only be, the bare minimum, you getting enough to live independently and comfortably without having to cut corners on anything you want within reason.

That should be a basic thing that is provided by society at this point. No system thus far has been able to do this. So instead, we either

A- Stop complaining about the systems and find a way to abuse the properties of the system to make it amazing

B- We make an entirely new system that absolutely destroys and surpasses any other system there has ever been.


So, when you disagree with somebody, you spam their thread until it prunes? That is, no doubt, childish and lame.

You have been visited by the SS kitten of protection. You will be protected from all brain-damaged communists, but only if you reply with sleep well kitty.
