I've lost two kittens in a three week margin

I've lost two kittens in a three week margin.
I loved them with all my heart and they were extremely docile, which makes me think that someone is killing cats in my area.
They kinda were the only thing anchoring me to the world, not even vidya fill me anymore.
Wat do?

I used to kill cats for a job growing up
Me and my friend split the reward 50/50 from this guy with chickens in his yard, he said it was killing his chickens so he wanted us to trap them and give them to him but what ended up happening was we would trap them right, and we would forget about them. Several days later we found dead cats in nearly all of them.


I live in a city and my home's garden is an interior one(it is enclosed by buildings and I have neighboring gardens)

So, you let your cats roam the neighborhood freely and you wonder why you can't ensure their safety?

Is this the "outdoor cat" meme again?

You are an idiot who didn't read Fuck you.

And no, it's a legit post.
But whatever.
I'll just go get drunk and fuck off my retarded hide

I posted it fucking 2 minutes before you posted.
What The Fuck.
Whatever anyway. Fuck off.
Let the thread get purged

My uncle lives on a farm and sometimes he gathers kittens in a sack or a cage and drowns them so the cat population doesn't get out of control. How does this make you feel?

Where I live it's a crime to do that so...
I understand why he does it but we don't have a population problem where I live.
First of all, I'm an eurofag.

Boy, you sure are mad. Maybe you're just mad at yourself for being irresponsible. Those helpless little kittens dies because of you. You should have know better than to let your fragile baby kittens roam the back yard (or whatever the fuck it is). Have you considered maybe a hawk scooped them up, or a fox or something ate them?

I think what hurts me more is the fact that when I tell this to my mother who fucking lives with me she will say "then get another two", like they were a fucking toy

>someone is killing cats in my area
It's another animal you fucking retard.
If you actually give a shit about your kittens, why not keep them inside?

No prey birds where I live.
Kittens had 7 months, what the fuck.
I've seen cats with 4 months live in a fucking forest area with zero issue.
But since I live in this area... idk.

Mother literally didn't fucking let me.
I'm seriously thinking about kick her outta home, it was supposed to be a few weeks and she's living here for a fucking year already.

Are there any Chinese restaurants in your area?

lies its not a crime in any of europoor land in fact euro poors have some of the biggest cat overpopulation in the world and people get paid 200000 a year to exterminate them constantly in mass. guy in brit bong land said he kills over 200 a week. army men in the middle east will literally go around shooting cats because they are disease ridden monsters that kill live stock.

European regulations makes us safe about this.
But no.

In majorca is a penalty you fucking idiot.
Go live in your retrograde UK for all I care.
Here in Majorca we LOVE cats.

cats should not be inside. it's prison to them.

Well Satan, seeing as how you aren't responsible when it comes to caring for pets, and you're posting on Sup Forums, I would have to say that your mother is letting you stay in her place and YOU were only supposed to be there for a few weeks. You're just gonna have to grow up and learn to properly care for your pets, or else don't have them.

Anyway I don't care for the thread. You guys just are gonna trigger and troll me to oblivion.

cat killer.

Frog worshipper

nigger whisperer.

just wait a year cats all fuck and you'll get more kitties

fag enabler.

I love the look on the faggot cat's face as he tries to escape

I seriously want to eat a cat

cock enforcer

Well fuck you guys, one just appeared right now.

rump ranger.

Sorry about your cats op :(

Don't feel bad, some chink is gonna have a real tasty meal

You're killing entire species by having outdoor cats. Sorry for your loss but you can really only blame yourself

p fuck that chink then

>cats should not be inside. it's prison to them.

you have a choice... cats have a three year average lifespan outdoors, or one up to 15 indoors. you put them outside, that "freedom" is literally killing them.

Outdoor cats in Majorca usually live for 9-11years.
Without being fat af.

Lmfao "illegal"

Yep, them cops gonna go up to the boonies ro go check on some cats that shit out like 50 more cats 5 times a week

If he let the get out of control, the officer would probably help him, im NA and my stepfather was fucked up from doing this kuz he was a nice guy, and some fucked shit with his uncle when he was a kid, and his dad killing his wifes lover than shooting himself in the, all together gave him killer tendencies

Like his 1 time tendency of trying to kill my family before o defended them, got them out the house, which he then killed himself while swat raided

tl;dr: it's a fucking cat you pussy, if that's what happiness your life boils down to, i would make 1 of either choice, kms, or opt for a better life.. I've chosen the latter and I'm noticing significant improvements in my quality of life

Unless you had some john wick thing going on with the cats, which you don't because someone didn't promise you freedom after an 'impossible' task, you just need to grow the fuck out of this whiny manchild bullshit