Post the last picture you save don't ask questions

Post the last picture you save don't ask questions











Why Poppy?




it's a shame the creator of that gif is a faggot












i can explain.

last thing I downloaded






He knows who I am =D











here you go









Don't ask













No matter how many times i see this its Still an interesting effect








Fucking racist chink




A woman is either a virgin or a slut THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN







Okay I know for a FACT Eric wasn't jew, in fact he almost shot Dylan for being jew, so HA



63 posters/ 77 images? ITT - disregard premise.


Would be super hot if it had a penis. 0/10 since it doesn't though.

>the last image you saved
>82 images
>67 posters

who dis one



Right? Thanks



Honestly decent thread