What is the Pepsi of film?

What is the Pepsi of film?

Back to the Future

Star Trek

the DCEU

DCEU as a whole is pepsi



"I want to watch Die Hard"
"We don't have it, is Speed okay?"


Wayne's World


So, what is the film that people prefer over others until they see the brand?

What is the Mountain Dew Code Red of film?

No. What is the good film that everyone ignores whilst choosing to watch a infinitely inferior but more popular version of it because of the latter's name alone?

what kino does this represent?


the films of Wed Anderson

It makes sense. It is less plebian than regular cola but still plebian. And I like both.

Pepsi: Wes Anderson
Coca Cola: Spielberg
Fanta: Spike Lee
Mountain Dew: Tarantino

X-men franchise

Cold War propaganda films.

Don't you mean Under Siege?

Fight Club

>any soda
Americans, everyone