Sup Sup Forumsros

sup Sup Forumsros,
62k of student loan debt right here, if i end up in a rekt webm this gets passed to my momom and papaa, that fucking stinks. i dont like this.
How much debt do you have?

0.15 k because i used scholarships

also what did u major

none. uni is a waste of time

also what did u major

university is a lie perpetuated by student loan banks.

job exp> college degree. find me an employer who would take a college graduate over 30+ year old experienced worker with no college?

the smart answer is take the older, more mature worker who has hands on. sorry to disappoint you

13k euro, i can pay it back spread over 30 years.

did someone just rekt webm?
rekt webms!

Absolutely zero. Car and condo paid off, pay off credit cards every month, and put myself through college using scholarships and working full time. Feelsgoodman.

College is only a waste of time if you don't continue to work during your years there. Or if you get a bullshit degree in the arts or philosophy or sociology. Get a degree is business. The only people who tell you college is a waste are the ones too stupid to finish.

>gets loan
well you are a meme now boi,only idiots get loans.



T. Pleb

150k here. With the way interest and capitalization work, I would essentially need to make $200k+ to even have a chance of ever paying it off.

However, I'll be paying my 10-15% of my income for about 20 years and then the rest will disappear. I just think it's weird that no one has a real plan for how the economy is supposed to operate.

rekt thread

This is retarded, some jobs require a degree


I had a scholarship but I'm going to flunk and drop out because it's too much stress for me.
Computer systems engineering or what ever.
It has dawned on me that I'd literally prefer a cashier's job if the place was chill and there weren't many customers. That or retail perhaps.


21 years old with $32,000 sitting in my bank and zero debt. Debt is for faggots who aren't good with money. Yes. Even if it's 1 cent in debt. I've beverage been in debt my whole life.

>but muh college debt!

Go work your ass off first before going to college you sorry fuck. If you can't pay anything upfront full in cash, whether it be a house, college, car, etc. Then don't buy it in the first place.


House costs 375k. Like everyone has that under their bed


dance like no one's watching


73000$ here

How about YOU WORK FOR THAT MONEY FIRST YOU FAGGOT FUCK. anyone can make that money in a decade of working.


None, because in Scotland, University is free.


We're on Sup Forums yet people still lie about themselves.

Simple fact is, unless you're a basement dweller paying zero rent, the only way 99.9% of the population will get their own home is by getting a mortgage.

That's how the world works champ.



user, if you were to an hero, just do it. If you are afraid to get posted in rekt thread then don't create a drama. Be quick about it so people don't have time to record you jumping off of a building etc. Also it is unlikey to happen if you live in UK or USA and Canada. Suicide news are not "big" there.

$0, taking my associates online and then getting IT certs after. Very fortunate my father left me money to make sure my education is debt free. It's fun sitting and watching my friends go to college FILLED with debt thinking they have to for the "experience" and "its the only way" Nigger I'm getting my degree at an extreme low cost because I chose to miss out on that oh so lovely "experience" which I've visited and stayed over at friends dorms, that shit is fucking pathetic how much colleges scam students who dorm.

I just laugh at people paying thousands a year on dorming to live in a fucking closet, fucking just love that.

Go fuck yourself, that implies you can set aside 37.5K per year for 10 years, but half the fuckers here make minimum wage. Not just anyone can make that much money, it implies you have a high paying job.





Lets get more of this! i Love seeing scum get punched full of holes!

Worked in the military first for 6 years. I'll loosely calculated that I'll be in some debt after college, but it'll be hugely marginalized thanks to the G.I. bill (I'll be in ~$2,000-5,000 in debt as opposed to ~$100,000-120,000). I'm going into Computer Science, so as long as I'm stupid about internships I should be able to pay that back in no time.


I'll owe like $20k for my 4 year business degree. Thankfully VT state schools don't rape you blind like most other states and private schools.

Wow. Too early this morning to use words properly, but the numbers are accurate.


He protec but he also attac

Fuckin niggers
hate em

How will your parents get your debt? Is it all PLUS loans? That's fucked up, why didn't you get the other federal loans first? Those can't be passed on to anyone unless they volunteer to pay them!

$138k from law school. Eh could be worse. I make enough as a lawyer to meet the monthly payments. Still able to own a home, just in my wife's name. If you can make the payments, it's just a number. It sucks but I try not to think about it. Now if you are in huge debt from some shit degree you can't use, then yeah you are fucked.

see if you're eligable for loan forgiveness.

My boo just got 80k of student loans forgiven for working in the correctional system for like 5 years.

None, I'm not an american.

You need to educate yourself on opportunity cost and capital gains. Debt can be a good thing.

Fuck I hate humans

Many require a degree or equivalent experience.

>Live in Murica
>Not allowed to buy legit booze below 21 yrs old cause it's bad
>Put your ass in debt not even knowing if you'd be able to pay it off