If you don't know who gg allin...

If you don't know who gg allin .. I will be posting vids and pics to help enlighten you scum fucks and to start the thread.

anything related to degeneracy, punk, rock&roll, blood/shit, related artists, defilement, abuse, and general deviance, go here, in this thread.

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He had no talent, though. He never honed his lack of talent, to become lack of skill. He had nothing enlightening to contribute to the world, only hatred and nihilism, and to top it all off his penis was miniscule.

G.G. Allin was a literal waste of everything. In fact, the only thing interesting about G.G. Allin was the documentary made about him by Todd Phillips, back when Todd Phillips actually gave a shit.


He was also a paedophile, he would have got along great with Trump, who is also a paedophile.


No matter what you are insimulating with the pictuer:
Trump had no hand in killing GG.


GG was a god.

Why not link the doc then:

G.G. Allin & The Murder Junkies


working link



To me, he seems to be a libtard or redneck. Not our kind of people anyway.

Actually his early stuff, especially with The Jabbers is quite good.

He totally sucked after 1985, but a lot of stuff before then is decent and listenable.

He WAS our kind of people!
He was, dare I say, Our Guy?

He was neither a libtard OR a redneck.




I do not mean to sound classist, but that collar and padlock look kind of cheap to me.

Speak for yourself you absolute fucking degenerate.

GG. Allin was a retard, who fapped and played with feces on stage, the people who followed him were equally retarded.

Anyone who bigs this faggot up is aedge lord faggot and should have people shit on their grave like G

Marquis de Sade may be more to your liking.

GG Allen was a talentless sham who got famous off shock value and contributed to killing off the ethics of punk and promoting hate. Fuck him.

Hate is essential to punk. Lemme guess, you came in during the 90's?


I'm too drunk for this

Late 70's and up. The kind of hate he promoted was against our fellow man rather than the government and its lies and oppressive systems. Same with all the sellout punk bands who criticized capitalism and big business while reaping in millions.

Niece dupple tribbs dough.


GG was god. And in thanks for my double-tripps, heres 7/11 by Mindless Self Indulgenge:



Seems like a waste of space

right Bill like we dont know about your lolita island

Soooo, he was Sup Forums personified?

kenny gg allin

terrible photo shopp

GG Allen was a god among men. Home Improvement was literally the best show of all time.


g.Sup Forums allin


What kind of neckbeard scumbag doesn't know who GG Allin is

That's really Wild Man Fischer!
His name is Larry. Darth Cheeto has excellent taste in music.



GG died the day I was born

It is why I came into the world crying

No Room for Nigger by g/b/ allin and the murder junkies:


LOL He was about EVERYTHING, not teenage nuthin'.

Kill the police
Kill the whole force
Smash the system
Destroy the courts


I hate people

Still mad about that election, huh kid?


Oh man


Hated is fucking amazing.

The Dee Dee Ramone interview is the funniest thing I've ever seen.