Maybe I'm missing something here but when I looked at all that's happened to Chris and then see people online call him...

Maybe I'm missing something here but when I looked at all that's happened to Chris and then see people online call him out and say he's the bad guy in this situation I can't help but feel confused.

I get it he's not the fucking second coming of Christ I mean he pepper sprayed some random Game Stop employee over Sonic for fuck's sake. But when you take into consideration all the shit that's happened to him over the years and how he's been treated by both his garbage parents and by preteen edgelords online how can you act like he's the one in the wrong?

With Chris' horrible mental state and vulnerability, the people who aren't retarded that are harassing and taking advantage of him have more responsibility to behave like decent human beings than Chris, yet he's the one that gets shit for acting stupid.

I'm not trying to be a white knight god of morals here but Y'all niggas make no sense.

Other urls found in this thread:

Eh it's both sides chris wanted the attention tbh he could've been gotten offline if he wanted to

duel me for china faggot

also gib boyfriend free girl pls

Pity is the last thing you should feel for her.



nice try chris, but you are just retarded

he gonna eat his baby

He'll lose interest with it after a week and it'll starve to death.

It's that Matt Stone?
He looks like the dude that joint made South Park.

Jesus Christ, please if there is a God don't let this happen.

Don't worry, nobody will let Chris get knocked up because he isn't even able to care for himself.

I must admit that I tought it was hillarious when he first surfaced a decade ago. There has always been lolcows out there, but there is something wrong with the level of trolling he is experiencing. They have a day-to-day log on what he's doing.

Kinda sick.

I'm reading his Encyclopedia Dramatica article. Is it true he's 'transitioning' now? It's a shame to see his life so publicly documented but its very very interesting.

The worst trouble he's found a way into was entirely caused by himself with no input from trolls whatsoever.

Burning down his house? Idiot making coffee in the bathroom.

Hitting a man with his car? Idiot being butthurt after getting banned from a store for being an utter racist creep.

Spraying an innocent person with mace in Gamestop? Okay, SEGA unintentionally trolled Chris with the change in color of Sonic's arms, but random trolls out there had nothing to do with it. All Chris.

The rule 34 he drew of his friend and uploaded to ED? All Chris.

I'll admit the Bluespike ass medallion and leaked nudes stuff was pretty fucked up, and definitely hurts his social life. But damn, this motherfucker burned down his own house and assaulted two people on his very own.

He's dressing in woman's clothes and sports a five o'clock shadow while trying to score with lesbians

If growing out your hair, wearing ill-fitting female clothing, and slathering your body in your mom's menopausal cream is considered transitioning, then yes he is.

Yes, he is. He went from a massive homophobe to a SJW, saying that he's a female in a male body, but is still interested in women, so he's a lesbian (according to him).

It's a pretty safe assumption he still hates gay dudes and a good bit of this was a ploy to try and get laid by women, given how much of a failure he's been at trying to get laid as a straight male.

in his defense, most of his male clothes were ill fitting and he often wore his mothers underwear before the whole christine chandler thing

>Bluespike ass medallion
What the fuck? I'm not well versed in the Chris-chan lore, what is this? Is pic related, by any chance?

Yes but now he thinks he is growing feminine breasts and is convinced they are D cups, all thanks to listening to youtube videos. His clothing not fitting means he's become a real woman in his mind.


I used to enjoy reading ED but looking over it now they just seems like a bunch of bullies.

Not to bluespike. Recently Chris sold his Sonic Totem for $1500 to an australian and he did an unboxing thread on Sup Forums.

I happen to agree with both this and cutting him some slack based on his legit autism, what is most likey beow average intelligence, poor parental guidance, and resulting character features.
I DEFINITELY think the internet discovering him was a push off the cliff for him tho. He probably would have had a much.more stable life if he had lived in obscurity wasn't pulled into all the toxic flaming and trolling and bad ideas and impulsive decisions just because he gravitates toward attention like a moth to a flame.

Nah this is unrelated. Chris started selling all his shit when he got desperate for money but didn't wanna get a job.

Bluespike was a 13 year old boy who convinced Chris he was actually an 18 year old girl and would have cyber- and phone sex with him for hours for weeks. He got Chris to do that video of him humping a sex doll and yelling JULLAYYYYYY!

Later, he blackmailed Chris into cutting his medallion into pieces then shoving them up his ass. And this was BEFORE he revealed Julie was a teenage boy.

It got really fucked up. I genuinely felt bad for him then.

Well, you say that, but Chris had managed to get himself suspended from community college for sperging out with that stupid "Attraction Sign" and flipping out in the dean's office. That was before he was ever discovered. Was regularly pulling bullshit and getting arrested for loitering and soliciting wayyyy before Sup Forums found him.

But yeah, as far as completely losing his mind, the trolls do share in the blame. And shit like getting kicked out of his church, followed around town, having shit mailed to his house and parents, all the crazy phone calls from weens... It's enough to turn someone.

He is an easy target, for sure. But he's also a terrible fucking human being, autism, intelligence, and parents aside.

I'm not into harassing him, nor do I wish harm on him. I think those who legit want to hurt him are equally pathetic. But I've seen too many functional human beings hide behind autism while committing heinous acts and been ass-patted all the way.

"I'm as sad, single, and lonely as a 22oz bottle of pepsi."

Holy shit.

"It has been reported that at some point in 2015, Chris(tine) got a piercing in the area between his asshole and nutsack, which is possibly the most unholy, god-forsaken daemon infested strip of matter aside from hell itself. According to Chris' internet research, lesbians engage in a practice known as scissoring where they rub their clitorises together, and being a male identified lesbian, Chris wanted the piercing so he could use it with a future lesbian lover. As usual, Chris paid no care to his personal hygiene, which resulted in the pierced area getting infected. A friend (possibly a troll) suggested he remove the piercing and let it heal, and the sore supposedly evolved into a flesh hole which in Chris-chan's warped mind resembles a vagina. "

I'm reaching my limit.

It's called a CWC-ism. An autistic slang language of his very own.

China = vagina

Duck = penis

Navy = semen

4-Cent-Garbage = 4 Chan

Monthly Tugboat = His Social Security disability check (autism welfare)

DIRTY CRAPPED BRIEFS = He shits himself on a regular basis.

...and a million more.

the autists who actually hate chris and continue to harass him are referred to as "weens" and "a-logs" and are even more looked down upon than chris himself in among the "trolling" communities

No fucking way. How deep does this septic tank of a rabbit hole go?

For anyone who wants to dive down a deep, dark hole, visit

It makes his ED page look like a stub on wikipedia. Seriously, this dude has an entire wiki devoted to him, and it's probably the most extensive set of documentation of anyone's life on the internet.

It starts out chronicling individual years, then spirals out in the modern era into *daily* updates.

I would assume there aren't any 22oz
drinks. So if one existed it'd be lonely. Did you really need that explained?

I mean, just hit random on the Cwcki. You'll end up in some fucked up places.

Yeah welcome to Sup Forums.
Barely anyone deserves what he gets on here at least from an ethical pov. Remember jessy? She was like 12 and talked shit about how cool she was. Definitly a reason to destroy her life lol.
People here are not batman, they are masochists who like to see others suffer, since it distracts them from their own misery. If you couldnt see this by yourself you are probably an idiot.

That's from 2 FUCKING DAYS AGO!? What the fuck is wrong with this man. This is beyond any documented disability.

Honestly, if someone isn't doing a dissertation on this whole odyssey, I'm appalled.

Especially when you consider in the space of a few years he went from virulently anti-gay to this.

I gotta wonder how a normal person would react to finding there to be an entire wiki solely devoted to documenting every aspect of their lives. That's gotta be a fucking trip.

He's a high-functioning autist, his social skills are nom-existant

Truman show

That's not what that means.

It's hard to tell if he's going insane from it, or if the things he says and does that are insane can be attributed to autism and other things apart from the internet interest. Maybe both.

Mfw I came in here and newfags are learning about CWC like young pups

All y'all niggas bout to learn, I'm a hardcore Christorian. Ask me anything that you're too lazy to find out yourself.

And yes, I've spoken with Chris numerous times irl and online.

>going on Sup Forums to call people new because you are yourself new

He's basically the only real-world gangstalking victim who isn't just a paranoid loon. It has to contribute to his insanity at least in part. If he even recognizes just how unusual his situation is, that is.

shes a weird girl with a very cringey past that's been easy picking for trolls for always taking the bait, making her life worse than it already was and slipping deeper and deeper into a delusional world where everything would be okay if she just stayed the course.

that said, ive seen some growing up in the past few years especially after the gamestop bullshit. she still seems pretty unplugged from reality, but at least there's some efforts starting to take place. the transgender thing, strange as it sounds, might be the sanest thing ive seen her do. At first I thought it was just another ploy for her to garner pity and attention, but it doesn't seem that way so much anymore.

Idunno, maybe im getting old and im just tired of trolling people with deep rooted psychological issues. chris, christina, shes still a hot mess but less of one than she used to be. maybe not the route i wouldve suggested, but a route no less.

seems less miserable this way atleast.

>Chris recognizing anything other than this own shit-covered finger
my sides


I don't think I'm in any way better for having wasted so much time here. I know it's because I'm broken and lonely. I just thought it was cute how interested some people were. And the questions they were asking.

I'm at a stage in my life where I really want to raise young, and I think seeing these younger folks asking about cwc was just a projection of the endearment I want to feel towards my own young.

I'd hardly call the tomgirl saga the sanest thing. The Unclit, gaping hole that it is, was actually exacerbated by the fact that he used a fucking pocket knife to let the vagina emerge. He cut a goddamned slit in his taint because he thought a vagina was growing in there. That is not an improvement in mental health. It's self-harm based off a hunch with absolutely no bearing in reality whatsoever. I've never even seen the most batshit of conspiracy theorists do something like that.

He thinks binaural beats are giving him D sized tits and PSYCHIC POWERS.

I don't see how he's improved in any way whatsoever. Especially the new low in using his decrepit, demented mother as a prop in videos to beg for money when he's spending all his money on legos and vidya.

That said, going to Bronycon and trying to be more social are positive steps, so there's that. Well, I wouldn't call Bronycon positive, but he's at least trying to meet people and it seemed like he had fun, so good on him.

And no, I'm not calling Chris a she because I really don't buy his whole LGBT acceptance act. Not so long as he says shit like the gays "should be happy they're even on the ship."

I can't drink fanta because of him

I dunno if I agree on the whole transgender part, but I see where you're coming from on the whole "making fun of the special ed kid" thing. But it's hard to feel bad for him knowing that he's also an active participant in this circus. If he was trying to get out of the limelight and live a normal life then sure, I'd feel bad about it. But he does all sorts of shit to keep himself in the public's eye, even knowing that it always ends badly for him.

I'm sorry to hear that, man.

jesus christ. have you guys seen what the hell is going on with his cat? It sounds like a new addition to Nazi Zombies for call of duty.

I contacted the local vetrinarian about him, told them to contact the authorities / animal rescue. He cant even take care of that poor cat.

www (dot)

youre right. i guess im just trying to find some kind of silver lining. i genuinely think chris/christina is mentally handicapped, but also happens to be a tremendous attention whore and settles on pity as a replacement for praise. even if the mental handicap wasn't there, we'd still be looking at someone with an ego you could land a jumbo jet on with no sense of self


I know right? It does not sound healthy. Poor thing. I really fucking hope animal rescue will be on his ass, taking his animals.

Chris chan might be fucked in the head, but that poor animal shouldnt have to suffer like that.

Nah. I'd say that Chris is usually well-meaning. Death threats and violence to perceived enemies aside, that is.

Keemstar has always seemed to be just straight up malicious. Chris has SOME excuse for his behavior. The autism and many of his character defects genuinely aren't his fault. Can't say the same for Keem.

Onision maybe?

Why are people interested in him? Why does this thread exist? I've seen pictures of him over the years but that was it. Never knew about these websites and all the shit hes gotten into and.. I really don't feel like I've been missing out on anything. But people are dedicating their time to him? Why?

DSP might be a better analogy, I think.

Because he makes the rest of us feel like maybe we aren't so bad. He manages to live and seem happy, and he's a fucking disaster

Because he seems to do everything you least expect him to and people want to pick apart his thought process. Or that's what I take of it anyway.

Oh my fucking god that cat.

Because, love him or hate him, he's lead a very interesting life. He was fired from his job as a cashier for doing his Donald Duck impersonation, he was a mute for the better half of his childhood, and his name was picked by an fictional bear. God I wish I were making all of that up.


His house burnt down, he's spent countless hours loitering outside of businesses trying to attract a "boyfriend-free girl" with actual fucking signs, and his webcomic, Sonichu, has an extremely deep, retarded, and convoluted lore.

insane isnt it? Wow. How can someones mind be THAT broken.

Onision is someone with a decent amount of dirty laundry, he's also a piece of shit, but he thrives off attention. He'd consider become a target for trolls as a massive success. I would like someone to find some really bad shit on him, though. Maybe he'd reconsider his online act.

Yeah, it's pretty sad. That's where the morbid curiosity comes from.

Face it, he like a million more, is autistic and those of us on the spectrum, for better or for worst, CANNOT often help how we act. There are so many things which overwhelm us. Lighting, noise, sensory overload, socialising issues, anxiety, and unless you put your feet in OUR shoes, you can never understand what the hell we go through on a daily basis.

Why do people turn their heads to try and get a better look at a car crash? Morbid curiosity?

Chris is just truly unique. The things he does never cease to baffle people completely. It's easy to explain a homophobe coming out now, but seeing him go from so homophobic he had to write in fictional laws against homosexuality.. to being a full blown transexual so quickly was absolutely unforeseen.

Why would someone ever admit they drink their own semen with fanta to the entire internet? Why would they film it?

Who could've guessed he'd fucking mace someone over the color of Sonic's goddamned arms, or burn his house down making a cup of coffee?

It's a reality show but it's actually real and it's documenting someone so extraordinary, so bizarre, so hilariously inadequate that it's hard not to watch. And all it takes is for many people is one read and you're hooked.

Chris hit a guy with his car and drove off. The guy asked the judge to give Chris leniency, which he did. Chris then went online and called the guy an asshole and a Jew because he banned Chris from his store.

Chris is not a good dude and does not deserve sympathy.

I'd imagine many people who watch Chris are also the type to watch documentaries on the mentally ill and folks with disabilities.

Except they're also people who visit Sup Forums.

DUDE, there's a few feral cats (friendly ones) in my neighbourhood that sound EXACTLY THE SAME as his! Perfectly healthy too, sometimes a kitten's meow/voice just NEVER changes. Read up on that.

Exactly. Autism is very hard to deal with and control, so many things can cause problems with any individuals. Trust this, I am also autistic.

No, no that is not healthy at all. By the way, his cat sounded normal before. This is new, ive watched his shit before. His cat is ill. Also, it seems that his cats eye has got some kind of disease as well. Ive seen it on other animals. They need special eye drops.

He's a classic case of why it was wrong to get rid of Asylums.

Like I said, I get he's not a good dude but at the same time, I don't think he deserves the kind of treatment he's gotten.

He just got int trouble for going to church wearing his ears, tail, and horn. He was asked to remove them, and got so triggered, he had to go home and take a Valium and cry.

His cat was hit by a car, thats why the pupil is blown out and apparently suffered other brain damage. He did take the cat to the vet, it was treated and released.

He didn't do nuffin. He's a good boy.

Truth be told he's a pretty damaged man and we should probably leave him alone.

He is a waste of space. He would be better off dead.

Allllrighty the vet should at least check up on the kitty. Sounds like a sore throat due to the raspiness. Excuse the misspelling if any.

No, he has rights and freedoms like everybody else.

his dad died because of bug bites, the bug bites came from inside of their house. If anything, his cat is probably not going to live long inside of that filthy shithole.

Fucked up world we are living in, isnt it? Retards like him should be executed.

Your ignorance should

No, they deserve every right to live. Do you think the same about bill gates? He's autistic.

Learn how to spell mr.puerto rico. Less ingles more grassmowing, spic.

He stalks, assaults, and self-harms. He has no function in society, he'll eventually be under a cardboard box in some alley or bridge. An asylum is a mercy to people like him.

Bill gates atleast did something with his life. Not sitting at home like a retard. Not like you trap addicts sitting at home doing nothing. To be fair you should all be dead as well.

Sup Forums is entertaining. But you all should honestly just be dead. Not even joking. You are all pretty much degenerates.

Jesus, he isn't Bill Gates, he isn't inventing or coding anything, take your foot off the peddle.

>he pepper sprayed some random Game Stop employee over Sonic
lol what?