Fucked this chick in Vegas last weekend, added her on facebook and turns out she has a boyfriend...

Fucked this chick in Vegas last weekend, added her on facebook and turns out she has a boyfriend. Dubs decides what i do next

nothing. get on with your life

Tell the \b\ros for the lulz

Cum in her earhole


tell the dude because fuck thots

Screenshot this thread. Send the screenshots to her boyfriend. Psst results.

Hell yes

Pretend it didn't happen; you'll never get anything better

What happens in vegas stays in vegas


Who HASN'T fucked that chic?

moar pics then I ll help

Message him and tell him what happened. Ruin their relationship OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Message the boyfriend and spill the beans

dumping for win

immediately got it.

tell him about it

Ruin her relationship.

Off topic slightly , just walked in door from nailing a Korean whore in a massage parlor. Feels great man.


My first dubs, OP. do me proud.

tell the boyfriend, post screenshots here

Show her pics, threaten to send him pics if she don't pay you.
This is so obvious.

how about you tell the guy just so you know i fucked your girl in vegas last weekend . dont know if you know she sleeps around or not. do with that info what you will.


Post more of her pics here, then tell the boyfriend she's a cheating slut, then post pics of his response and her ensuing anger messages here.



dubs reply chain?


DId u wear a condom OP? Did u cum in her?

Poor fella


came on her back

They're already got
Great minds think alike

OP needs a new laptop.

Doesn't look like Vegas to me

Show us her pussy

>made sure she put her bra back on
>came on her back

So many dubs in this threado

OP Is a faggot.
Notice 15 yr old laptop in pics.
>Reverse google image.
>Finds entire album from LOOOOONG ago.


Call her again and fuck her again. Just don't marry her cheating ass.

literally larping op, old pics

she must have been insanely drunk

Fuck the boyfriend

OP is some pathetic little faggot who was hoping for approval from user for one brief moment.
Gets shut done right away.
Likely cutting himself now.


tits dont match faggot

Tell the bf

Fuck the BF