/b knows a lot about masturbating... so I have a question about it

/b knows a lot about masturbating... so I have a question about it

Does anyone masturbate and squeeze really hard during the Orgasm and no Semen comes out? I do it all the time

The real question:
Does that affect fertility at all? If someone was trying to have a kid does this type of masturbation have negative effects?

I used to do that a lot when I was younger and I regret it

Did it cause problems? I don't know. But whenever I have any sort of problem (keeping it up, mostly) I always wonder if that had something to do with it

Thanks, good to know.. I just don't see anything on it so I don't know if it is good or bad confirmed.. also don't want to risk anything

Retrograde ejaculation, its going in to your bladder.It can be harmful, you should tell a doctor and get checked out. You could have a build up on your penal canal

i cum fast and i don't know if its because of i masturbated a lot. dame i do think it cause problems

Is Retrograde ejaculation just from regular masturbating? Because I can definitely shoot a load if I don't squeeze

Do you have Kids?


You can have it normally without pressure or the excess pressure you're putting out is blocking the path of least resistance and its going in to your bladder.

Ever try to? I'm not sure if it ruins fertility or not

That's called retrograde ejaculation and ya, it can cause problems

During sex or if I am masturbating and don't mind cleaning up I can ejaculate regularly with semen, but sometimes when I masturbate/masturbated when I was young I'd squeeze so nothing would come out and no mess

does that also happen when edging?

Dont fucking squeeze that hard.

It could happen when ever you're ejaculating

i sometimes edge for like 1-3 hours. is it bad for my bladder?

not your bladder but your balls yes

I used to fap alot (20-30 times a day) when I was a kid. I started retrograding when I was about 32. I highly suspect it leads to enlarged prostate, and maybe other issues. I'm 48 now, and don't recommend it.

really? i cant hold it in like that... HOWEVER... i once pressed my finger against my dick orifice when ejaculating. it didnt come out for like 3 pulses, then i took took my finger out. and cum shotted like a fucking boss. holy shit it was the best 3 pulses ever

I don't think so, I read it just comes out when you take a piss, anyway. All you're doing is stopping the hose, but the sperm has already left your nuts and is in your dick tube.

Read the thread and be educated instead of being an unintelligent swine

>Dick tube

yes the sperms go back into your balls and kill all of the other ones

>dick tube

Used to do this when I first started fapping, but after a while of holding in loads like that it started to really hurt when I did.

Keep meaning to get checked out about retroglade but I gotta ring up and tell the fucking receptionist before they even put you through to a doctor who then rings you back, and only before 9am and I work fucking night shifts.

If you do that 10 times and then go raw your girl will birth the next Highlander.

If you don't want sperm to come out go on a high dose of antidepressants you can fuck jerk off for days and not a single drop will come out... Oh and thats just the lucky 1% of us :( ya guess who's in that lucky crowd... as for squeezing really hard my ex girl once jerked me off and tied up my stuff so hard I had black and blue marks and it still came out hurt like hell but came out... Reason her fetish.. Never again did I do that ...