Hey user, need a hug, some direction or just a place to converse? Well I'm here for you

Hey user, need a hug, some direction or just a place to converse? Well I'm here for you.
If you get even trips I'll do an... "okay" tarot reading for you. If you want a reading put
at the top of your post.
If you want, you can donate your trips to another.

Mm, there seems to be a lot going on tonight. Wonder if anyone will pop in to see me E>


Well, you have a >you from me at least


Was told twice today by two different people that I say 'sorry' far too often, I don't understand how that's a bad thing but does anyone have any tips to break years of habitually saying sorry?

Well... since its soooooo SLOW you'll get a fortune just for asking E> I'll put it in the next comment for ya!

as for the sorry thing. It's something I tend to do too....
It's bad if people use it against you. It can make a person seem weak or like they are willing to take the blame for things that aren't really theirs to take. It leads to being taken advantage of. It also can devalue one's own beliefs. I think to help stop one might have to look at what is truly their blame to carry and also not to use sorry as something to say when you don't know what else to say when someone is feeling unpleasant. That's what I'm trying to do more now anyway.

here ya go *points to temples* Think shrine maiden... think shrine... got it!

Situation: 6 shot glasses but they are upside down.... fun...
Do you find yourself thinking about the past more than the future. Be careful of moving backwards to fix what you can't...

Action: Kermit...wait hermit...
Time to take some time to figure out how to move forward even if you have to do it alone for a bit.

Outcome: Queen of upside down magic sticks.
If you don't take this time to figure out how to move forward you'll be stuck with jealously, anger and resentments!

oh my...

I never thought of it like that! I'm going to start examining if something is actually my fault before I say 'sorry', thank you for the advice and the reading.

I...actually needed to read that too. Thanks Sky

You're very welcome both of you E>

as I said. It's something I'm working on too.

What's the E>?


i guess i am pessimistic but i try to help people too.

this is a sad place sometimes.

im a libra if it helps.

It's my perfectly square heart b/c I luv user!

It's slow enough I'll give you one! Plus, I know. I spent 8 years in uni to live a dream of helping people... not exactly living it, but I make it by and believe it or not, even if we can't see the effects of what we do. We're all changing lives in some way every day. Reading in next post!

>situation: #1 big boy sword!
You have a lot of power believe it or not. It's good you're trying to help people as with great power comes the responsibility to use it correctly

>action: Harry you're holding your best wand upside down!
Don't lose hope, in times like these it's easy to love motivation when you can't see those effects your having. Look for the small nuances that you are affecting things how you want too.

>outcome: FF(IX) swords! (double volges... so like 4.5)
If you keep up the pace with that self doubt and loss of motivation you are likely to end up feeling helpless and indecisive.


I'm mildly curious; I'm not sure if I've seen you do these before.

Square? Are hearts suppose to be that shape?


i think the world is pointless some times and my endeavors are too so i appreciate it.

Oh... well at least I don't have two!... then again... police boxes are pretty cool....

umm right fortunes. I uh... don't do threads often, but when I do I pay homage to a certain lovely shrine maiden by doing fortunes on top of my normal stuff E>

lets see what the heart of the cards has in store for you!

>situation: 3 spilled drinks
Hmm is your support group ok? Do you have enough support, or is the quality up too par?

>action: a page of pentagrams... is this from the necro-nom-nom-icon?
be wary of waning motivation. Keep searching to improve that support system

>outcome: 10 cups a flowing (with coffee.. and jitters)
If you can keep up the good work you'll find yourself at peace with the world more. Maybe feeling like you have a place in it and having a deeper sense of community.

The world is exactly as pointless as you make it out to be. Sounds depressing until you realize how much power you have. Truthfully it's the greatest amount of power one can have. To determine their own destiny, create their own meaning for life.

The road is riddle with potholes and sometimes we do have to give up on dreams and make new ones, but remember this.... those new dreams will be the meaning of life for you. You alone get to determine what is meaningful in your life.

Reimu does seem to be a good person.

No, not particularly. I only have a handful of people that I rely on and I've been having lots of issues with the person I am closest to for the past few months. It sort of feels like things are going to break for good between us now, actually.

That's life though I guess. Apologies if that was more than you bargained for; take this cute image for your time.

interesting thread you have here.

mm... I'm sad to hear that for you. ... it is part of life that everything ends sooner or later. If they were important to you I hope you put up a good fight for the relationship. Sometimes though, there are things that can't be worked out and only compromised on.... and if that's not possible.. then things end before they get worse.

Just keep that in mind. Compromise that is, but if things do end, don't despair.

People will flow in and out of lives all the time and wonderful new people are out there and will pass by. Also, people change all the time... even if they aren't trying. Maybe someday you'll come back to this person and things will be better. Good luck E>

Thank you! It's slow enough though that I'm shutting down shop. I have to shower and prepare for work!

If anyone needs advice or a friendly word you can email me at skyden13162@gmail .com

G'night everyone.

will I Successfully exterminate the Jewish Race/religion/plague?


Dubs could be good enough for this Noble man's reading imo

Can I have a hug?

of course you can, sweetheart.


thanks. It's good to see someone friendly on here every once in a while. Seems like theres been a lot of that tonight.

hey love, the diviner stepped out. Satori's gotta get ready for work.
it's what I do, don't worry about it. sorry it hasn't been as present, we've taken some personal time. I'll be back for anons from now on

Another day then. Time is mildly irrelevant.

who are you
