
Mediterranean edition
invited: med master race
old somewhere

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trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=cuckold porn

wake up lazy niggers

first for doomguy

Incivil War

kys manchil

i would fuck your face up

daily reminder that communist arent people

pic related

Neo-fascistic Pan-Mediterranean movement marching towards Rome and Athens when ?

you gave me an erection senpai

Is it time for non subhuman balk countries to unite and remove roaches

ugliest borders in the world

the second to last was aesthetic the last one is just a disgusting blob

Does any Croatian here know where this is?

it looked like happy merchant

this, literally just blobs and random extrusions
completely unaesthetic

a lot of countries look like that


It's OK Croatia, we'd love you no matter the shape of your country.


I don t get it, makes no sense

looks like a bloated tick to me

Greeks are fags


the country has the shape of a happy merchant

Looks like a fat rat.

Our shape is perfect. Too bad getting macedonia will ruin the aesthetics. Not sure if it's worth it.

I can see that, borders not even its mother would love

>one(1) more
try again genghis

Don't worry because you're not going to get it

Comrades, glory to the workers, for it is their day.

big flat field with perfect climate and huge coast, who cares if it s ugly

I do, sorry if you don't share the sentiment


Allah bless the coming Islamo-Bolshevik revolution

Happy labour day fellas.

happy holiday to you, too, comrade.

>workers take a day off to celebrate working

You mad, capitalist dogs?


>capitalists get a day off, too

Don't you also have a free day today?


A day off from what? Working? lmao

we have
but i am nazi bulgarian and i dont celebrat

Кpaтък кypc пo иcтopия нa CCCP зa юнoши и дeвoйки

Cлeд кaтo yмpя cъздaтeля нa CCCP Bлaдимиp Лeнин, ce oкaзa, чe втopият чoвeк в yпpaвлeниeтo и пapтиятa тoвapищ Tpoцки e пpeдaтeл .
Кaмeнeв, Зинoвиeв, Бyхapин и Cтaлин, cвaлихa Tpoцки oт влacт и гo изгoнихa в Meкcикo, къдeтo пo къcнo бeшe yбит oт cъвeтcки aгeнт c бpaдвa.
Ho cлeд някoлкo гoдини ce oкaзa, чe Кaмeнeв, Зинoвиeв и Бyхapин, cъщo ca пpeдaтeли и вpaгoвe.
Toгaвa дoблecтният тoвapищ Ягoдa apecтyвa вcичкитe и ги paзcтpeля.
Cлeд извecтнo вpeмe, Ягoдa cъщo бeшe apecтyвaн кaтo aнглийcки шпиoнин и paзcтpeлян oт Eжoв.
Ho cлeд гoдинa и пoлoвинa, Eжoв cъщo ce oкaзa нe-тoвapищ и Бepия гo paзcтpeля.
Cлeд cмъpттa нa Cтaлин вcички paзбpaхa, чe Бepия cъщo e пpeдaтeл.
Жyкoв гo apecтyвa и cлeд чeтиpи днeвни paзпити - paзcтpeля.
Ho cкopo Хpyшчoв paзбpa, чe Жyкoв e пpeдaтeл и интpигaнт и гo зaтoчи в Oдeca.

Cлeд извecтнo вpeмe ce paзбpa, чe Cтaлин cъщo e вpaг и вpeдитeл и c нeгo, пoчти цялoтo Пoлитбюpo.
Cтaлин гo изхвъpлихa oт мaвзoлeя, a чecтнитe пapтийци, нaчeлo c Хpyшчoв, paзгoнихa Пoлитбюpoтo.
Изминaхa някoлкo гoдини и ce изяcни, чe Хpyшчoв e пpихoдимeц и нeyк yкpaинcки ceлянин и Бpeжнeв гo изпpaти нa пeнcия.
Cкopo cлeд кaтo Бpeжнeв yмpя, ce изяcни, чe тoй e бил мapaзмaтик, вpeдитeл и пpичинa зa зacтoя.
Cлeд нeгo ce cмeнихa двaмa мapaзмaтикa, кoитo никoй нe зaпoмни, зaщoтo yмиpaхa кaтo мyхи.
Ocвeн дa ce зaпoмни, чe пo вpeмeтo нa eдиният, пpoвepявaхa пo кинaтa, бaнитe и кaфeнeтa, кoй нe хoди нa paбoтa.
Cлeд тях дoйдe млaд и eнepгичeн пapтиeн кaдъp - Гopбaчoв.
И ce oкaзa, чe цялaтa пapтия e билa oт вpaгoвe, пpeдaтeли и кpaдци и Гopбaчoв ce зae дa oпpaви бapдaкa.

>but i am nazi bulgarian

kys tatarshit

if you are anti bulgarian you are pro satan

>Гopбaчoв ce зae дa oпpaви бapдaкa


>nazi bulgarian

No such thing.

lel, not included, how they worked with the local commies to blow up churches and murder the nation's elite


give me one reason

its what karl marx would have wanted

good morning







nice photoshop


>implying you didnt shop it
why are you servs such cucks
is it because pic related

bulgars explain dis

feelsgood being Serb in the diaspora

in 9/10 situations I am the tallest male.

In Serbia, I feel average as fuck


βουλγαρς μπτφο

trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=cuckold porn


how tall? i'm 185 and was towering over people in Austria

feels average in serbia

feel like giant here

yup it's pretty average, women are 180 now no joke

Monteniggers are taller though
Redpill me, aren't you identitical with bosnians and croats geneticwise? Why are you much taller than them?

herzegovians are taller than montenegrins.

also, probably 50% or more of current serbian population traces their ancestry to montenegro.

Monteniggers and Bosnians from Herzegovina are tallest in the region, Croats are 180 average and we're 182



they will step on you and toss you in the trash, roach

Cyril and Methodius, Clement, Samuil, Karposh?, ?, Delchev, Gruev, Sugarev?, ?

fill in the blanks etc pls

Herzegovina is like 300k people and Montenegro like 600k, even then each country has no clear majority population

minorities in serbia (hungarians, gypsies, romanians, etc) would lower the average height and croatia's largest minority are serbs - who are all descendants from Montenegrin tribes which would also raise Croatia's average height

Joke's on you that's my fetish.

What are Albanian women like? Anything that distinguishes them from just being "standard eastern european females"

That's not how it works

he wouldn't know, they all come to serbia to get married


one in the 3rd video is a top cutie i must say, you can see she's not a shitskin like 99% of the country and she converted from catholic to orthodox for her man

Nothing in particular desu, but i remember when i visited Reshen, the women were fucking huge, taller than the men. There was this one i talked to that was 2.12m

>Marrying her with Pajë

>Not cucks

>leftovers no one marries or ex-prostitutes
you can have them

>There was this one i talked to that was 2.12m

"Dey i getting married with da Zerbz lel"

Have you ever for a moment considered to see the gender statistics of Albania? Currently women outnumber men by 0.2%, that makes it 55,000 women that, even if they wanted to, can't find a husband because they don't have enough men. So of course, the only logical thing for them, is to marry abroad or die alone.

>low tier damage control

pathetic tbqh, you even got BTFO for that photoshop your tried to pull with the cuck porn

>almp*shits still here


I'm greek
Are you greek?

>"idz damege gondrol"
They're telling the truth though. If men wante them they wouldn't be forced to marry abroad.

Sure goy. Take brides with Pajë. Then wonder why you land shrinks

>Albanians didn't have special privileges in the Serbian empire

K lol

He's not iki


Leave him be, this nigga is taking pride in the fact his people are becoming less and less Slavic.

tfw no alban waifu to break my bubreg



Albanians and Serbs were pretty good m8s until the mid-late 20th century desu

Don't act surprised when the coming generations speak a different language.

r8 my new hat /balk/