Accidentally massaged a girl to orgasm today. How's your day going Sup Forums?

Accidentally massaged a girl to orgasm today. How's your day going Sup Forums?

I fingered my ass and thought about black mens' cocks

I went to work, texted my friend if he wanted to play tennis (He didn't say anything) then got on Sup Forums while watching Netflix.

Truly an excellent day my friend

Like are you a professional? Or did this happen in private


I stared into the eclipse with no jewblockers while laughing about existence. Today was a great day to be an American for once.

In private. Issue is she has a boyfriend. Does it count as cheating if I didn't mean to?

Hmmmm in my walk of life, I wouldn't want my girl getting any massages from friends. Maybe he means to make you a cucklord.



Best comment in whole thread. Just " yes"

Guy is so full of self hatred I wouldn't be surprised. But he doesn't know so we'll never know I guess

Two options here.
You didn't notice her touching herself (really, nigga?).
Or you "accidentally" massaged her clit.
Take your pick.

Explain. Write a wall of greentext explaining this shit.

>Went to work
>Watched the eclipse
>Got lunch with the girlfriend
>Went back to work
>Popped 40mlg of Adderrall after work

Now I'm here listening to music and talkin to my roommate about our up coming convention trip.

>popping adderall after work
Nigga pls. Do you NOT want to be effective?

I had some more shit to do and I was really worn out.

Shit, man. IIRC I was on 20 XR and that was for actual fucking ADHD. Enjoy not fucking sleeping tonight.

I'm good. I'm off tomorrow.

Granted, this is probably the insomnia speaking, but I fucking HATE missing sleep. I feel like ass for an entire day. Almost worse than being on Seroquel.

Just woke up. Girlfriend made chicken salad for me to bring to work. I love her ^^

Yeah I'll probably be in bed by 5am and up by noon. I usually sleep pretty well. A coworker of mine is on these and he gives me the extras for free. Not something I do regularly.

That's hilarious tbh

Yeah, I cycle to that sleep schedule sometimes. Not great, but not horrible.
That's cool. I could be on them more than likely, I just need to see a Psychaitrist.

woke up late
think about suicide
keep coding
sleep thinking in suicide

Take pride that you got magic fingers mate

I did everything but work and code.

What's your technique? I need to know for practical reasons.

...Oн нe yдepжитcя и cхвaтит eё зa хвocт, a oнa cпpячeт хвocтик и зaтянeт eгo pyкy ceбe в aнyc, кaк oпиcaл Линaхyй. Ho oн ycпeeт c нeй пoдpyжитьcя, oнa eгo пpocтит и oтпycтит, и пoтoм oн бyдeт пpихoдить c paбoты/yчёбы, a дoмa eгo бyдeт вcтpeчaть кoшкoдeвoчкa.
Хoлoдными зимними вeчepaми oни бyдyт coгpeвaть дpyг дpyгa: oн бyдeт гpeть cвoи pyки в eё oтвepcтиях, a oнa бyдeт дeлaть тo жe caмoe в eгo oднoм. Кoгдa oн бyдeт пытaтьcя вытaщить cвoи pyки из cвoeй няшeньки, oнa нe бyдeт eгo oтпycкaть. Oн бyдeт пpитвopнo yжacaтьcя, a oнa пocмoтpит нa нeгo хитpeнькo-хитpeнькo и нaчнёт мeдлeннo двигaть pyкaми в eгo пpямoй кишкe: дecкaть, ты нe мoжeшь мeня пoймaть, a я мoгy, и ты ничeгo нe cмoжeшь мнe cдeлaть. Oни ycнyт вмecтe, тaк и нe paccтaвшиcь дpyг c дpyгoм, a нayтpo oн бyдeт дoлгo paзминaть зaтёкшиe кoнeчнocти, a oнa бyдeт oбнимaть eгo зa шeю, тepeтьcя нocикoм, yлыбaтьcя и вcячecки пoдбaдpивaть.


>up by 3pm
>thoughts of suicide
>smoked a fat blunt
>picked up
>smoked 2 more blunts
I'm really sick of living already. Looking for a job is more depressing than actually having one. I just want that sweet casholi

J is that you?


>had a panic attack instead of going into uni
>happens about 3-4 times a week
>can only leave house while high
>can't do calculus while high
>please just kill me

Do you vape?

I intentionally massaged a girl to orgasm today.

Hell no vape is shit. But oil pens are gr8 tbh

It's not you, then.
Good luck on the finding a job thing, man.

Ahh figured. Thanks tho. Being a wageslave is just part of life

> Direct clitoral stimulation is the only way to reach an orgasm for a girl
You have much to learn my friend.

Depends on the girl, friendo.
I've known plenty who say penetration does nothing, and clit stimulation is the only way they've been able to.
And plenty who day they love penetration more.
By far, the two easiest ways. But to be fair, women statistically are more aroused emotionally (men are more aroused visually), so it's not impossible.

...He couldn't resist and grabbed her tail. She pulled her tail in and his arm was deeply in her intestines (as Linalique told us). But he became friend with her and she forgave and let him go. These days he returns from university and the catgirl greets him at home.

Cold winter evening. The student and the catgirl warm each other. He warms his left arm in her womb and the right in her guts; she warms her arms in HIS anus. When he tries to pull his arms out of his lover's holes, she holds his limbs tightly and doesn't let him go. He is horrified at a joke and she looks into his eyes intricately and begins to move her arms back and forth in his rectum slowly. “You cannot catch me but I can, and you can't do anything against it” he reads in her grin. They fall asleep together never parting with each other, and following morning he'll knead his logged arms a long while she cuddles to his shoulder, rubs her nose against him, smiles and trying to cheer him up.


Another one catgirl hater, heh.

hahaha holy shit you're cringy, he wasn't talking about penetration or clit stimulation

you have much to learn

>he wasn't talking about
Well, at least my reading comprehension isn't shit. Here, let me walk you through this:

>By far, the two easiest ways.
This means that the two I mentioned were the most common causes of orgasms, and are pretty easy to achieve.

Maybe try reading next time. Or, y'know, just don't, because I wouldn't want you to strain your brain too much.

What convention