I just wanted a decent fucking breakfast. Fuck waffle house for being so god damn retarded

I just wanted a decent fucking breakfast. Fuck waffle house for being so god damn retarded.
>Triple order of hash browns topped and covered
>Bitch brings back hash browns with chili, cheese, and ONIONS.
>"I didn't order this with onions"
>"sorry hun, we make our chili with onions so if you get chili you get onions"
Stupid fucking place has chili and ONIONS as separate toppings but mix them regardless of your choice. Hope waffle house burns to the ground in their month old tater grease.

Bumping with tits because I'm hungry and mad

>expecting any sort of quality at all from waffle house

There's a reason they're full of niggers all the time.

Onions are good though

>pantheon of breakfast restaurants:
>shit nigger tier: waffle house
>pleb tier: Dennys or Jim's
>decent tier: IHOP
>god tier: Cracker Barrel

Fucking LOVE cracker barrel.

Cool, but I didn't ask for onions in my meal

>does retarded thing
>posts about it on Sup Forums

Wow, great, amazing, thank you.

But onions are always in chili
That's like.. one of the ingredients in chili.

Youre a jerkoff and need to chill.

Nice tits. Who's are they?

>Canned chili and beans
>deciding not to put onions in chili
Two examples of times chili doesn't have onions

From someone 4 years ago, never been posted before, not on internet, I have about 13 pics in total maybe more

Chili* retard

Okay wait. Canned chili is fucking awful. If you are that picky about food you should've just ordered the tendies.
Look up any recipe for chili. Not canned garbage. They literally all have a full fucking onion in them

>implying waffle house doesn't use canned /bagged chili

Are you seriously this worked up over someone who doesn't like onions?

>want a decent breakfast
>go to Waffle House

OP your neckbeard is showing.

"You're so picky because you paid for a product that was advertised the way you ordered it, then it came out not at all like it was advertised". You're fucking dumb kid.

Yes, of course. What kind of sauerkraut loving xenophile fucking dislikes onion? I'm going to force-feed my future kids AND WIFE with onion lest I die.

Fuck me I'm angry right now.


Yeah nothing like paying more for the same shit.

Apparently not, if it has onions.
It didn't say chili (no onions)
Thats like getting upset that mayo has eggs in it. Of fucking course mayo has eggs in it.
Or complaining that your caesar salad had cheese in it
Its fucking implied.
(Plus, even canned chili has onion powder or minced onion in it. Suck it)

Ive been to multiple waffle houses that do not include onions in their chili, go worship your vegetable somewhere else you ass breathed mongoloid.

Nigga you dont know wtf you talking about
Garlic and onions KILL bacteria. If you avoid them you probably have stank ass tonsil stones.
Specify next time and I'm sure they'll make a fresh batch of chili for your dainty root vegetable bigoted self

Implying the only way to kill mouth bacteria is by eating your shitty vegetable.

Well its literally one of the most recommended ways for people that have chronic bad breath and tonsil stones.
Look it up nigga. Why you hate onions anyways? They have hardly any flavor or texture of their own when they're stewed into chili

"They hardly have any flavor" *oh boy do I sure love the delicious taste of onions, not to mention the Frito Lays brand Funyun chip, flavored as an onion would!* why even add onion to chili if it has no flavor. I can eat literally any other vegetable for vital nutrients.

Aromatics nigga. If you like the taste of chili you like the taste if onions, just not onions alone.
Point is you cant taste any distinction from normal chili because normal chili always has onions as a flavor whether you see them or not.
Chili doesnt taste like chili without the onion flavor, but without knowing it was onions you wouldn't be able to pin point the flavor

Nigger i don't want a giant chunk of faggotfruit in my mouth as I'm trying to enjoy a savory meal

>giant chunk
You're some fucking onionphobe projecting your insecurities onto poor defenseless chili

I'm sorry that I'm not allowed to dislike things

No, you arent. Onion haters like you are the reason this world is going to hell.

Darn. If I get dubs you swallow your cum with diced onions.

If i get dubs you have to shove some shallots up your ass

Onions are the foundation for like 90% of menu items u fag

onions are dank bro

This is like saying u don't want tomatoes on ur burger and then getting mad because they put ketchup

Theres a difference

why ?
>Error or true? 0 $?

But there isnt. Stewed onions are drastically different to chopped onions just like ketchup is different than tomatoes.
Chili has onions. Fight me