Question for any lawfags around

Question for any lawfags around

In the US, what can I get away with in terms of noise on the weekends?

My neighbor left a really nasty note on my door saying I've been really loud at midnight on some Saturdays. I don't play any music and wear headphones. The only thing she could have heard is me talking to my friends on Skype who live in a different timezone. I laugh and joke around with them but I don't feel like I'm unreasonably loud. She lives right below me and claims the walls are very thin but I've never heard her.

Not really sure to do, and obviously don't want to get evicted. Just want to know my rights in this sort of thing. If she reports me to our landlord I could very easily just report the very strong smell of pot that seeps upstairs into my place from hers.

Which State?

She cant do shit if thats as loud as it gets. Just say shes imagining it and is harassing you. She wouldnt want the cops getting involved if shes a stoner.


>I don't feel like I'm unreasonably loud
Same shit everyone says... When you live in an apartment, you gotta understand you got people all around you, and everything is loud at night.

If she's a cunt with too much time on her hands, it's never gonna just stop. Eventually the landlord or cops are gonna come over to her apartment when she complains and listen if you really being a loud fag.

If you are - you'll get warned, and evicted if you don't stop.

If she's the cunt - she'll get to pay the expenses of having people come out whenever she complains, and could possibly get evicted in the long run if she doesn't stop either.

There are noise ordinances in place in most cities. Usually go in efeect around 1030. So if it's after 1030 and she has to call the cops (which this stoner bitch wouldnt) good chance you'd get a warning . A citation the 2nd time they come out and charged with disturbing the peace the 3rd.
But again she smokes weed, she probably is pretty introvert which is why she left a note instead of confronting you face to face. But I think the chick just wants you to respect your neighboors. If you're screaming through a Mic in Skype chat over a video game at 12am in an apartment complex is get pretty pissed off too.

I guess I didn't mention your landlord
If she's been a tenant longer than you have than I'd go ahead and pipe the fuck up at 12am or she's probably going to get you evicted.
I always hated living in apartments for this exact reason. Just watch your tone at night, everything is loud.

She has, but like I said I haven't felt like I've ever been loud. I just use my normal voice, and I guess if I laugh it's a little louder but it's not like I'm doing that constantly since I'm not exactly a stoner like her. Kinda don't even want to risk putting on my mic anymore unless I get some sort of acoustic panels but I'm not sure how effective those are.


Depends on the city, not the state. Different cities have different codes. Noise ordnances kick in at 10 PM here.

Well maybe your gaming setup is right above her bedroom?

Then leave it up to the third party to decide. I got a feeling you're a noisy fag tho... You know when you're around people gaming with headsets on, they're not talking normally.

Just leave her a note yourself, telling her you do not appreciate the pot smell. I'm sure she'd stop even thinking about saying shit to you after that.

Yeah I read my city's laws on it. Basically says sat/Sunday vocal noises are okay. I don't even play vidya with the people I talk to. They're just old friends from my home state in Cali.

She could have a medical marijuana card.

How about you ask other tenants near you? If they don't complain, you're good

blame it on your tv.. they wont do shit

To smoke inside an apartment? I think not.

I considered that but I don't think you can get that here unless you have cancer or something.
She's the only one.
Don't get me wrong I've considered that, but I think I'll go with the wait and see approach. I'll definitely try to be quieter but if I get a visit from a cop I'll have that to mention.

Just report her to the landlord for the weed before she reports you for anything. No warning.Problem solved.

Would be hard to do since they wouldn't get my email until the next day. I'm sure they'd investigate and by that time she might have gotten rid of the smell. I wouldn't know, I don't smoke it.

Either way I don't want to be a dick about it, but I think in that scenario I'd call someone who would be able to readily respond.

It doesn't matter. Enough complaints to the landlord and she'll get booted. Landlords don't generally bust into someone's apartment like the cops, they just keep record of complaints and have a discussion with the tenant. If you want to be a complete bastard, call the cops next time.