I'm a right wing voter. I've voted Republican for over a decade. I'll be voting for Hillary this election. Why...

I'm a right wing voter. I've voted Republican for over a decade. I'll be voting for Hillary this election. Why? Because it makes people on this website angry, and it's hilarious.

On a scale of 1 to 10, please post how angry you are. Thanks!

Other urls found in this thread:


Over -9000


Hey, it's your vote. We can't force you to not waste it.

I'll be the one laughing at you if Hillary gets elected.

Why would I be angry?

You're the foolish child here, not me.

i'm like 7 angry and i'm not even americano

0, because I don't get upset at the antics of the mentally handicapped. They can't help themselves.

How depressing must your life be

So you're voting for some lady cuck just because it annoys a chinese imagine macro image board?

You're the embodiment of autism.

Wow, so many "I-I'm not mad" posters proving my point. Keep it up, thin-skinned beta males.

Prove that you can vote?

Hey man, if my shitposting is important enough to troll you into changing your opinion then props to me

>Throwing away your vote to piss off some losers on a Mongolian quilt knitting board




You're a salty guy.

The ultimate shitposter

Or you could vote for the libertarian

That's fine, you were always a democrat, so it makes sense you'd keep supporting the same globalist agenda.

you''re 1 vote isn't important. maybe if you had an argument you could get people to follow but you already admitted you are a retard.

I don't even like bernie and this pisses me off

LMAO! Deflection, that's good. That's what I expect from people who waste their time circlejerking in this meme-drenched echo chamber.

Denying you happiness is so easy and so fun.

Was getting memed on part of your plan?

I'm around a 1, because confusion isn't anger.

i think it's funny, i vote for Trump to piss off people like you. Plus we all know your are either troling or were never a Republican. Either way happy posting friend ;^)

I was confused why you'd represent yourself with a picture of a retarded person. Then I remembered what website I'm on. LOL

I'm a left wing voter and I'll most likely be casting my vote for his supreme majesty, Emperor Donald I


Just disappointed. I wanted to see the US like we used to back in the day.

Not just a bunch of lefties and faggots.

Americans really are terrible at this.



Welcome to """"""""democracy""""""""

It's depressing to see how many replies a shitty bait thread got.

Guess I can't be too surprised considering most posters are probably still in high school.

> im not mad

you are definetly mad

> im mad

i know you are mad

no matter what we say you claim we are mad.
fucking shitposters


From the way you've made this post you're either a Canadian or Australian behind a proxy. Gg no re

Poor quality bait

>I'm a Republican voting for Hillary
Shaking My Head, To Be Honest, family, Hillary is a better Republican than Trump.


thats cute

>meme drenched
you say that like its a bad thing.

Bet that makes you pretty mad


I can't fault you. Hillary Clinton is further to the right than most Republicans.

Then again, it won't matter. Unless you're in Pennsylvania pretty much nothing you do will matter this election.

both are decent moderate options tbhq m8.

1 if you're in a solid red or blue state
3 if it might swing but probably won't
9 if you're in a swing state

They're both liars and incompetent. The only difference is, Hillary is a better liar and can play politics like a professional. She's more evil, but the fact that it rustles Sup Forums makes it worth it.



Angered yet? :3

I'm a pole and by right I should not be able to influence american elections

But I can, my father has a US citizenship and I'm convincing him to move his ass and vote Hillary

If only there was a way to document that he did and post it here

I didn't care before and I care even less with this new found knowledge that you live in one of the most blue states in America.

why would i be angry? 4 years of liberals crying about its not hillarys fault its obamas and feminist making excuses for muslim rapist when she opens the flood gates

i will be making a lot of popcorn if she wins. i will also be converting my money into other currencies digitally but thats another thing

honestly, as much as I like Trump, I'd consider agreeing with you precisely because I hate Hillary.

because we need a horrible horrible leader who will make this country fall apart to cause a happening.

Trump and american "nationalism" is just trying to keep this horrible degenerate country together for a few more years of agony when it really just has to fucking fall apart.

Even more significant, HIllary threatens to censor the internet. This can ONLY be a good thing for right-wingers because it will eliminate the toxic addictive media like Sup Forums and porn, make us angry enough to want to do something in REAL LIFE. And it might actually convince more cuckservatives (trump included) that democracy is a sham.

At the same time though I'll probably vote Trump knowing that he's probably a plant to get Hilldog elected anyway.

I used to be a Trump supporter, but now that I see what kind of individual would support trump, I can't see myself support Trump as a person with dignity.

I am now a Shillmissile

OP isn't a hillary lover by any means. He just is wise enough to realize that accelerationism is probably the best outlook for the US at this point.

Evola would approve of his actions. The sooner America is formally over, the better.

And honestly I might not even vote at all. I start my first job after finishing school in July and I think once the election is over, whoever wins, I'm going to remove politics and current events from my life for a while and focus on the only things I can actually change: Myself and a future family.

0% cuz troll is troll

Good on you, user. Best of luck to you.

So what will it be, will you join us or will you die?
join us, DIE, join us, DIE!
- Hillary Clinton

you probably don't live in a swing state so your vote doesn't matter anyway.

Yeb, pls go.


No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie, and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.

of course Satan is pro-Hillary