About to smoke weed for the first time. What should I expect?

About to smoke weed for the first time. What should I expect?

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to get high


Nothing you won't get high your first time

From someone who is high, just go do something else. It's not all that much fun and a lot of better ways to spend your time

You're going to cough your lungs out.
It's not like drinking, you'll feel the effects almost immediately.
You're probably going to get cotton mouth, and dry eyes.
Other than that, you'll be fine. Just don't smoke too much at once your first time.

To fall in love.

Also high, seconded.

Weed Fucks your arms

It's almost like you think I have a life, user...

Ego death(not common by my experience of others aha and a lifetime if paranoia enjoy!

Dont go in with any expectations.

Sequence is:

Once sequence is complete, become a serial buyer and reroll

Instant death. RIP.


First your skin will darken. After that you will take stuff that are not yours. Last thing is jailtime.

Don't do it. You will probably die from an overdose. It is not worth it.

Honestly you will probably not realise you are high but you will think you had a great time with people. Then after a few goes you will realise it was the weed that made it more fun.

Weed can also make boring things seem like fun, important to make sure you are doing something fun before getting high or you may become a dull pothead loser.

This won't be a regular thing, I found one blunt at a party and probably won't be smoking again. I also don't have any friends so i'll be doing it alone in a forest, don't know if that means anything.

To make a stupid face
To get super thirsty
To have friends point out you're making a stupid face

I sense sudden paranoid and suicide

Expect to be non-productive.


the munchies , a sense of humor. a sense of harmony with your personal situation. short term memory loss, random boners, the authority to make dank fragvideos on call of duty, need i say any more?


Paranoia, anxiety, rapid heart rate... you won't even enjoy your first high.

>Anonymous 08/22/17(Tue)19:01:43 No.7429
i know this kid his name is ben baker weird to see him on Sup Forums must be because he met snoop dog

do you know what strain, or atleast if it indica or sativa?

My cousin slammed an entire marijuana his first time, we celebrate his birthday at the cemetery where he's buried.

did he inject it?

he will be Ben Baked soon

Thats what slammed means, straight into his vein.

sounds serious.
I have only snorted it

You can always get higher, but you can't come down at will.

Take no more than 2 tokes if you aren't used to navigating the high head space.

Don't try to be Doug Benson on your first few times. Weed can absolutely be a psychedelic experience. If you fight the experience it's going to take you sideways quickly in to a freak out.

Cannabis has a way of manhandling you if you don't respect it. Take 1-2 tokes, appreciate the headspace you're in without trying to control it.

If you find yourself freaking out, stop fighting it. "Okay, I'm high now. I can't fight it. I might as well enjoy it." That type of attitude. Music, food, fapping, movies - all muuuuuch more interesting and enjoyable while stoned.

If you're freaking, remember, every wave has to crash. No one has ever died from cannabis. You won't either.

You'll be able to meditate easier and have deep introspection while high. That's the real gift. Don't ignore the introspective thoughts. Recognize anxiety as a demon you have been surpressing and see how you can grow. Practice that, and you'd be ready for other psychdelics. If you can't handle surpressed fears and unresolved emotions, shit like mushrooms or LSD will fucking crucify you.

Enjoy your date with the green goddess, OP. Treat her like a lady and she'll show you a fun time.

I love this post, but for me, weed gets me more paranoid than shrooms. Of course, everyone is different and your mileage may vary. Good advice though.

You can learn to love the paranoia, man. If you think about it, it too is a gift.

Joe Rogan said it best:

Hopefully it's not laced with PCP.

first off try using a pipe as they're easier to start out with
also remember to inhale (breathe through your nose or you won't get high)

You are going to feel this severe urge to fuck men. What your gonna wanna do is avoid men at all costs while high. Or the thing you should do is give in and fuck all the men you can.

Me again. Yeah, DMT scares me every time I'm about to blast off. Then, I wonder what I was so afraid of. I guess it's just respect for the power of the substance.

That's a myth. Many people don't get high their first time because they don't do it right. That doesn't mean everyone is born with this built in one-time immunity to thc. If you smoke real weed and inhale and hold it in for a sec, you WILL get high, even if it's your first time.

Typically you won't get high your first time. I would recommend using a bong or pipe on your first time, cause if you do you have a higher chance of feeling something.

Here's how it usually goes
>first time: think you got high
>second time: you actually feel it

Everything and absolutely nothing will be funny for no explainable reason whatsoever and this will happen at random intervals for indeterminate periods of time.

dont hit it like a tobacco cig it wont be imediate but you should feel a heavy head , just breath deeper and slower and calm down

First time I got high, I didn't know you were supposed to inhale the smoke. I watched a video of this faggot teaching you how to hit a bong and the fucker didn't even inhale. So I just assumed you didn't have to. Pretended I was high just so I could fit in. Make sure you inhale into your lungs.