Ask a boy on xtc everything (yes its again me from yesterday)

Ask a boy on xtc everything (yes its again me from yesterday)

And yes i smoked weed too (op here)

owo you smoked weed and took E, you must be hardcore

Where can I find weed

Nah im not saying that im hardcore im just having a litte fun

Lol local dealer

Do you go to gay bars?
I hear that they take a lot of that drug.

I've been drinking beer tonight but think I'll light up a spliff of AK-48 just for you.

Nah im not gay lol

Nice man

since you're posting on Sup Forums i assume you took e and just stayed home by yourself, what a waste of a roll. Go outside and talk to some people

Nah its nice at home dude outside its cold

How much did you dose? How do you feel today compared to yesterday?

What is your best experience on MDMA?

You haven't taken enough then. Take some more and you will be!

Done smoking it. I always forget about weed but this thread reminded me.

I miss taking E/MDMA regularly. It started to fuck with my brain chemistry and now I sometimes wake up with psychosis.

smoking weed on e is like one of the best times to smoke weed, other than all the time

I've got some pure mdma in my stash but I save it for when I'm really in the mood for a good rolln

Why are you taking a homo drug?

lollllll it does make on a little gay...i just feel like laying down and cuddling and sometimes i get lewd thoughts about maybe doing a succ


are you gonna fap?

That's odd, since MDMA works on serotonin and not dopamine. Serotonin regulates your mood, and doesn't cause psychosis. Dopamine-regulating drugs can cause psychosis (speed, meth, cocaine, a lot of rc's). BTW, you don't "wake up" with psychosis. You lose touch with reality. Clearly, your drugs have made you retarded,

MDMA turns your dick off bro, i tried having a 4 way and we were all on it and me and the other dude COULDNT get hard

About 300mg every day tomorrow 450 with my friends and then again a break for a couple months

Once we had xtcs with 200mg mdma and some 2cb which we didnt knew about. So it hit us hard with optics and stuff and it was just awesome

you're not taking the right kind...

Wut happened? Did ya'all just fuck like lesbians?

LMAO we basically just gave each other all head for like 3 hours and i expected it to be weird bc i grew up w all these people but it really wasnt, went on to all be fwb's lol

So it was a bisexual foursome if I understood you correctly? Nice. That played like a Larry Clark movie in my head.

it was, i loved it, still fap thinking abt it 2 this day i wish i couldve got hard LOL

I wanted to get some of these so bad, but then I saw that the only sellers were in the Netherlands, which is super high risk. Oh well...

good times