I'm getting surgery tomorrow, and I'm nervous as fuck. So how about sharing (hopefully positive) surgical stories?

I'm getting surgery tomorrow, and I'm nervous as fuck. So how about sharing (hopefully positive) surgical stories?

What surgery are you getting?

Bilateral mastectomy

Come on Sup Forumsros, surely some of you have been cut on.

i hope you die lol

Any particular reason?

kidding buddy. hope things turn out well!

Thank you

Count to three. Wake up. Ask for more pain meds. done.

so let's go over this, I used to be nervous about that shit too.

you'll get there (tell them you're anxious), they'll give you something to chill out nicely right away. you'll get to the surgical suite, nothing scary about it, you'll get wheeled in -- and the anesthesiologist will say "it's time to go to sleep ok!"

You'll wake up a bit thirsty, and that's that. They'll give you pain stuff, the main advice is to stay on top of the pain for the first few days (that could be when it's the worst). you may experience no pain. Follow prescription advice.

I know it'll probably be a breeze, it's just really hard for me not to worry about potential complications... not to mention fucking up the recovery

I had my very first surgery this year to remove my appendix because it was hurting like crazy and as they rolled me up I remember talking then it's as if you fainted and woken up minutes later and that's what
It felt like and I asked how long was I out for and they said an hour. When it felt like a minute. You won't wake up or anything in the middle because they have a specialist to make sure there's no brain activity going on during the surgery.

Good luck user, you will make it

listen to they'll give you something to chill out and then it won't be as bad. Afterwards you probably won't be as worried about fucking up your recovery, just be sure to go to physical therapists or whatever other doctors you need and they'll keep you in line.

funny no one asked yet to see them.
Sup Forums is no longer the same, no doubt about it.

I had wisdom teeth removed surgically. They used NO2 as the anesthetic. It was a great success, and a good time was had by all.

At this point I doubt anybody would enjoy seeing them anyway, all things considered.

Damn, an hour seems pretty fast

Was once operated because I couldnt breathe through my nose
Woke up with no Penis

Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all :(

I had my tonsils removed when I was 9. So good luck, OP!@

had an anomalous vein that wrapped around my kidney causing obstructions in it, had it for YEARS AND YEARS. pain would get so bad, especially after drinking a lot of fluids as you normally do that i'd vomit and not want to be physically active at all. family thought i was faking it, finally go to doctor, get tests run, get surgery to correct problem. Woke up in the middle of surgery but unable to move and shit, the doctors call it "getting locked in the box" or some shit, anyways i got a morphine pump that i got to control (WAS ONLY 14 IT WAS THE SHIT) and I don't have that problem anymore.

The worst thing about getting surgery is how fucking boring it is being in hospital. There's nothing fun to do and you can't really move at first. So brings ton of shit you can do.

Jesus, that sounds terrible. I'm glad it turned out well

I was helping move a sofa and I got a bad hernia. surgery felt like I was under for days. I woke up after and I felt all shaky. I could only see in this minimalist black and white type way. It wore off after like 15 minutes though.

tits or gtfo

only one way to be sure.

got surgery following a severe sprain, was 5 at the time. spent almost two years with a pair of screws "inside" both ankles. it was pretty boring to be in the clinic the days after the surgery, about a week, but the intervention in itself was quite unremarkable.

Recently i was hit by a car while crossing the street and had to undergo a surgery cuy of bleeding in my stomach , my spleen was removed and i have massive scar now but rly it was not as bad as you would think , recovered pretty fast and barely had any pain(altho i was on painkillers while in ER)

Sorry for your loss of your twins. At least you stay alive

I had surgery to get my appendix out when I was 10.

I didn't make it. I still haunt this halls of the children's hospital.

>Bilateral mastectomy

So you're basically still 10?


did op leave? meh.

Yeah alright, since theyll be gone forever tomorrow.

I've had two surgeries, one minor and one major. Both went well but the minor developed an infection 5 weeks after and almost killed me. Sepsis is a bad thing. OP a word of advice, after surgery if you feel sick like you have the flu go get that shit checked out. I thought I just caught a bug since it was so late in recovery but like I said, it almost killed me.

op delivered

Yikes... yeah I'll keep that in mind

If it will make you feel any better, both of those surgery's were the same in that the most nervous you will be is waiting to be admited when you show up at the hospital for them. You will have to wait a bit till they call you back and get you in the gown, then they will take vitals and whatnot. Then it goes really quickly after that. You will get wheeled back into the OR, get put under and when you wake up everything will basically be over.

It's comforting to know that the peak of nervousness will only last about 15 mins to a half hour. After that it's all chill my man, especially since when you wake up you will be drugged up still.

Well I better get to sleep if I want to make it that far at all tomorrow.

Thanks everyone, take care.

Good luck nerd. Hopefully you don't die on the table!

seeya, good luck


I have had many a surgery, this was the most recent one, theres an incision on the outside as well it was to fix a broken tibia and fibula. Not sure if you can relate to this part but the relief that it was going to be fixed was immense. Actual surgery they will bring you into a cold room wheeling you on a bed but you will be under a warm blanket. You feel sort of overwhelmed that all of these highly trained people are working and preparing to help YOU. Also you get to see the inner workings of a hospital OR, the blackboard on the wall with various surgeries scheduled. It will all be super fast though, one you're in you won't be waiting around fretting, they will make you feel at ease and ask you questions to distract you as they hookup the heart monitor and IV. Then the anesthesiologist will put a gas mask on your face and tell you to breathe normally and count down from 10, you will wake up hours later in a recovery room like waking up from a sleep without even remembering how far you counted down from 10. You will feel groggy they will give you some crackers and water and then quite honestly the worst part begins. The healing part at home on your own. I guess you will have staples? It will feel amazing the day they take them out.

a e s t h e t i c, with no face.

Hairy? Nani

They give you drugs so that you calm down, it's great, they make you feel way better and not nervous at all, like you wont be shaking. Basically liquid xanaxx

I had surgery where I have plates and screws installed. Now that fucking sucked.