



















God damn hnnng















You guys are fucking retarded


What makes you think that?






















more bj plz



no, soz mate

I ashamed of my dick for having such weird fetishes.


Bleh. No sleep and I'm starving. Can't think straight.



Mine are pretty bad too tbh

Which ones are you ashamed of?



Being into feral & anthro with feral features is one of the few

That's not that bad. I'm an actual dogfucker.


Ooof. Yeah. I guess I shouldn't be worried then.

Just hope you don't ever get into watersports, vore, or farts. I've spent way too much time on the internet.


Into vore, farts... meh, watersports... nah. I'll probably get there soon enough though.




Watersports was my very first fetish at 13. Farts is the one that has been bothering me. Thanks to the thread last night and finding out that it's more common than I thought, but still caused very opposing opinions.

Hey, Sunshine.

good morning


I wish.

oh, what's up?


13. Shit. I didn't even get into Hentai until I was 18. Started watching vanilla stuff at 11.



Just last night has been bothering me. Shame mostly.

I've always been a weird fuck. Hentai wasn't even a fetish for me, it was normal. Started fapping to to it at 11 with real grills. I've always been too smart for my own good.







meh I wouldn't let it bother you
just keep fetishy posts to an occasional thing rather than filling a thread with them and no one will complain

