Campaing Trump

Campaing Trump

>says he'llpull all troops out
>says Afghanistan is a "lost cause"

President Trump

>announces he'll send more troops to Afghanistan
>says: "All my life I've heard that decisions are much different when you sit behind the desk in the oval office."

Srsly, Trumpanzees this guy is spitting in your faces on a daily basis.

Other urls found in this thread:


Btw, this picture made him change his mind. Not kidding.


Everyone with a brain knows Trump is full of shit. Nobody should be surprised that he stabbed his grassroots base in the back.

Lmfao, so you didn't have a problem with the last 8 years of Obama warfare? Considering you can't just pull every Person from war, you need peacekeepers.

>Everyone with a brain knows Trump is full of shit.

In regards to Trump supporters I see a problem here...

>Nobody should be surprised that he stabbed his grassroots base in the back.

Of course not. Those idiots are though.

Don't for get
>Lock her up
No I won't now
>We will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it
Please stop saying publicly you won't pay for a wall, Enrique, it gives me a political problem
Besides, I haven't got funding approved to build it
>Repeal and replace
Who thought healthcare could be so difficult? (answer - anyone who understands it, you orange fuckwit)
>China is a currency manipulator
No it isn't


I've been on the Trump Train since the primaries and he's doing exactly what I like -- not kowtowing to crybullies

When he called out the violence in Charlottesville as being a product of both sides, and he was the only public figure willing to say that obvious truth, that is why I support him

Keep up the good work, Trump, you've got 3.5 years left to build that wall! The only people that seem to expect it to be overnight are the ones that were against the idea in the first place

In 2012, Obama promised to end the war in Afghanistan in 2014.

>I've been on the Trump Train since the primaries and he's doing exactly what I like -- not kowtowing to crybullies

Except amnesty-supporting Ivanka. Goy, bye.

>not kowtowing to crybullies

That's what it all about for these retards. Trump is running the country against the wall but at least he is pissing of "librul snowflakes".

You probably find that they also think they are "alpha", get into bar fights over a spilt drink and think women should never come out of the kitchen except at bedtime

It's not about pissing them off. Trump doesn't need to do that, they do that themselves. They have been acting like babies since before he even took office, so it has nothing to do with anything he does.

What I like is that he doesn't cave to them just because they cry the loudest. It seems pretty simple, but nobody else does it.

No I think that many of them are desperate for a better live and believed that Trump could offer it to them.

>It's not about pissing them off

It's only about that. It may be about something the different for the Appalachia hillbillies but for the middle class alt-right millennials it's exactly about hat.

Because a thin-skinned billionaire narcissist who only wanted to be president to prove himself to pop and lives in a golden tower gives two fucks for them.

You only have to look at his proposed tax cuts

Do you remember how pissed off democrats were at Romney for being wealthy? Even though it didn't seem to matter much a few elections before that John Kerry is even wealthier. And how enraged they were at John McCain? Or how much hatred George Bush got from Democrats his entire time in office. There's really no reason to like Trump because "liberals hate him" -- Liberals froth at the mouth with rabid hatred against every single Republican candidate. People that aren't total partisan hacks get bored of it, frankly.

>Let's vote for a fascist ticket, lol it will be so funny, guys
No matter how you look at it, this is retarded.

>Do you remember how pissed off democrats were at Romney for being wealthy?

No. I remember people being pissed because he was an arrogant prick talking about 10,000$ bets and his wife's Cadillacs.

Bieng ignorant is different to be a manipulator. Which he is to some degree but less than others politicians maybe because his stupidity which makes his lies clear to notice.


See, if Democrats weren't super enraged about Trump existing they'd be rioting in the streets over some other petty grievance with another candidate. It's difficult to take them seriously.

Didn't he dodge the draft?

Cant believe retards like you still think the wall will be build.
Let me guess you thought Trump knew what he was doing on Healthcare too right?
Or even better you thought he could "lock her up".
At this point i just feel bad for you guys your emperor fucks you everyturn and you thank him for it.


I would never call Trump's campaign "grassroots".


The Trump-meme is old meme by now. That has been getting a bloody nose for 7 month now.

Well it seems that you're content to just guess my thoughts on that stuff, so I'll leave you to it

Isn't that like keep your doctor. Keep your plan?

Best part is he called himself a "problem solver" in that speech after 7 month of total failure.

I support Trump because I don't think we should overthrow Syria's democratically elected government just because they oppose the Qatar / Turkey pipeline.

yes, but you werent okay with obama saying that were you?. And its nothing like "john barron", or trump university or "obama isnt american" or "personal fortune of 9-12 billion", or "mexico is going to pay for" or "lock her up" .. all politicians lie and get shit wrong.

trump lies constantly and has done so in every walk of life he has inhabited.

he lied about leg surgery to get out of going to Vietnam 5 times, his family are all fucking liars too.

He attempted to hold a rally last night in Phoenix. Piss poor attendance compared to when he was running for office, and nearly three times as many people protesting the rally than those in attendance.

A CIA op, involving a "crazed lone wolf and a gun" gets closer and closer.

But we are all still paying for that lie. And to your point, oh hell yeah it's a lot worse than those. Those don't affect every American and are BS anyway. Health care was never broken especially the numbers that Liberal democrats in Congress kept pulling out of thier ass like the 23M lie. That number was based on all the healthy 20 somethings that did not buy insurance. And this whole thread is full of more liberal BS. You guys can't make a valid argument. It's all fairy tales.

Someone should compare the intelligence between trump supporters and nob supporters.

People inside were from Phoenix. People outside were bussed in for the most part. More fairy tales.

Ok even if its all lies from liberals( its not).
He promised Healthcare for everyone, to keep your doctor and preexisting conditions would be covered.
The Final Bill he tried desperately to push through failed his promise.
How do you defend that?

>In 2009, President Obama stood before an adoring crowd in the centre of Prague, in the heart of Europe. He pledged himself to make "the world free from nuclear weapons". People cheered and some cried. A torrent of platitudes flowed from the media. Obama was subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

It was all fake. He was lying.

But let's crucify Drumpf instead since we are hypocritical as fuck and our selective memory only goes as far as what suits our propagandist agenda instead of being honest, just and fair.
That way we prove we are better than Drumpf, right?
Oh, wait...


>Obama did it, so it's OK.

well kid if the democrats would have ended those unjust wars we wouldn't have to lisren to your whining. now would we,

sure kid

sure kid


still crying about that election, huh kid.

Agreed, the democrats should have expected a republican would jump at the chance of sending more troops to unjust wars if they have the chance.

in 2006 the democrats promised to end the wars.

still thinks this is a thing.
sad kid.

cry it out bitch

VIVA Trump ! OP you little cunt fuck off ! You whiney bitches are tools for SOROS !

your retarded opinion kid.

sure kid

your opinio kid

first off, no Americans are not suffering from that, tens of millions of more people are insured, and the ACA is better than any alternative trump has proposed.

and my point is that trump is by no means a straight shooter, in his personal life, his business dealings and now politics, he is a weasel who will say whatever he thinks will go over well with his retarded base.

im not a liberal, I just have lost my objectivity in a desperate attempt to be part of a "movement"


you should get yo head out of yo ass kid.

> Nobel Prize Psychology 2000
Is this picture supposed to be satire, is that what the "Trumpfags" don't understand?

He also called the Mexican people animals.

hmm. go see president get attacked.
no wonder attendance was low.

just make it up kid. like everything else you post.

retarded is more like it.

sad. why did you even bother to reply? they didn't end the wars as they promised.

Not at all - I'm an Englishman. I just think America is a joke right now and the White House and POTUS is comedy gold - the gift that keeps on giving.

And does using "kid" in a derogatory sense actually work?

there is a ton more than this.

you seem to be cluless,and english.

Sad. Trump promised you he would leave now he sends even more troops.

No, I don't SEEM to be English. I am English. I just told you I was. You obviously have a problem with comprehension.

sure kid

sure kid

That was before the USA found out they had oil. Having Islamic fundamentalists in power is better for raw mineral extraction than democracy, sorry kid.

Why is that retard still holding rallies? You people are fucking STUPID.

sure kid