Why aren't women funny? Biology? Why are they the minority in practically every field?

Why aren't women funny? Biology? Why are they the minority in practically every field?

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Why would they make an effort, when they can get everything for free, just by whining and manipulating men?

as the first guy said, there's no incentive

I'm set to inherit a large amount of money in a few months, as such there's no motivation whatsoever to work right now

men are simply required to be funny among many other things to succeed in dating

Men often need to be funny in order to get laid.
Women do not (except for lesbians).

They don't need to be since they don't need to do anything besides look pretty to males. Men on the other hand have to do everything they can to attract females, and those who don't have muscular bodies or big bank accounts needed to develop some kind of skill to attract a mate.

I don't think it has to do with inbreeding

Look at the content. Men and Women have different objectives inherently. Woman want resources, and their jokes are primarily about that. Men cover literally everything else in comedy.

Because women use humor with bad intentions. Men use it because they like being funny

Humor requires intelligence, and women are just not good at those sorts of things.

Have you not seen the new ghost busters?.


Do you think any women exist that genuinely want to be funny?

it´s genetics indeed, men need to feel he´s ahead of others, and making fun and being good on it, it´s the point of that. Women just need to complain and talk everything, everytime.

There are funny women. But most guys go for pretty/ graceful/ernest rather than cute/silly/ funny.
It pays off more as a female to act proud and not joke around.
Otherwise noone takes you serious. Being an entertainer is a more masculine trait.
So I'll do that with my female friends mostly and not with guys.

No. Just women that really want to feel accepted

Idk ive never been like
"No way shes gonna be at stand up live? I gotta go"

You're talking about a gender who, to battle sexism, wants men to pick women over more qualified men, for diversity quotas.
Battle sexism with sexism ey

Yeah, that has to mean something

Isn't that more company policy? I mean, I'm pretty sure there are companies pushing women into STEM for instance. Women aren't the ones causing that, are they?

women are funny when they're fat and talk about vaginas

really? Huh. I know one girl that just naturally makes jokes in conversation.

This fucks me up dude, real talk why can't they be funny? I've seen a couple opportune jokes made but never anything consistently funny. All the comedy routines women do are about their bodies, it gets so fucking old.

This isn't seen bullshit mgtow, I legit don't know why they aren't funny.

Life is softer for women, and a hard life is what makes successful men.

I avoided it, with that cast it seemed like it would be impossible to get through without muh-tits & vagina jokes.
Do they really go the whole movie without crying about their tits or vag?

Really shitty jokes, no doubt.


gib example pls. i'm waiting. you might just be saucy for her.

Eh, I've laughed. she likes dark humor. She's not bad

she told me before she went on a trip to Germany that she was gonna "make the German guy's dicks heil". Thought that one was pretty funny

Men are funny because they've had shit lives of terror and pain, and when they share that, we can laugh along with their misery.
If a woman stood on stage laughing about how she was raped by some chad and then fell off a balcony during spring break, the women would be mad because women hate each other, and most of the guys would feel sorry for her. The women and those men would be mad at the one guy laughing his ass off, and he know it, so he sits there giggling on the inside eyeing left and right to see if anyone notices he is enjoying the story.

Humor is a good story about a miserable experience. Our culture isn't ready for mocking disposable women, and maybe never will be. Women are coddled, not mocked for losing their legs in an amusing way.

also true of comedy
look at great comedians, most (not all) lose it after finding success
what made them funny where the difficulties they faced - success removes many of those challenges

*were the difficulties

Give an example of a joke she said.

kek you sound like a cuck


she said you wouldn't die alone as a homeless loser.
completely straight face.
I almost died of laughter.

huh. are you brittish or something

I'm surprised nobody mentioned that it's because of the patriarchal structure that oppresses women to keep them powerless. Need some more feminist studies majors in here. Their theories are complete bullshit, but we still need a few so we can point it out to them...

> I wish someone would be wrong so I could be smug
jesus fucking kill yourself christ

How lol it was funny

SIMPLE ANSWER They don't go through half the sit men do...More men are homeless, more men die at work, more men commit suicide, more men go to war etc etc. It's hard to for men to not be funny with out all this "material"



i take it you don't agree with how right i am?

lol "oppression"

I just think you're pathetic for openly voicing a desire that someone would come along and say retarded shit so you could nay-say it. You're a faggot. Here's your (you). Go choke on it and a bag of dicks.

Because their survival mechanism has always been quite simple. To sexually service men and get men attached to them as a result, and manipulate them in other more complicated ways, usually via emotional manipulation or some form of social coercion. Humour can be included in that, but it's not a primary tactic. It's more like an advanced tactic for women with higher cognitive capabilities (which are few and far between as women generally average out at almost the exact same point on the IQ spectrum).

Also, men don't require humour from their woman to be satisfied with them. All they require is a woman that appears to be sexually submissive and is useful in the home.

I feel like being funny can also be a social mechanism for girls, or anyone for that matter, to break the ice if they're not socially inclined. Or a girl that has been through a traumatic childhood and tries to make situations better with humor.

I actually can answer OP's question.
Comic theory from Freud through Bakhtin and all the way up to the present is unanimous that comedy is 1) hostile or aggressive, and 2) antithetical to feeling or emotion.
So, we laugh at someone falling down a stairwell because 1) we enjoy allowing ourselves a little meanness, and 2) we don't give a shit.
With women, though, we expect them to be two things: kind and caring. When a female comedian stays kind and caring, she isn't funny. When she is aggressive and unemotional, she repulses us as some kind of monstrous anti-woman.
Ergo, women can't be comedians.
Now check out the ass on this good samaritan...

Enjoyed your post. Thanks for taking the time to type it up user

Have you ever told a joke or story that any male can relate to and burst out laughing while women start laughing despite not understanding what the fuck was the joke all about?

Men have some elaborate and inclusive jokes, when we wanna make roasties laugh we dumb it down so they can get it.

Do you think a woman can make inclusive jokes too?

True, but I guess the woman could still be funny in that case even though it's repulsive to men

Unless they talk about period stains, iron curl burns, high heel problems or pregnancy, men won't get it. But also that shit ain't funny to begin with

I mean they can have other problems too like social issues / family problems or something, no?

Would that mean that most female comedians are gay?


I don't think it's becuase they lack the ability to be funny, but that we just haven't evolved to find them funny, since that would be benificial for our survival.

...men on the other hand are obligated to impress a female by either being shredded or express their social intelligents by making women laugh.

>social intelligents


you misspelled intelligence, autist

I is not from english you cuck

Can you understand irony in your language you stupid fuck?

Fucking retard

I was just being ironic back.


you made a great target faggot, bravo