I heard that posting links to this site will result in a ban on Sup Forums, is this true? Dropbox

I heard that posting links to this site will result in a ban on Sup Forums, is this true? Dropbox

Only if the links are good and juicy. But don't worry op, nobody posts juicy shit anymore.

Why don't you try it and find out?

thats good to hear


2 things....VPN tool = no ban ever and honestly no one has the kind of content that would serve as a prerequisite for a ban.

Please post links. That is all.


Someone hit us with that good ol info folder

Yes please. Let us make this thread a success....ful ban scenario! (:

Jk. But seriously.

Post em up then man

Won't happen.


will it?




OP here,
Is vola better?

All these questions and no one taking charge.

Not really



This guy fucking gets it!!

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

It's tame

It's nothing. Shitty box actually. I have no idea what the fuck this guy

is reacting like that for. maybe because it's simply a link, which hasn't been posted yet?

thread dead? when do anons make these? at night?


nice user, got any more?


What? Al the links 404??

better than the previous one, what the heck is a .fif though?

>Not searching for drop box on pastbin...

And for good cred, here's my contribution fags. Have fun!!

what is this

What do I do with this? I use Dropbox but have never heard of links?

i dont kno what that is

>page has been removed

anyone figure it out?

Yeah I don't know how to use these links..


Banhammer fuckstick boy!

Can you explain that abit better man?

Anyone got the bit link thing??

Bro... Seriously?..

unless you are hidden in some way, then stay away just be happy you can't figure it out



Pompous cunt. Did you figure it out?? Post full url then.
Its not that hard to get. But I'd suggest not following the link. It leads you down a real dark path, man.

Wait is this a "bit" torrent?

If so fuuuuuuck that..

It's garbage b8.

how do anons find these links in the first place?

Really?? Literally just follow the instructions. I said it was a shortned url, bait crying fuck hat. Type the protocol https... paste the fucking text.
And replace "dot" with a fucking "."
Fucking glue eaters

Trying this hard has to be entrapment mr fbi.

even the fbi would be dumbfounded at the sheer levels of retard that make up this board

i dont understand