Been fasting for ~4 days 6 hours and 20 some odd minutes. Feel weird. Not religious.Been drinking water only...

Been fasting for ~4 days 6 hours and 20 some odd minutes. Feel weird. Not religious.Been drinking water only. No food solid or liquid. Starting to hear a lot better. I wear glasses, but haven't really used em since day 3. My mind is clear of anything petty or rhetorical. But I have a hard time actually concentrating on anything for that matter.

anyone else do this? How was your experience.

I hate myself thats why I'm doing this.

That's to be expected, your body is trying to conserve energy by reducing power to nonvital functions
>if you're doing it right you'll start hallucinating in a few days

I've went a week before. Feels great. The first 3 days are shit if you are addicted to sugar especially. It's pretty awesome and cleans your system. Most people will tell you it's bad for you but have never tried it themselves for lack of will power. I wouldn't do it for more than a few weeks though.

wtf for real??? visual/auditory?

Never experienced that. You must be hearing from your deity.

Yeah, in my experience it was minor auditory, like hearing a knock on the door.
If I kept going it probably would have gotten much more intense

>I wear glasses, but haven't really used em since day 3.
Then it means you didn't need glasses. If you really need glasses and don't use them, then you can't see shit.

I am actually pretty strict with myself and eating. I am feeling hungry. my water weight has gone done since day 2. I feel like I can go a week. My piss has been mighty yellow even though I'm drinking water only.

Was thinking the same. My fasting has never improved my nearsightedness and astigmatism.

I mispoke I feel like I dont need them. I haven't left the house since doing this so driving and getting around haven't been an issue yet. Looking at the computer right now looks more clear and other things are just brighter. this could be the visual hallucinations or something idk its hard to explain

Yeah you def got excess vitamins. Do you have the horrid smelling liquid shots yet? (It might just happen to me because I normally have a shit diet)

No not yet. but not particular solid either.

i've done a 7 day fast (only water) due to religious reasons back in the day. 3 times total. things get pretty strange after day 5... i remember this weird feeling of what i can only describe as "euphoria" when taking a shower. also my sense of smell became so sharp that i could smell a pizza from a mile away.

OP, are you planning to do this often? is this something to jumpstart a weight loss? are you in good health as far as weight?

and the highlight of my day was brushing my teeth. that toothpaste tasted so damn sweet.

I feel like I can smell the neighbors making a sandwich.

Yeah I am fit. I cycle daily to and from work. And also cycle in my free time as well as weight training and shit. I eat good as well. Lean meat. fish, dark leafy greens. eggs are my favorite. I think Im doing this to see if I can do it. I have recently gone through a break up. So I have found myself doing weird things. Not self harming wise but just to prove myself type shit. i don't know I think I just want to see if I can do it.

You should try to become vegan!
You gonna love yourself more like that!

If I'm fat and I do this will I just become emanciated like a hibernating bear and come out thin? Been considering this retarded idea, just don't want to die.

I think you will be affected more than I am. Like headaches and mental state kind of stuff. Plus a lot of flushing of shit that you put inside yourself. thanks. I do enjoy some vegan/vegetarian dishes. But that's not a life style for me or what I want for myself.

Wouldn't the extra fat reserves act as energy and just burn off?

It's a good way to break you from your food addiction. The problem is unlike other things that are addictive food is required to live long term. If you do it just don't expect it to solve your problems more of it will illuminate your problems.

Your body is used to burning carbs, glycogen, which is stored as glucose, so it will take time for your body to adjust to start burning fat. Carbs are easier and faster to burn, so its used up first.

Dont really have any problems I wont to eliminate. I am kind of enjoying it and kind of hating it.