I'm surrounded by these fucking somali muslims in my rural red state. I don't understand why the fuck they're here...

I'm surrounded by these fucking somali muslims in my rural red state. I don't understand why the fuck they're here, some thing about a leftist charity sponsoring them to come here. We have a literal colony that's well over 30.000 thousand filled with the filthy mongrels. They shit and piss in walmart isles and stink like sewage. With so many of them in my neighborhood I'm no longer concerned about terrorist attacks, or wondering if one will happen. I'm certain that we will experience a Jihad in our homeland from accepting these saracens in our borders, it's not a question of if but WHEN. My fellow Sup Forums brothers I'm here to ask for your help. I will not lay down like our limp dick government cronies, I won't let them take my home or endanger the people I love. How can we prepare for the coming bloodshed? How can we prevent these cucks from saying we should give them a sovereign territory like we did with native Americans or jews in israel?

What guns and ammo should I be stocking? What reading material can you recommend revolving around forming a functioning militia and survival guides? I know some training manuals that military releases are handy but I don't think they're fully applicable in the modern world.

(pic of mennonites in my village that's outside the somali shithole)

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the lutherans are behind it. they make money on every nigger they bring over

Nice trips.

I'm lutheran, but I've never heard of them supporting such charities. The majority of christians here are evangelical or baptist.

when I say I want to form militia I don't mean immediately, I want to have the knowledge and skills to participate in such an organization when the time comes.

Somalis are in Minnesota, Maine and Columbus, Ohio

What rural red state has Somalis?

I live in Nebraska, they reside largely in the city of lexington and there's a shit ton of them. There's more darkies there than white people.

>some thing about a leftist charity sponsoring them to come here
It's probably actually a church's fault. You know how churches love refugees and immigrants and shit.

I've noticed also in my neighborhood an influx of islaminiggers speaking apfrican languages.
Not 30 thousand but of course this is a small city, that's probably the population of the whole city.
So it's even happening in small cities.

It's insanely large here considering how rural Nebraska is in general, if violence escalated a lot of people would die before military intervention was mobilized. Thankfully we do have a lot of hicks with guns which will slow them down considerably but we'll need order to be effective in defending ourselves.

In my town it's Catholic churches and Jewish temples sponsoring them.

It's perverse.

It's not just perverse, these people are quislings.

That's a really cute little girl, but you really shouldn't be taking creepshots of lolis.

i'm thankful for mennonites. i'm not religious, but i'm glad they exist.

one of my professors is a mennonite. he's a great guy.

burn some crosses, make them feel unwelcome, vandalize the places the accept them

You know what you must do

I suspect most of them are just useful idiots. But when we get those war crimes tribunals fired up for the folks in power who caused this situation, this will be one more thing for the jury to deliberate about.

Cheyenne, Wyoming

That's already happened, mostly spray painting mosques and halal restaurants. We also have this thing about fucking with them using pigs since we have a lot of hog farms. We started this yearly thing of racing pigs now...

idiots are easily indoctrinated to spray in the name of allah.

yes there's a substantial amount there too.

And you can expect it to get worse. Remember all those stupid questions they tried to force on you under the guise of being the 2010 census? Turns out part of that was to build a race database so that "segregated" communities (i.e. > 50% white) could have more disadvantaged persons transplanted in so that everybody could have more equal access to resources.

Section 8 housing is widely believed to be a primary vector, but I'm thinking UN property code and things like that will really be taking it up a notch.

And then you have to wonder, gee, where are they flying and bussing all these illegals and jihadis into anyway? Hmmmmmmm..... Hope you like enrichment.

that makes a lot of fucking sense. Thank my village is 99% white still. For real guys I need to start prepping for when this shit goes down. At least some rudimentary weapons and some books and military tactics. I know some really good friends that are dyed in the wool conservatives that would love to blow away some sand niggers that also own decent arsenals.

You snow nigs are hyperbolic.
Somalian girls are barely Muslims and have pretty cute faces for black girls.

The guys are usually weird but not completely niggish unless you're from Minnesota, God smite you.

> islaminigger detected

Seriously, you Northern fucks are crazy and paranoid.
It must be all the darkness and cold, good thing it's finally warming up here.

I'm all for helping people in need, but that's not what this is. That is merely a cover story. This is setting up at best what Henry Kissinger refers to as "Low Intensity Conflict" in order to subjugate a target population without letting it blow up into full scale conflict in order that a superior occupying force can be deployed in order to control access to natural resources or whatever else happens to be of geostrategic interest.

That's best case. Worse cases get substantially worse, and it should be quite obvious how easily they start happening when the conditions are created to support happenings. It's like growing fungus. It doesn't usually take over, but give it its favorite growing conditions and it'll get out of hand pretty quick.

If you're Muslim, one of the best things you can do is decry being used as canon fodder rather than blaming people for not accepting you enough.

> islaminiggering intensifies

I'm from the Southwest, just up here for work atm

You should probably be more concerned with theft than terrorism. non-whites aren't smart but they steal anything that isn't nailed down.

So like Namibia?

It's easy to say that when you don't go outside and you're surrounded by niggers in burkas.

Oh I'm already aware of that problem and I have yet to be ripped off. Mostly they just shove shit in their burkas at stores.

San Bernardino already happened senpai

You're not being racist, are you?
I actually ran into a Somali woman at the store, pretty cute woman tbqh. Teeth were fucked however.

Yea some are attractive but what the fuck does that have to do with how big of pieces of shit they are?

And are you really pulling the race card? I'll reiterate my problem is with muslims, I use as many derogatory terms possible against them.

You should probably try talking to the people if you're that anxious about them

My buddies's wife's Dad is a scrambled eggs airforce Colonel, Ret. He has volunteered as a poll worker for 20 years. In 2012, he manned the door to the school gym and watched van after van of Somalis dropped off and they said one thing, "obamaobamaobamaobama" shuffling to and fro in their hijabs stinking to high heaven like B.O., soap flakes, and khat. He died shortly after the election. Can u figure out why they're here, now OP?

crusader swine, you will not defeat us

Muslim president importing Muslims, shouldn't have been a shock to anyone.


>somali muslims in my rural red state
>I don't understand why the fuck they're here
You just answered your own question OP, more shitskins means more Democrat votes to slowly turn your rural red state into a blue state, same reason Obama is so desperate to relocate as many urban shitskins to non-urban areas as possible before his term ends.
