

floof and stuff

reminder that even fucking niggers is illegal beastiality outside canada



Dash has super powers now.


no bully dash!

he's excitable sometimes, but he's a good kid

I would never bully an x-man.

This was posted on the previous thread



Dash vs Mewtwo DEATHBATTLE









Dr. Manhattan is cooler because SCIENCE. Physics and shit is my favorite.
Never seen Watchmen tho.




My mind is too open it seems.


no just your anus


MOTHERFUCKER. I was just thinking, next post is dubs. I should have said it.




>claims special abilities
>provides no proof of claims


Just saying. I don't believe it either.





>browses Sup Forums
>fart fetish
>has powers


Yes. I'm fucking crazy, I know.

You make me diamonds.


Don't stick your dick in crazy.




You ain't crazy.

Your actions, expressions and own words say otherwise. Either way I'm fuckn out.


I'm pretty crazy.

I just need to get off these meds. I shouldn't smoke weed and be one them.




You don't rape and kill people.

Maybe, but I'm paranoid.







That seems pretty crazy to me. Like, I can do something stupid like say this post is dubs, but that probably wouldn't happen. If it did then it would just seem like a coincidence. If not then I'm just being paranoid. I guess. I don't know. Something I'm taking is fucking with my head probably.


Comment name

>Just saying. I don't believe it either.
>>butterflies in my stomach
It's a little more than that. I don't think you would believe me if I said it.

I foresaw almost every single bit of this happening that night I got in the shower. I knew your age, what you looked like from head to toe, the entire relationship status aside from knowing exactly about Josh but knew there was another guy involved, I knew what sir looked like, and I knew that it would involve you and pics being shared. I saw it and said "what the fuck am I getting myself into" a dozen times. I'm legitimately terrified right now. My mom always said I was psychic, that I was special. She would say in front of my 4 siblings that I was the only one planned, that a voice told her over and over to have a kid with my dad. Years later my dad told me he heard it too. I don't know what the fuck the think, but how crazy would it be to say that I may be clairvoyant?

I swear to fucking Christ I'm losing my God damn mind. There's no way this daily "coincidences" are that. Sunshine the witch? I post witch at the same time? What that fuck is that?

I realize that, but when it happens literally every single day, when the same thing happens at the same time, what am I supposed to think? Remember when you made a post about gender identity issues, and I looked it up just a minute before you did? I really have a hard time believing I'm not crazy because it's just stupid to me. It doesn't make sense. I don't know what to think really. I'm probably crazy, but whatever.

I literally saw this entire thing play out so far. I'm not fucking lying, I swear to you. I don't even know what I'm trying to prove, no one is going to listen to me anyway.

MOTHERFUCKER. I was just thinking, next post is dubs. I should have said it.

Just saying. I don't believe it either.

>I don't believe it either.

Exactly. I don't know if I'm crazy by nature or I drive myself crazy.

Your name? I dunno, James.

I told you, I don't know what to think. That's what I'm saying.


You need your ass pounded.

Head pounded more like it.



it's very common to have those sorts of feeling when you're in a manic state
it doesn't mean you're "crazy", it just means you need to recognize when you're in such state not get too carried away with those trains of thought

Heh, I made that fix.

Just a passing user requesting all the furry cunnilingus you can provide

Yeah, I guess. I know for fucking sure this seroquel is fucking with me, and smoking weed brings it out.













Why can't I be normal.




I'm serious. I just want to feel like a normal person and fit in, but I'm fucked up in every way.

You fit in with us.


No I don't. I'm batshit insane.

You're cute.

I hate myself and want to die.
