People who dress like this usually don't know a lot about music. (especially the young ones who will grow out of it)

People who dress like this usually don't know a lot about music. (especially the young ones who will grow out of it)

Often act superior and think they know a lot about music when they only know punk.

Assume only people who dress like them know about the music they listen to.

There's actually a lot of people who dress more normal that know more about punk rock then them.

(If someone like this ever says you don't know real music ask them about 50's rock and roll or jazz... they won't know most of the time if they are young)

Why is this?

Because it's easier to just play dress up and coast off of fashion than it is to actually know anything about music

because trends

By the way knowing about music =/= going on RYM and listening to the top 5 best rated albums from a bunch of different genres

>i assume peoples musical knowledge based on how they dress

Because of my experience with these kinds of people before user.

The ones who are like 40 and 50 and have dressing like this for 20 or 30 years tend to be okay and more open minded.

The young people who dress like this tend to be giant douche bags.

Eh, let them do it how they feel like it. I used to be personally used to be judgmental, but stopped caring once I got older. Why the fuck do you care what somebody else does for themselves if 1. It's not illegal and 2. They aren't hurting you or anyone else? Your post reeks of teenager.

That's because most of the time people like in the pic don't care about the music and just want somewhere to belong, friends etc. Not always of course, but this is my personal experience.
I agree with though.

>ask them about 50's rock and roll or jazz... they won't know most of the time if they are young
>Why is this?


Because they act like fucking retards if you try discuss music with them.

They assume you don't know about their music because you don't have a leather jacket and a mohawk.

They act surprised when you do as if they are in some kind of secret club.

i don't talk to ppl.

>Wearing a bad brains patch on leather jacket

>Oh cool you like bad brains
>they inspired the beastie boys
>That's why they chose the name beastie boys because they liked the initials

>hahaha bad brains didn't inspire the beastie boys they are nothing alike

>You do know a lot of punk rock bands pay respect to the beastie boys right

>haha no

>but you know they were a punk rock band before they were the beastie boys?

>No they weren't

Actual conversation I had with a group of these people.

Ive never seen anyone dressed like this


Do you live in a country town?

>ITT: nerds instinctively hating anything that even remotely smacks of being cool

Not knowing much about music but acting like a music snob. (despite punk originally being against music snobbery) is not cool.

Then don't discuss music with them? If you frequent your local scene enough, you'll eventually find others that share your taste. Don't waste your time with people for whom it may not be worth chilling with. Outside my main two friendgroups, the people I discussed stuff with were the older guys that made the shows and ran the local record stores.

Dudes who own record stores are usually cool and have a wide taste in music.

Dudes who own record stores are often guys who listen to everything


dude nobody dresses like this anymore

You must not live in a city in Europe or America, I assume?

People I've met who dress like this only really like punk or goth rock and don't claim otherwise.

>You must not live in the 80s
ftfy ;)

but claim to appreciate music more than everybody else who doesn't know what music is.
While they listen to one fucking genre exclusively.

show me an example of someone claiming that

well user nobody listens to punk music past age 17 so what you say is not particularly enlightening

ITT: Army of strawmen

Go talk to them irl and you will here plenty of retarded shit.

>I like punk because it takes talent unlike pop

You do realise back in the day people said punk musicians had no talent, couldn't sing and didn't play their instruments properly right???

You do realise that was also kind of the point?

I agree with you, because I think anyone who categorizes themselves too much as it pertains to their appearance limits their sonic palette, in a sense.
For example, someone who considers themselves emo, and dresses as such.
It's a very narrow-minded manner of existence, people should be more musical "chameleons" than that.
I can listen to Antihoney & The Residents, then listen to Kanye West directly after. Eclecticism is the optimal goal.

sup grandpa

i can see punks not knowing much about music but metalheads seem to be obsessed with it, only problem with metal heads is you do get elitist snobs alot

metal elitism keeps the genre alive