Can we get a badly described video game and guess what it is thread going?

Can we get a badly described video game and guess what it is thread going?

EZ mode

>Neo Tokyo
>Hello Alison
>Spray the world

>you love animals for some reason
>you hit people for fun
>spoiler, they die

Nope, good guess though.

Black & White?

Jet set radio?

>found a scope
>found a shotgun
>killed by thin blue line

pretty cool guy

very good, yes


Niggers in hats with lights try to take over the world

Got another

>Two Bros
>Gut Punch Chick
>Mission Start
>Save Neo NYC
>Save Chick
>Possible and ambiguous train ran on chick

Idk the name of the game but is it that black and white game where you kill and paint the city red with blood?

>stay awhile, listen

Double Dragon

>black vs white
>people thought it was a race thing and called it racist
>that wasn't the case
>no one knows who actually won

>wake up
>punch shit until it dies


Correct! You got it

Diablo 2

you're thinking of Madworld, shame that there hasn't been a sequel yet


Ark survival evolved


Yes indeed.

Let us up the difficulty.

>Has phalanges
>No limbs
>Acid trip levels


rocket league?

Yep good job.

the only thing I can understand is neo-tokyo because that's one arena... but how do you connect the other two?

Nope, check.

>get game
>play game on causal
>get voted out for being a new player
>get screamed at because people take this game very seriously

Any and all MOBAs

Nope, but here's a hint, guns