I cut myself with a razor blade awhile ago and didn't get stitches. I probably should have...

I cut myself with a razor blade awhile ago and didn't get stitches. I probably should have. Occasionally it itches and feels weird. What's inside of this and can it be popped?

cant see clearly from the pic, is it a bump or a groove

Is it hard or soft? Does it feel like theres anything underneath the scar? Has there been any drainage from the wound?

Well, it CAN be popped, but you shouldn't.

It's itching because it's healing. Popping it will prolong healing and leave a nastier scar.

It's a bump. And it's hard.

why would you not want a manly scar

No. It will heal up but you will still have the scar

Film and pop

mine itched for maybe 6 months after stopping, i think its normal. I haven't cut for a year now. I think its always going to feel weird, it's scar tissue

So it's not done healing yet? It's been months. I'd say at least four or five.

Just to clarify, it was an accident. I was trying to cut a box open and it slipped and cut my arm.

regardless if yours was intentional or not, i feel like mine may be a good example because I did not get stitches when I needed them

I don't know how deep the cut was. If you thought it needed stitches, then yes, it can take that long.

When you get a really deep cut, it doesn't just seal itself up like when you get a superficial cut. It closes with a shitty, weak, temporary tissue and then rebuilds itself with new blood vessels and converts to a more permanent tissue.


cute, babbys first scar.

as long as it's not weeping, I wouldn't worry about it

Was yours bubbly like mine?

Looks like a small keloidal scar. Will need plastic surgery if you want to get rid of it.

its a scar dude. itll recede but itll take years. thats a keoild, ive got several and one took 5-7 years before noticed it "lowered" so to speak. try scar pads for a few months. buy at walgreens

No lie, I have one on the base of my dick. I scratched the shit out of it and I regret it.

>ribbed for her pleasure

got more than Frankensteins' grindr date

its scar tissue don't try to pop it will go in a few years

I googled that and it looks similar to some of the pictures. Supposedly there's at home remedies to get rid of them. Do you think these would work?

>at home remedies

Might work. Probably low success rate.

It's a keloid scar.
Apply aloe. Leave it alone.

yes, well at least on my legs with keloidal tissue - buncha skin grafts due to crush injuries.

jeez, it's just a scar. Except for my left foot and back, I have worse on every appendage. Chicks dig scars, not whiney cunts who talk about them.

itching often means there is some kind of fluid under your skin, try to stick a needle in it, if the needle doesnt hurt it can be popped