Can someone tell me what this is?

Can someone tell me what this is?

urinal you can pee in while facing backwards


To like.. Show your dick to people or? Transgender dudes who got their dick chopped off but aren't allowed to go in women's bathrooms? I don't see the logic.

>Can someone tell me what this is?
Urinal with an anal attachment

It seems to have a testicle-rest on the end

Its so your buddy can watch your back and pee at the same time

Drinking fountain

It's not a mass produced urinal, that was mad for a art gallery it's part of a "piece" or what ever you call it

its an art piece called "the female urinal" from the Museum of Sex in New York City. notice the wire and the placard on the wall.

OP's urinal.

maybe to force u to open ur legs a bit ?

World's worst bong?

It's for taking a shit while standing

i think it is so you don't have to stand so close to the urinal when the stream is losing its force

Transgender urinal.
There's apparently a billion sexualities now.

I kid you not, I work in IT.

Bunch of curry smelling H1B indians started working at out place...dumb ass manager think this will solve their problems.

They had to post a sign in front of our urinals stating that they are for liquid waste only.

Guess a bunch of bobble heads were shitting in the urinals

Thats when I knew I'd never fear offshore engineers would take my job. they are too fucking stupid to even come close to it.....


As soon as I saw it I knew it was a female urinal.
These other people must be retarded.

Can't you idiots put 2 and 2 together?

That's worse than the Chinese H1Bers here who insist on blowing their noses directly into the sinks.


Were they mad that they can't use them (easily)?

Mexican Urinal to match their boots.

What's a H1Ber?

These pigs don't even know why they are doing this.

Someone using an H1B visa to work temporarily in the USA. Usually the people who have these visas are from India or China.

These people make at least 60k/year.
These are actual working ass people, who lose this fucking visa if they aren't earning that amount.

Don't talk shit about chinks that and shits that go to the US to work.

Talk shit on the inbred pigs and sand niggers plaguing your country.


It is true that they make at least 60K/year. That's a requirement of the H1B visa. That's why this visa is mostly filled by IT workers.

Farm workers who earn a lot less use other types of visas.


Pisser with nutsack rest

That dude is a fag, leave him be.
Fuckin guy attacking mother fucker that break their back all day for his fucking country.

Go hate on these antifa fags, or unemployed brown people.

It has a nice ass-crack shape at the end. Its a seat. So you can sit and piss... at a standing urinal.

its used to wash your asshole before engaging in homosexual activities in a cubical

tell them to Poo in the loo