Trying this again, for the sake of discussion

Trying this again, for the sake of discussion...

Why has this bullshit racism issue gotten blown so far out of control? My theory is that is is being used as nothing more than a mass cultural distraction, but what from? It can't be income inequality. The .01% doesn't even need to distract people from their obscene wealth, let alone create a false sense of solidarity. It has to be something far bigger, and, IMHO, something that has a chance of backfiring pretty badly. Otherwise they wouldn't even foster an issue that removes the class issue from the equation.

TL;DR: ITT - What are we being distracted from by this overburdened racism issue?

Pic somewhat related

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So you're smart enough to know there is a bigger picture, but not smart enough to know what that is.

> bump for interest

paranoid schizophrenic
thinking that there is some higher being/group that has everything under their control

Let's hear it then?? OP has a point. If this is some sort of distraction, it isn't for a little red flag.


Simple answer: the crooked bullshit of the eternal jew.

Really?? This isn't that far off?

We've all seen false flags and other bullshit giving power to those who don't deserve it, but this is so impossibly big. Racist math tests? Racist sports reporters names? Racist statues? What's the end goal, ffs? This isn't anything "little" like changing tax law for the three-billionth time to favor those who already couldn't count their money given every day of the rest of their lives. This is deplorable! It's way over the top. It has to be huge.

I feel that way about a lot of shit user. Why Donald Trump? Really? A fuckin reality star for president of the United States? Furthermore, why any of this presidential pageantry? It's not like they truly hold the power in this country, so is it just a distraction? Damn user. Feels.


There are a lot of possibilities, but not one that I can see that is big enough to warrant the exacerbation of such a volatile issue. This is bigger than gun control or police state.

not being distracted from anything sometimes civil rights just take front stage

OP.. look at the TPP right now. Just pay attention to what's going on.

We've all known that PotUS is nothing more than a fucking puppet since JFK, if not before. The FED hasn't exactly been secretive. All of the wars we wage on foreign countries all in the name of "freedom" while in reality forcing them onto fiat currency, bringing them under the rule of the Rothschilds and other banking cartels. But why get ~80% of the populous on the same page? That's a whole new tactic. Normally it's divide and conquer, but this is different.

TPP isn't anything new. They fuckered around on it before and over 95% of people wouldn't even know what the acronym stands for, let alone the implications. It's possible, but i think it's too far under the radar to warrant such a distraction.

It may be a combination of distraction and other things.

>Internet gives low IQ individuals a voice

>American political parties appealing to unintelligent people with stories designed to make opponents look bad

>Fear mongering used as a cash cow

>Young people wanting to right wrongs and thinking they can change the world


I feel like what you are describing is merely the vehicle for delivery, not the end goal. I do appreciate the participation, though. I think that the mid-level people are utilizing the items you described to their advantage, but I don't think that they are the masterminds, thus not part or party to the real goal.

Trans Pacific Partnership?

Is it still alive even though the US is out?

Personally I would have voted for Trump for this election promise alone. Would have, but I'm not American.

>What are we being distracted from by this overburdened racism issue?

Just life. Read/watch the Boondocks, more.
>Nigs are seen as property in the eyes of the world for longer than they've been "individuals" or "citizens"
>Nigs gain freedom
>Dont know how to handle freedom, but are just informed and organized enough to gain a voice politically
>Gov sees this and figures out how to shove most of em into 1 spot
>Furthermore, figure out how to keep em there by hooking them into either wellfare/justice systems
>Fatten em up with shitty, nutritionless food
>Make it so they have ready access to guns/booze/drugs so they wreck only their communities
>make them feel they're nurtured at the BASEMENT MINIMUM, then let them run wild
>All seems well until white kids started giving a shit about
>Once voluntarily complacent white masses get angry and take sides with the poor negro
>Gov sees this and begins distracting whitey
>Same hypothesis backfires though, as white people have lawyers and income, hence not so easy to get into the system
>Begin a more subtle approach
>Glorify eccentricity and luxury, to lure young white folks in
>get em good and broke
>then spew nonsense to rile them up and make them wild out and do something stupid, landing them in the system.

Or at least that's how I see it. We're distracted, but only because we're becoming the new commodity.

Being a non-national such as yourself, what does it look like from the outside? What is your opinion on the statues being torn down and defaced, the trigger words being blasted everywhere like some Michael Bay movie advertisement, and everyone denying their inner racism?

Have you considered that it is possibly not blown out of proportion?

>I think that the mid-level people are utilizing the items you described to their advantage
Yeah, you're probably right about this.

You know, maybe it's nothing more than a modern version of 1960s beatniks or 1910s communists.

Because if there is a puppeteer (insert Soros comment here) then it isn't clear to me what the end goal is.

So obviously OP isn't oblivious to the underlining campaign. Yes, current racism state is a distraction. Can I answer why? No. But none of this is appropriated out of control.

Not a terrible theory, but if they wanted to land whitey in the system, all they have to do is actually start prosecuting everyone to the same degree. Granted that is more difficult when it is the old-whites that are handing out the sentences.

just consider maybe that
-it may not be bullshit-
and if so, then wouldn't it be a big issue?
-so it was never fully resolved-
but moreso appeased temporarily or pushed under the rug
-so it may have still been (or part of) a problem for many people involved-
but just not made strong enough movements for the particular issues to make media waves during some of the tumultuous, crazy political twists the past year and a half has had.

nice try jew

I feel that this issue has been resolved to the best of anyone's ability. Racism will always be an issue because WE ARE ALL FUCKING RACIST! To quote Hank Hill: "What the hell kind of country is this if I can only hate a man if he's white?"

Dragging it up and inflating it to the point of critical mass was and is unnecessary. Why do it?

there has been a rise in attacks on civilians that were claimed by ISIS but take place in areas you wouldn't normally think of ISIS being in
other than that I don't know

Canadafag here, so some of this is happening here as well.

Not the statues and discussions about slavery. There were slaves here, but not many. Maybe a total of 1000 per some records.

What's more common here is the movement towards discussing gender as an expression of identity rather than a biological reality. The current laws in Canada protect gender fluidity. It is a federal crime here to refuse to refer to someone by their preferred pronouns.

The white self-hatred exists to a degree but doesn't get the same media coverage as in the US.

Picture unrelated.

That is a pretty big flaw, but I do think that because "old money" still has a lot of pull in the legal system, it hasn't necessarily broadened the stroke for which people are looped into it, but rather just figured out how to make white people who would have otherwise been inactive and docile more pronounced. If that makes sense. Like same rules and players but just a bigger deck to draw from.

It really is glorious what motivates stupid people, just look at black friday.

many people don't feel like it's been resolved to the best of anyone's ability though. elements of racism are of course ingrained into our culture in physical and mental form- by calling it unnecessary or resolved, isn't it kind of saying that no more action or effort should/could be taken to combat it ?

ISIS is just a glove, concealing a very hidden hand. Who's hand is it? CIA is a good thought, but again, a vehicle for delivery, not the agenda behind the design.

This is for causing the divide. The only difference is they want to get all the niggs and whites who support them on one side.

Ask yourself which side has farmers and others who love the government and sending their kids to war?

Which side wants more government money and less government?


You need more Larry Elder in your life.

umm what?

I'm very disheartened to hear that regarding fucking pronouns. I think a person is either a HE or a fucking SHE and that is determined even before that person is born. If a person cannot accept their genitalia, then they have other issues unrelated to how someone refers to them.

whoever it is, they're killing an awful lot of civilians these days, and it makes me uncomfortable that networks won't report it

This isn't a flash flag or distraction.

This is the op. They want one side to be utter hated by the side who loves the government so that when they fuck up the niggs and white niggs they are utterly attached to the government tit

That's what I mean, though. There's going to be some manner of revolution I think. We're too big, there's too many people in the u.s. and people from Vegas aren't like people from Atlanta or south Carolina or what have you. The government is scrambling to hold together a mass of people very different. It's unfortunate, but probably necessary.

My problem is that when they play these sound loops over and over, regardless of a persons stance, all it does is amplify their position. People who hate, start hating more, and more easily, while people who are all uber-equality start accepting and pushing for unnecessary equality (like fucking pronouns).

I sometimes wonder if the parenting trends of the 90s and 2000s, whereby every child was told incessantly that they are special and unique and the best at everything, has created this need for people to shape reality to their liking.

Because if you're not really an eagle spirit in a woman's body with a penis, then how can you be unique?

I rather like this perspective. While that is the demo that I belong in due to my age, I was raised by much older people and I always fall one generation behind. No, everyone doesn't deserve a trophy, and whether or not you spank your kids is your own business. No, it won't "squelch" their personality. Everyone isn't unique. Even if you are one in a fucking million, there are seven some-odd thousand of you on this planet.

Anyways, rant over there. Back to the topic.

the umm what was because i honestly am trying to understand what you're trying to convey.

I think what this person is trying to say is that they get as many people super-attached, koolaid drinking government dependents, and then whoever is left, they fuck up in some Katrina-like way.

>There's going to be some manner of revolution I think.
I'm not convinced there will be a revolution in America.

>only a few individuals start riots. Revolutions need masses of disenfranchised individuals.

>many people yell about their opinions but aren't willing to fight, let alone die, for them

>people would rather change their face bag avatar and write angry comments than fight for what they believe in

>4% unemployment, give or take. Employed people don't revolt.

It's da jews


Who is really the one trying to shape people and reality to their liking though? people who give their kids trophies so they feel like their child is special, people who can't accept that someone (or their child) would rather use a different pronoun as an identifier because they feel like that side of culture is the one they align more with, because it pains them so that some people may want that or that their kid may be culturally "the other"?

>ebola just up and vanished
In the morning, good sir.

Personally, I could care less about pronouns. If you look like a guy, I'm gonna call you a he, regardless of whether or not you identify as a potato or a martian cactus. I think that gender-fluid is just an excuse to get attention and not to actually get help.

unneeded koolaid adjective aside, aren't there also a great number of pro-current regime government dependents / benefiters that are wanting government money? or are you saying that the current regime wants to wipe out the people that likely stand on anti-statue side of this current issue? just confused by the objective you're stating

The world is chaotic.
There is no end goal.
There is no God.
There is no super secret club that has everything under their control.
Shit happens.
Bad people sometimes win.
If all you want to do is look for the bad in the world, then that is all you will ever see.
There is also an infinite amount of good in this world.
It doesn't mean that some super secret club is also on control of the good.


>martian cactus

real shit

if some dude's name was leonard but he asked / preferred you to call him charlie, wouldn't you comply?

Fair point, and the koolaid reference wasn't a racial thing, it was more of a Heaven's Gate koolaid reference. I think it's just a manner of getting one large group under their control and then eliminating the rest.

A name is not a gender.

>MFW I was born in 91
>MFW I got raised by 2 working parents who would remind me "Children are seen and not heard"
>MFW I was told at 14 to either get a job or study cause Im on my own financially (I chose job)
>MFW I didn't have a real opinion on much until age 18
>MFW growing up as some kind of weird, distant kid hardened me

I know telling these fuckers to man up is like a death sentence, but for real. Grow some thicker skin, you shits. You'll learn a lot more from people who dislike you and figuring out how to hold your ground with your own words when confronted than just retreating and acting out.

There is no syndicate or a illuminate type shit that injects trends and movements... it's nothing more than people's stupidity, yes that simple from feminism to trump supporters, not saying that it's not getting field by other factors (media) but the zeitgeist of the times is created through people and their stupidity

I think given the scale of our country & it's population, and the perceived union/aptitude of the current government, it would tragic/comical failure of unheard proportions (accuracy-wise if not by infighting) if they tried to do something like that.

If some dude's name is Prndznik and he asks to be called Charlie, then yes, I'll call him Charlie. But only because it's easier for me to remember.

has it though? what is diff between now and the past? slavery=racism issues. Civil rights caused racism issued. remember la riots? much worse then present. I would argue race issues are less of a deal than ever. BTW pic not related. A virus can experience random flare ups and flare downs of activity. See ebola in the 90s. Here and gone just as quick.


Ok, so if

Your reproductive functions are your sex.

What is a gender?

Alex Jones in 1960s.
Guys! It's the Rothschilds and the illuminati that are tricking the simple minded negro into thinking that they are not treated equally!
The illuminati wants us to be distracted by pinning us against each other!
This is the most obvious reason.
It's not like the negro actually wants to be treated differently.

The pic is related due to the distraction element, not the subject of the picture. Also, I think the only reason we are a lot more toned down now is due to the fluoridation of the water and the way our food has been engineered to cause complacency and disease (directly or indirectly).

Couldn't it be said that by being adamant in their position and arguments (if they do so believe them) that they ARE holding their ground, rather than retreating?

Same thing, user.

Until 3 years ago no one spoke of "my sex". They all spoke of "my gender".

Saying the two are different is just a trend.

Now, gender dysphoria may be real, but it affects very few individuals.

Check what bills Trump signed, as well as any proposals.

Chances are, he's taking advantage of the racial uproar and Antifa's reactions. He's addressing Antifa openly, they disagree and riot. The cycle continues. It's easy to fly under the radar when it's jammed.

A social construct

And estrogen in the water from all the medications people are taking.

The word gender has two definitions. One is about the grammatical sex of words (think Germanic language), and the other is just plain sex. So...
Gender=Sex. No room for discussion on this one, bud.

A made up concept created by a hack pretending to be a doctor.

the news doesnt report on a receding outbreak, theres no fear in that. no viewers, no profit.

You all are so stupid that you dont realize they dont have to distract you - no one protests or boycotts excessive military spending, and thats what youve been led away from since Desert Storm. No conspiracies, just politicians getting personal fortunes by skimming from the defense budget and making over seas allies while the nation suffers under their crony capitalism.

But all you niggers and woke faggots are too stupid to realize you dont need to scour the internet for some answer to a hidden mystery - all you need to do is follow the money.

Thanks user. Sometimes I learn something on the 4chins.

Perhaps within much of mainstream/straight culture, but the distinction of gender as a cultural (human) construct has been around for many decades.

If someone freaks out heavy at you because you honestly didn't know they wished to be addressed with the proper pronoun, then yeah, they need to cool it - but if someone asks you politely or it's apparent (or if you're really not sure and, I don't know, want to ask nicely), is there really so much wrong with going along with accords to their request?

Following the money is the goal, but it becomes pretty difficult when crossing international boundaries.

>suffers under their crony capitalism
Capitalism isn't the problem here, user. It's psychopathy.

>overburdened racism issue
Can we just nuke ourselves some more already?

Just curious, what dictionary/definitions are you using for that? Because I think the ones I would refer to are contrary to such.

Follow the money.
But that is so fucking boring.
Having to sift through 1000s of pages of paper work.
It's easier to just get raged about social issues like having to use feminine pronouns for certain males.

First off, fuck you Satan and your Devil's Advocate logic.

But sort of. I mean "Hold your ground" like in the sense that you're comfortable enough with yourself to know being a deviant is who you are to not whine when someone makes fun of you for trying to be a dude with boobs. You own it. You'd eat a punch for it and ask for seconds.

Most of these cats are just attention whoring because the notoriety is what they crave, not self preservation with the fucked up shit you embrace. Its dishonest, really. They say "I am ___" then don't have the confidence to back it because it's a shallow, narcissistic act. That's not holding your ground, thats just instigating a fight then running away to your bigger, stronger friends.

Crony Capitalism -
>Be sick of young upstarts tanking the cost of what used to be a very lucrative business.
>Transition fleet to use a greener engine
>Gain social backing of the public
>Financially support lobbyists pushing the EPA for lower emission standards for semi trucks
>Emission standards are signed into law
>Used semi cab market starts at 50k, anything lower is scrapped
>Fewer young entrepreneurs want to take that kind of debt
>Market floods with young people with truck license, wages drop
>Old people fired
>Cost of shipping goes up
>Cost of all goods shipped goes up
>Poor suffer
>Trucking company owners get richer

>repeat in every major industry
>arrive at current economic standards

So Humans can get in on that Mass Effect shit.

Aliens won't accept us until Humanity is United. They're not going to let our species wonder among the stars divided as opposing factions with no real purpose.

basically, capitalism forgot to take in to account, that no human is willing to take a profit(comfort) loss simply to perpetuate a competitive market.

>is there really so much wrong with going along with accords to their request?

There is and there isn't.

If a dude dresses like a woman and wants to be a woman, I'll refer to him as a woman. It's polite and makes the interaction smoother.

But if someone tells me they're a rose pistil from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and that I should refer to them as such, then no.

But as I mentioned above, in Canada I am obliged by law to refer that person as a rose pistil from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

The retardation is real.

The retardation is here.

or a stable market, for that matter

Very astute analysis!

we are being distracted from the fact that we are all the same and if every single person willingly acted as a servant to every other person, we could accomplish "the impossible" in minutes

Right, within this definition I think the summarization for what I'm saying would be "the grammatical subclass based on distinguishable characteristics". Hence in this case, the sex-associated social and cultural characteristics/differences.

That's a horrible example.

Fuck off hippie

No. Grammatical subclass is not about a person, it's about a word. A masculine word (der in german) or a feminine word (die in german). Many many other languages use gender and it has nothing to do with a personal identity.

>rose pistil

but at that point, they no longer believe they are aligned moreso with "rose pistil" than male/female. If so, then I agree with the extreme/abuse of the protection - but I do feel like that's moreso a strawman than a realistic and common portrayal of the protection's use.

So just to clarify, you're saying Masculine & Feminine are purely grammatical subclasses?

They are adjectives. They have nothing to do with whether or not you have a dick.

Same thing in the French language.

A table, in French, is feminine.
A wall, however, is masculine.

In some languages all nouns have a gender.

It literally is income inequality. The very rich do some very unscrupulous, frankly downright evil shit. It's not that rich people don't want people to know they're rich, it's that they don't want people looking too closely at HOW they're getting rich.

So, they put on this little show for us, then they hike up the cost of our medication, feed us shitty cheap food, give us overpriced gadgets that only last 2 or 3 years, gouge us with fees, refuse to cover our insurance claims, etc. etc. They need people busy with other shit so we don't call them on their bullshit.