I keep losing at chess. Do you guys have any tips?

I keep losing at chess. Do you guys have any tips?

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Stop playing it

Knight to D4...

Yeah maybe try checkers

Kill the other player.


play against people who are better than you study how they are kicking your ass

Stop losing.

Get your knight out first

When they're not looking, go for a blitzkrieg.

A tried-and-true fundamental of chess is to control the center of the board. It's harder for your opponent all around if you can get your pieces in the center first and you'll be able to keep him at bay. Start with pawns and then develop your stronger pieces towards the center as soon as you can. Also, go fuck yourself.

trendy but lame strategy

play against computers and learn what they do, there's plenty of free online chess games

It always helps me to keep my eye on the ball, you really don't want to lose focus or you can wind up with a shiner.

get gud faggit

Try doing this to your face.

Learn how the pieces move, play with people who are better, understand that they try see every move available by their pieces and yours each turn, avoid taking pieces when not the best move, use your opponents faults against him, search for a few good opening moves online, usually the starting moves define the game between people not good enough and last but most important practice. That said, I suck too, I am not a smart man.

Play fast games. Like, 10 secs maximum per move. And play more people so you.get hit with different strategies. Its like everything else, practice practice practice.

Study up on it, whether it's by playing virtual chess and mimicking it, or reading one of the probably millions of books written about chess, and really just plan out your moves in advance.

And then when you still lose, flip the whole table and board and everything over.

Honestly, play a lot more. Enjoy losing and learning from your mistakes. Go back to where you think things went wrong and try to come up with a better move. I use the lichess app for their chess puzzles, you should check it out. Also, watch some videos about chess openings


Wrong. I can kick the ass of any speed chess player in a traditional long-form game.

don't ask Sup Forums these faggots wont help up you
pawns win games remember that
don't spend too much time study openings, the middle game and rook end games are far more important.
Development, development, development
stop playing online blitz- it teaches bad habits.
Don't be over enthusiastic with the knight- its the beginners favorite piece

flip the table


Get your pieces into positions where they are able to control the most board area.
Try to find forks, where you are attacking two or more pieces simultaneously.
Value each piece, including pawns. Protect and defend them as best as possible.
Find good trades, where you swap pieces of equal or greater value than your own.
Think like your opponent, to try to determine where they will move.

For even more fun, play chess960. Each piece is placed in a somewhat random position (subject to certain rules), which precludes the need of any sort of opening book. It helps you think logically.

The knight is also a favorite of veterans

I've got some more.
learn one defence to d4 and one to e4. avoid main lines because this will encounter theoretical complication.
you cannot assure yourself victory but you can secure yourself against defeat. It is best to play solidly and let your opponent hang himself than to try and force the matter yourself.

Learn how to visualize the board, understand the mechanics of every piece and where they can potentially be.

I picture patterns, personally. The Knight makes an octagon with a move at each point, bishops make X, V, or just one diagonal (pending position), Rooks are always a + or long L, pawns I tend to visualize as a group (different structures), and the queen of course which is a double "trident" the King ofc just a smaller version of that.

Look for discoveries, they are super fun. Pins can be easily overcome...uh idk what else that's areal I'll say.

Make the right moves man.

These. Also, pieces have value, so make good trades, but not too early. It's important to develop your pieces. Also, along the lines of controlling squares, realize that keeping diagonals open and occupying them with your queens and bishops is sound strategy.

chess expert here (2000 uscf). fast chess is bad. slow chess and watch other players. youtube "CCSCSL" and find your favorite grandmaster to watch. also "chessbrah" on twitch might help you somehow, though im not a fan personally. play the london system. its solid and itll help you focus on making plans in the middle and endgame. gl faggot

>He doesn't know about castle/pawn wall

where you can always check the king.

I know about castling

Find your pace and try and force the opponent to play at it. I play kinda fast, so when I'm made to slow down I second guess myself