/botn/ - aftermath and ask fighter-user questions -edition

Fights are over, come here discuss and ask shit about the sport. Also hype for the upcoming IMCF World Championship.

>What is Battle of Nations?
The Battle of the Nations is an international historical medieval battles world championship, first held in 2009, in Kharkiv, Ukraine and held in Europe, in April, every year since.
It is a full contact competition using metal weapons and a standardized list of rules. National teams compete in several standard events, with all being full contact - no stage reenactment battles are included.

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How well did UK teams perform this year compared to other teams?

Harmless curiosity, don't want to slapfight or anything.

Ask questions here, I'll try to answer them to my best knowledge.

t: Fighter-chan

Marshalls are hotpockets desu

Ruined a game of tic tac toe Russia and USA were having in the sand.

Nice jobs from Ukraine desu

Decently. 4th in 21v21
Not so good in 5v5 but we didn't have a weak team by any means.

Won the award for most drive to win

>Italy running away
Who would've guessed

Solid underdog storyline, boyhood dream etc

Based cameraman

>No one wants to fight on USA's side against Russia
I think that settles the tournament. And other things too.

Anyone know if they generally upload the final matches to Youtube separately?


Yes yes I see
I told you I'll go back and count myself

Battle of the Nations or HMBIA youtube channel usually reposts the streams in shorter chucks, single fights can be found by other uploaders usally.

If you give me timestamps from fights I can probably make webms

They don't separate anything, you have to search through a chunk of like 8 hours to find out what you're looking for but the thumbnail helps a bit when you hover the bar since most equipments are very colorful

Noice helmet on the aussie.

Dammit was hoping I could get a nice cut of the final

We even had a proposal this Battle of Nations don't forget

So? Did you already do?


This guy was tossed several times from one team to another.
He's still sitting in the list alone wanting to fight

As much as I dislike Russians, I have to admit I count 22 as well, in the last fight only.

For some FPS view of the group battles: youtube.com/channel/UCyobEXFvKBsW274v0wSafNg

I'm watching friendlies, my Wifi's also being a bit shit.


So it goes. The complaint has already been filed.

Well, it was fun, lads

See ya next year (we will hire Slavs en masse, this time, we'll kick Russian and Ukrainian asses!)

We might get a stream for the ICMF in late May, so be sure to check Sup Forums for that.

You mean Belarusians

5vs5 brackets for IMCF

We might get a stream for the ICMF in late May, so be sure to check Sup Forums for that.

Reminder that you lost a round to USA

based Belarusians are based


So how would they solve this if they decide that Ukrain had too many fighters?

Fuck I missed this day. Congrats to Ukraine.

lol, posted it twice by accident.

Basically BOTN without the slavs

International Medieval Combat Federation

They're like competitors for HMBIA who organize BotN. It's May 25-28 in Denmark this year.


You are right.

Which leaves me confused. That other user said they fielded 22 guys only for the last fight and not for the others, so it had to be intentional?
And if it was, surely they'd know people would realise? How did you notice Russia?

>May 28

Jesus, my birthday!

I'll watch it, thank you.

They'd most likely give the win to Russia.
The last fight starts at 03:07:38 if anyone wants to check for themselves.

Don't know. I'm not an organizer.

>Basically BOTN without the slavs

Oh, nice

Is the ambiance as good?

Shame because by how the fights were going Ukraine would've won with even numbers.


My assumption is they were switching some fighters due to injuries/exhaustion and made a mistake with the numbers. It woud be extremely dumb to do it on purpouse in the finals as the match is sure to be recorded whole.

>they were switching some fighters due to injuries/exhaustion
Good point. Shame, doubt they know this Gold is going to be taken away from them. Their first in what was it, 8 years?

It seems blame judges, not ukrainians. One user said that it were 22 ukrainian fighters and others decided to check it personally.

>8 years?

wow, IMCD looks based

>One user said that it were 22 ukrainian fighters
How did he notice? Seems such an odd thing to spot. I had to go back a few times and find the right frame before I could do a proper count. I wonder if this extra fighter thing happens in other fights, seems like an easy mistake to make

Dumping some webms from the event. Was really fun all in all. Some really good fights. Final was great, just a shame about this 22 man thing

What a good moment! :3





Don't know. From our spectators there are a few of ex-fighters, maybe that's why.


hehe, got a new France-America friendship pic.

Need more France-Russian friendship pics, tho.

This is still one of my favourites. Such a nice counter



Russia tossing France

Russia mauling France


UK bro taking a worrying hit

hu hum

Do I have to remind you we defeated you twice?


Poor dude outside the list taking a blunt axe to his face

I have no idea what you are talking about

The one spazzing out on the ground that is

oh wow

hop, into my "in case of France-Britain banter thread" folder, it goes :^)

Is fighter user here? What's his take on this 22 Ukraine's thing?

Is there a Dutch team? And if yes, does it suck?

Miscalculations happen, I've been in several cases where the fight has started with 5vs6 or 5vs4 by mistake. In bigger fights that shit is just bound to happen. The marshals should always count the number of fighters before a fight but it doesn't change the fact that Ukraine basicly won by cheating, even though unintentionally.

I'm honestly interested how they will solve this. Ukraine might get disqualified or they will put the blame on the judges. There's even the slight possibility of a rematch at a later date somewhere in eastern europe.

Yes, yes.

See I'm not sure on their skill level.

So now its over we have to wait a whole month?

>tfw everyone was so happy that Ukraine won
I hope they don't get disqualified, and that they get to keep the Gold or do a rematch.

>I hope they don't get disqualified
I agree. In that case our guys will get a motivation. Russian commentator said that they had not been training in one team, just in their oun clubs. That's why we won 5x5 and lose the royal 21x21, where command work is especcially inportent.

>especially important

whole year



I can't imagine 5v5 could start like that without anyone noticing the error. It should be immediately obvious when you suddenly have an extra person or more enemies than you can handle.
21 is a different business, one guy more or one guy less it's still a massive mob and you can't assess its size without intentionally counting.

Whether it was intentional or not on Ukraines part it's still a massive fuck up by the referees who either can't count or missed a fighter slipping in, or even both.

Are they aware at least of this? Were there any statements, or it's just some rambling on Chinese caricature forum?

what a way to fall

It's usually at smaller events with a tighter schedule and fights rarely go on for long before a marshal stops the fights and re-sets the fight. But it happens when there's a bunch with dudes with identical tabards and similar helmets.

I think it was an honest mistake on both parts. For what I understood, the russians have issued a complaint to the judges.