What use have Mercury. No wiki or some kind of "making bombs" bullshits. I am more interesting for medical...

What use have Mercury. No wiki or some kind of "making bombs" bullshits. I am more interesting for medical, commercial or technical uses.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=what is mercury good for

barometers and thermometers.

Making fish tasty.

certain preservatives and medical chemicals. catalysts, gold mining

Making a terminator

certain explosives

You can use it to help make fabrics certain consistencies, but it can lead to medical problems if absorbed through the skin. Check out 18th and 19th century hatters for more info.

lmgtfy.com/?q=what is mercury good for

> medical
A spoonful a day stops you becoming a faggot OP

Insanely toxic material. Mercury poisoning is nasty shit, that's why they quit using it for thermometers but I'd have to go google what the modern stuff is they use.

more info pls

T1000 FX


Mercury is more interesting as an alchemical symbol. Quicksilver - duality of man.

>duality of man.


thimerosal for making kids autistic

Think it was used in tooth fillings at some point

I remember my old man having a box of electronic components being an engineer and finding mercury switches in there.

Yes. Good - evil, male - female, life - death.

It is used in fluorescent lights.

I was poisoned with that shit. Itll make ur life hell

I can add that Paracelsus treated syphilis with mercury.