Creep shot thread. I'll start

Creep shot thread. I'll start.

How the fuck can girls go out dressed like that and get mad about attention I don't get jt

most girls just don't get how it makes them look. they wear them because every other girl does and they think it's acceptable - the hive mind is strong. always assume girls/women in general are clueless as to why they do things and it makes more sense.

because you dont look like pic related she is being raped to some extent

shitty parenting

moar school ones



This. This is why tween girls drive pop culture. And we let em.




So which is it?


Needs to be pasta for creep threads.

Bitches do shit because/for other bitches. Dudes attention is wanted only to out do another girl.




These threads. These threads are my favorite threads.



damn. the pump gave it away

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