Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
I'm going to court tomorrow for my multiple counts of DUI, any advice?

Get some good sleep cause the cots in jail suck...take some lube so when they for hole you it will slip right in.

stop drinking and driving or the easier alternative, kys

Did you get multiple DUIs between the first DUI and your first court date?

Get a bicycle

Is op kill?

You can still get a dui while on a bicycle.

This is true.

You coon I think you made op kill kek

There's only the one DUI, I blacked out, Crashed some mailboxes, got into a fender bender, then wrapped my car around a telephone pole. They're just making all charges separate.

Already on it

He's alive!
Huh that's a real pickle there pal, that sucks. Do you remember any of it at all. I know from experience that sinking feeling you get when the day after a blackout your car is all fucked up and you don't remember it at all. Obvs you didn't make it to your destination but did you remember anything?

Yeah stop driving under the influence you stupid fuck

Ya, you are not going home...

Plead to the guilty charge, pay the fine(s), take the community service and dui school. Depending on your .bac you might be subject to harsher punishments. First moving violation and dui you should be ok. What state did this occur?

i remember interacting with police and paramedics, they said i was acting crazy so they sedated me, woke up in the hospital with no arrest

The great state of Florida

Easy to be an arm chair critic, fag. That's obviously irrelevant at this point because op already did it. You useless kike

Idk how Florida is but I know several people who have 1-3 DUIs and they didn't get locked up. They get sentenced to like 90 days but there's some court gypsies magic that makes it say you have to serve 0. Just going to get fucked financially.

Never drink and drive :^)

There probably won't be any jail time but you might have to do a DUI school community service things like that a lot of fines I'm only judging on what I went through from California I was almost two times over the legal limit was my only moving violation I had never had any priors I didn't have to do any ankle monitor or random alcohol or drug test all I had to do was two days of community service and then a DUI school which lasted I think four months about 2 to $3,000 in fines and everything else

Sure as fuck learned my lesson, times have been rough.

Weird. I drove drunk so many times and never hit anything even when I blacked out. I eventually got a dui just parked though. Sucked.

Fucked up thing is I'm still drinking heavily. I'm just being more careful.

Be a real man and turn up drunk.

Op headed off to court

Yes turn up drunk

shave clean
wear a nice suit
if you're young(ish) bring the parents, judges love that shit
plead guilty
"yes sir" "no sir" "please" "thank you" "sorry" say those a lot and be polite as fuck
don't act like an asshole or a moron
basically all common sense things

yea why the fuck do judges like that gay shit
>so impressed that this 20-something man cried to his parents about his trouble with the law and probably got daddy to help pay legal fees
If i were a judge I would be far more impressed by a young person stepping up to the plate themselves. But I could never be a judge

Show up drunk...

Lol. "Arm-chair" critic.
>Implying you have to have a DUI to judge fairly
>You are going to get into some trouble
>You're a dumb

Judges are some of the worst people on the planet. Literally think their pieces of paper are more important than your life. And they'll work as hard as they can to fuck you hard.

Make sure to turn your phone sound off. They hate that shit


Grow up and quit being a fucking idiot?

They don't give a single shit. When I got a dui I did all that and still got a bad sentence.

It's probably too late, but make sure you have a good lawyer who specializes in DUIs and let him take care of everything.

Go in wasted ofc

Ask for the death penalty

No, it's just that it's easy to stand there like a judge does on their high horse and say "don't drink and drive". Some people go through a really bad part of their lives where many different things are going very badly and you start drinking heavily and exhibit a number of behaviors you normally wouldn't, like fighting, driving recklessly, and so on. Then you get in legal trouble because of it and some people who are in a better place in their lives stand their and judge and say no-shit statements like "you shouldn't drink and drive". It's just fucking unnecessary

theres no growth with the jokes in here. whack.

just kek'd out loud picturing the stunned silence in the courtroom after someone who's in there facing a few thousand dollars for a routine DUI case requests the fucking death penalty

Are you tiger woods?

I'm in Tampa, and no idea how DUIs are but I caught one in NC and it was bad lost my license for a year and was broke asf.

Don't be an idiot don't drink and drive after one drink I Uber no matter what. Even from one to two strong drinks you can catch one, don't fuck around

Arrive at court blackout drunk

Shoulda got a lawyer man, family member just got her 3rd in north FL abou 2 months ago, got her a damn good lawyer, and she'll be driving again by the end of next month.

Request chemical castration

we broke as hell, stuck with a Public defender, I'm fucked m8

is it your first DUI

Ask for trial by combat

yessir, first ever anything


Fuck nigger that sucks. Hers cost $4500 but that's about half price on a 3rd DUI because a good friend of mine practices law in town and asked a favor.
Still, should've consulted with one, some allow you to make payments I believe.
This your first? If so, you'll get off pretty light, probably time served, but the real fun is going to be the FL safety council classes, getting a hardship( if you still have a working car) , the cost alone of getting a new license, and your future insurance payments. Did your insurance drop you?

just cooperate and don't Sup Forumstard at them

nope, still on the insurance, totaled the car and they actually paid for it

don't forget having to get a SR-22 on top of regular insurance for a few years and your rates are fucked.

that's working in your favor. Good luck. Once you get this behind you you can always start fixing yourself up, get to a better place. I can't count how many people I know who are doing great who had a dui in the past. Don't let the thriving money machine that is the DUI business or some pompous fag judge get you down. Making mistakes is human after all. Taxation is illegal, the court system is a sham, and the wrong side lost the civil war.

show up to court drunk, claim insanity.



That's actually impressive. My family members car was a little fucked up but not totaled and her insurance told her to go fuck herself.
It shouldn't be too bad, man. 1st offences in this state are a slap on the wrist, sign up for your classes ASAP, make your payments on time and KEEP THE RECIEPTS, and look in to how soon you can apply for a hardship license, provided you need to work, get to a job, etc. If you have to get a breathalyzer in your car those things are expensive as fuck too.
I never had a DUI but I've been tangled up in the FL court system before, and it's a long and painful process to get out. Again, KEEP YOUR RECIEPTS, their records of you paying shit magically disappear, and they have a real hard on for extra paperwork you weren't told you were supposed to have. Get your birth certificate, mail in your name, social security card, and if you have it, passport rounded up. You're going to need them to jump through the hoops of even getting a state ID, which is necessary to take the safety council classes. Good luck mang.

get a bike.

jesus read the thread for fucks sake

yea and the breathalyzer I would almost literally rather have to rely on public transit. The device is expensive as fuck as this user aptly noted, and has to be calibrated on your dime on a monthly basis

lube up

how are you feeling about life right now, op

I think you should have your license permanently revoked on your second or at least third DUI. There's only so many rules about driving and if you prove you can't follow very basic instructions, you don't deserve to operate a motor vehicle. You're putting others lives at risk because of your own stupidity and it's one of the most selfish, irresponsible things someone can do.