Am i cool now?

Am i cool now?

no you centrist fag. might as well join antifa.

Too authoritarian, not economically decided enough to enact change. 0/10

>center is too authoritarian

you're weak

If you aren't fully on one set of ideals, you're a piece of shit, virgin cuck.

Bump post your Speks

It is.

That pretty much describes my life. Great.

I might be a centrist fag, but i fucking hate antifa. Better dead than terrorist.

Considering that I identify as a fascist. I would have thought I would have been placed further up.

Huh i always thought I was an anarchist without adjectives.


Lol guise im a hippy


> Anarchist
> -100 Culture

Culturally appropriate.

>radical centrist, inb4 "having beliefs is retarded"
>inb4 "if you disagree with me you at either a commie or a fascist

I dont like that Pc. Bullshit freedom of speech is the foundation of anarchism.

Pick one you politically illiterate autist

Living in your moms house and identifying as a fascist....


Centerist means you are unbiased and only hold the most logical beliefs


Bump save this thread!
