Do you approach women on campus? how are your social skills? can you start and maintain a conversation with someone new?

do you approach women on campus? how are your social skills? can you start and maintain a conversation with someone new?

Nope. I only talk to them if it's in class. I'm awful with talking to people if there is not something we have in common like a class together.

you can try to approach them in socal media.

Ask them to post pics of their vegana and bobs

I'm a fucking G at social skills and am currently in my last year of law school.

You can't approach girls "out in the open" on campus. That's weird and doesn't make sense to anyone. Public spaces are mostly interaction-free zones. You don't just walk up to anyone anywhere and start pursuing your interests.

You got a particular girl in mind user or looking for more general strategies?

Pretend you are lost. Ask for directions.

Nah, it suits no need to me. Got a ton of pals from high school, a GF, I'm in for only a year, and a lot of the bitches at my college are too concerned and stressed out about school work and delusions of justice.

Well I just asked a girl at an open table if she minded if I sat and she said feel free and we started chatting. I'm pretty relaxed in my interactions and am easy to talk to.

Well you don't need to feel to try and have sex with every girl that you speak with. There are lots of interesting people.


>do you approach women on campus?

I generally don't. If we end up in each other's 'orbit' and make with the small talk, great, ice-break achieved. But I don't go out of my way to start convos with perfect strangers. If you have no common ground to speak of, those talks 'go south' real quick.

Yeah there's a few, but I'm not there to make friends or have fun, I'm there to get shit done and move on with my life.


Totally mate, and it's good you are focused, but I assure you it feels good to have an unplanned social interaction go well.

Not disagreeing, used to smoke tobacco with some bitch from South Africa every school day shooting the shit after class each day, and it all started because she saw me smoking.


Just don't see the point in 'social achievment hunting' bullshit to "have a crack" at every good looking girl that crosses my path.

Some might call it "restraint" and/or "healthy self-respect".

This guy knows.

from behind and in during the night how else?

Yes, decent, yes.

No advice for you though :)

Very very bad

Never did when I was in college

Not very good

Not without significant effort

I dont, rly. They r all taken, stupid and/or ugly.
Yes, i can keep up the convo.
Im good at social, im just not interested

keep telling yourself that

Yes I approach girls on campus or street... But you have to detect fast if they look interested in you.
On the other hand, this shit is not like the "youtube alpha guys" getting a girl phone number or talk with her 1 or 2 days don't means nothing. I mean, the probabilities of getting a girl who loves you and have the same interests of you are low, you are literally picking randomly someone from the street.

>Poor faggot cant bare it, that im not as much of a loser as he is

Go study in library: plenty of chicks
Have some nuts / little healthy snack that you can like share with your neighbour chicks. "Hey want some?" then ask some plain interest questions and when their exams are etc...

This works every time. Just be there everyday and you will see girls who are there too everyday and sometimes they'll just talk to you even if you are averagely attractive.

It's easy to train your social skills, just don't like blatantly stalk them it creeps them out. just let it happen and then ask to get a coffee together if you see the conversation getting on.

Just don't be a creep and you're fine. Besides they are almost all horny chicks, especially during exams. Most easy chicks often study psychology or such shit if you want to get laid easily. You can also aim for the like gothic/emo/alt girls who sometimes dare to wear skimpy clothes and chokers, they are asking for attention and if you give it to them you got a high chance of busting a nut to them.

It takes some balls to start talking to a girl you're sitting next to. But really keep in mind they are also nervous as fuck too. Just ask them if they want some nuts or gum or something, something that doesn't leave odors. Also if you sit down Smile if there's a chick sitting next or opposite. A confident "Hey" Can do wonders too. It's really nothing, don't overthink, just do it. Worst that can happen: they smile back and continue studying. After a while it get's easy.

I studied psychology. They were taken, or ugly

My uni's psy department has like 200 chicks every year
Plenty of hot chicks, lots of em got issues too so...
Fucked atleast two of them this past semester