Oh shit, ahhhh yeah that's the ticket

Oh shit, ahhhh yeah that's the ticket

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Why does he hate Australia?

Yet another half assed skit devoid of an actual message and serving only to show the world how edgy they can be. They wasted their big shot at making something great.

I went there one time, I was pukin'

Love the aus hate meme from Sup Forums

You just don't get it, do you? This show is so far above your head that it's embarrassing. I am embarrassed for you, user.

Someone's missing something

>literally I Am 13: the post

I hate aussie posters too. They are shit.

Seriously, what was the point of showing us the interaction between Charles' character and his girl? Their conversation had zero substance.

I assumed the "meaninglessness of small talk" wasn't the point of it since they addressed that by the exaggerated laughing and Swiss cheese shit.

Unless the show is just really on-the-nose and not nearly as thoughtful as it portrays itself

>devoid of an actual message

you may not have noticed it but your brain did

what did he mean by this?

Cool show. Whatever gets Redditors talking, I guess

Literally why would anyone NOT hate Australia, I mean let's be real here

better yet, what was the meaning of the skit with Charls as the gambling dad who trips and crashes out the window?

but the dialogue is actually funny, as is the context of the skit.

really makes you think

I don't see why so many people hate reddit

There are some great subreddits with nature pictures, career advice, cool DIY projects, etc. Just don't read the comments

It's also one of the best places for discussions on specific musicians or artists who are popular but who don't have their own website

kekkerino, archive?

Because Jim Jefferies sucks cock

Because it's us or them!!!

it's funny how Weev can be anything from a respectable hacker done wrong by the system to a white supremacist Neo-Nazi, depending on the content of the article.

the pop culture lib critics getting scared it seems.


people also don't realize that the boat system also becomes less meaningful on slower subs. although, i only browse leggit for topics/interests that don't have dedicated discussion on the chans.

Gonna have to agree. It feels like they're right on the verge of having something that's decent but they can't break through. The jokes are stale, there's not really any message behind the skits and when there is, it's very on the nose, I mean that tap water one which was just cringe af and the Mark Zuckerburg sketch? What's the joke exactly? They want to kill Zuckerburg? This is not a joke or even the beginning of a joke, this is just your edgy fantasy that you now put in a television show. All in all the writing is just very amateurish, Feel like I'm watching something my friends made back in high school. I also don't think they're going to have a second season.

>tfw actually got to talk with him 8 years ago
I still think he's pulling the white supremacist thing just to piss off libshits and the media.

He fucked up and lost his family due to a crippling gambling addiction. Him flying out the window is a metaphor for his life shattering at his feet.

stop, just fucking stop. there's no message. You know how I know that? Because when they try to have a message it's not subtle in the fucking slightest. They can't write worth a single solitary shit.

There doesn't need to be a message

It's a visceral depiction of the human condition, of the fringes of society who don't get their shot at social recognition

Every time people like this are portrayed on TV, it's clearly acted. It's a TV show, there's a story, there are actors, there's a script.

Watch "Ideas Man" it will make it all clear

The best sketches aren't the ones you think.

The aesthetics are also great. It's close to Ceephax's music videos even


>Not posting best Ceephax
Cmon now

I'm sorry user I dun fucked up

it's probably both. trolling, but also doing it in such a way to advance his own ideology. he has talked about that before on Red Ice.

and a swastika tattoo would be serious commitment to just a gag.

>cringe af

Leave this website and never come back.

>people saying Hey Moon was better

Cop Killer works in the context pf the skit. Deal with it.


I'm really honestly disillusioned by the news that weev is a white supremacist neonazi. I looked up to that man. He was a hero of mine.

>He was a hero of mine.

well now you learned a lesson.

Boating is inherently degenerate

What's going on buddy?

Why is it so funny

Why did I burst out laughing at this

Why is every single line from MDE WP so quotable? Can't breathe

What? There has to be a deep message in a fifteen minute sketch show? Are you fuckin retahded? Go outside you sound like you've been in your jerkoff cave too long