You guys if time slows near black holes

you guys if time slows near black holes

could that mean that we're in a giant computer orbiting a black hole at the end of time?
like when theres no more stars left and everything is too far gone to be reached..
humanity could be reduced to a giant computer left to run simulated realities until the power goes off

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i havent slept in days forgive me faggots

Possibly, but I think you need to brush up on your fundamental understandings of blackholes. Look up PBS spacetime. You can literally Youtube very similar concepts that youve asked. Short answer, Probably not no.

+1 for spacetime

Legit not mocking your theory.

It sounds really legit to me Prima facie, like it kind of entills an emotion of fear for the unknown in me. But in an attempt to remain an unbiased, logical observer of this question all I can ask in reply is why is this "end of everything" so closely tied to a black hole? Maybe if you have some science behind it? Cause I don't know shit about gravity and matter and etc. idk. I need more op. This is good stuff

Gravity waves so no


No no, we are actually living in the event horizon of a collapsed "4D spaces" star.

i thought black holes are supposed to be the last man standing


So you just saw this I guess?

wouldn't it be more like, we are an atom?

we think the world is huge, but what if we are one atom that makes up part of a coffee table. Or an arm?

and we are just an atom making up that struture

We have a nucleous. (sun)
and positive electrons spinning around it (our planets and us)


and think about all the other solar systems.

we could be one atom of a drop of water, slowly expanding out on a table. Big bang? and expansion theory?

let that one sink in

there is a model or at least scientists working on that theory.

This idea comes from bad representation of what is an atom... But actually, they are nothing like what you are describing..

imagine that the power shuts off when the black hole dies and thats it, theres nothing left. but thats not expected to happen for like 20 billion years so we have a lot of time to respawn and play the game called life

Rules of the macroscale do not apply to the micro. Hence no GUT. But in the since that our star or even the Milky Way is a basically in creditably small when compared to the universe it is sorta like an atom to an apple

and if this is the case then we need to reevaluate our way of life and learn to love each other collectively as a species
no more hate

You fucking spastic.

Sigh. Imagine for a second your mom wasn't addicted to nigger cock.

>Rules of the macroscale do not apply to the micro.
Hence why your micro-dick gets no poon.

>positive electrons

Your insecurities are showing user

God will cast the Devil into a super massive Black Hole.

Positrons....user lives in an antimatter universe

those two have literally no connection.

no one really knows WHAT an atom looks like
only theory.

no, because the planets don't just suddenly teleport to a different orbit.

No one really knows why your mom loves guzzling nigger semen but the theory is sound.

Looks like a .38 Special lol

giant computer? kek. fuck off. this is shit you should have been taught at school.

let me guess, you're american?

wow, you must be really obsessed with nigger cock to be able to bring it up in a thread like this. but you do you.

>microscopically burned

>but you do you.

Yeah, more or less, but they don't look likes little stellar systems, user.


I'll take what is relativity for 100.

A self building and repairing machine could be powered off the radiation. There no reason why a race that built such a thing would make a shitty machine that goes out in a couple hundred years.
There's some pretty good scifi about self maintained machines and the matrix.
The universe may well be surrounding a super massive black hole. Or a white hole, it's conceptual opposite.

that your boyfriend?


Solar systems aren't atoms dumbass.

Also, the way people have learned what atoms are with a nucleus at the centre and electrons orbiting isn't an accurate description of reality.

Quantum physics shows that the electron is nowhere and everywhere at the same time until it is observed. We still don't understand why this is the case, but it is found to be true in terms of probability distributions.

Look up the double slit experiment and prepare to get mind fucked.

I didnt read your long ass post, nigga. But I just wanted everyone to know that I wanna fuck that black hole really bad. Nick picture too

shut up faggot your dumb

Information theory holds that the entire Universe is holographic, that everything which exists is a 2d matrix of information recorded on the surface of a singularity, expressed in 11 dimensions the same way the data on your hard drive can create a 3d environment in a game like Skyrim.

My understanding is that there is effectively only one electron, rocking back and forth over the moment of "now" in 11 dimensions, at least according to string theory.

Don't behave like this. You sound like a retarded faggot. First of all, no one has ever been near the so called black hole to measure anything. All was nothing more than speculations and prediction also calculation. That is what science is all about. Second of all, you can't measure time. You can count the seconds, minutes and hours based on clock but not the time. Time in whole is just a circulation of day and night. Third and last of all, find something better to think about.

No. According to Tesla the real smartest man that ever lived.
"I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view"
"He announced that the theory of relativity is "a mass of error and deceptive ideas and opposed to common sense," and that "not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved."

Why do we take theories as if it's the truth. Zero prove.
U losing ur mind over nothing, OP.

I think you're confusing theories, user. The hologram theory says the universe is 11 dimensions, most of which are hidden in folds so we only see 3.

Tesla wasn't a scientist, he was an engineer. His genius didn't lie in theory but in his ability to construct elaborate and functioning constructs in his head, essentially a mental skunkworks. Gravitational lensing has since been empirically observed, confirming Einstein's theory.

not sure gravity waves would be an issue

Einstein also said that God doesn't play dice with the universe, in an attempt to deny quantum theory. Smart people are wrong, a lot of the time. What makes them smart is that they were right about something, in a new and useful way.

I'd adjust your idea to assume the universe is an atom/unit.

Albert Einstein was another Freemason celebrity scientist who continued the heliocentrist hoax that is keeping humanity enslaved in ignorance. His Theory of Relativity was so purposefully complicated with sophistry that when first released it was claimed that no more than twelve people in the world were capable of understanding it. But public interest was aroused, partly by the novelty of Einstein’s hypothesis, and partly by the spectacular manner in which it had been received by the British Royal Astronomical Society on the night of November 6th, 1919, so much so that a prize of 5,000 dollars was offered for the best explanation of relativity in the form of an essay, describing it so that the general public could understand what it was all about.

>"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

That is just the problem: it is about as far removed from ordinary 'fact' and 'simple plain English' as possible. The physical substance of the theory is elusive; abounding in inference, suggestion, half-truth, and ambiguity, locating a concrete testable proposal amounts to finding a way out of an endless Labyrinth, as everything is relative to everything else, contained within its own isolated systems that merely 'relate' to one another. Relativity is clever, but it belongs to the same category as Newton’s Law of Gravitation and the Kant-Herschell-Laplace Nebular Hypothesis, in that it is a superfine effort of the imagination seeking to maintain an impossible theory of a flying ball in defiance of every fact against it.

would solar panels work properly on the event horizon?

if i could, I'd lose my mind even more... pondering this idea is so much fun. i want you to know that i do not believe this. dont worry about me

its fun to think about, this idea hasnt kept me from sleeping, its more like, not sleeping has put this idea in my head.

I used to write all my greatest poems in this state.. i set them all on fire tho

nice nice... i think youre the first to notice

How could power ever go off if there's no time?

Your logic is flawed.

Also who build that computer you speak of if it's outside of time itself?

I think you're trying to explain the universe using household items... you should refrain from doing that you might hurt the broom of the continuum or something.

Even if OP is right and we would all live in a simultaion. Why should we care about it?

I know some old woman who has tits that hangs like the gravity curve of a black hole.

Shit is really great to toy with.

Time dilation is legit. The closer you get to a massive gravity well, the slower time passes for you (although you can't tell - your perception happens in real time from your perspective).
This is similar to how time slows down as you speed up, and actually it's for the same reason. Your mass increases exponentially as you approach light speed, hence you yourself become the massive gravity well. Kind of like your mom.
Anyway, not a completely crazy idea, except for that whole end of time bullshit you tacked on with no justification or basis whatsoever.

> this is what a conspiracy theory nutter looks like

A black hole the size of our sun would take about 10^63 years to dissolve.

>Quantum physics shows that the electron is nowhere and everywhere at the same time until it is observed.
I don't know how we could possibly know that. Wouldn't it require some form of observation to determine that the position of the electron could not be determined?

Here is a better tree/forest question for you.

Suppose you had the technology to simulate a world for all of humanity, which would provide some safety guidelines designed to protect and preserve them through hundreds of billions of (subjective) years of experience. Generations would be born and die, civilizations would rise and fall - but by carefully designing the environmental algorithms and building in safeguards, you could absolutely 100% ensure that no total destruction event could occur, and at the very least humanity would survive for billions of (subjective) years.

The catch: all existing human bodies would die in the conversion to simulated universe, and the actual (real) time of the simulation would last only a few seconds before the controling device was consumed by the black hole it orbits.

The question is: would it be worth it? Billions of subjective years... Art, science, literature, expression and development of every kind - from the perspective of the humans, all proceeding in normal ways for a seemingly infinite span. But to an observer, over in a blink of an eye.

Think about that one really hard before you answer. In cosmological terms, all of human history still hasn't amounted to the blink of an eye, and probably never will.

lets say that the black hole is last thing left in existence?.. and when it dies, our computer dies with it.

reincarnation means simulated realities exist and will exist until its really over.... for good??

This is why I have given up my pursuit to teach physics to who I assumed were intelligent people. No matter where you go, people are idiots. I've heard worse shot from physics majors. Congrats, you people have succeeded in making me a depressed emo little bitch with your lack of understanding of physics

whats wrong with questioning reality?

it's fun to exercise the imagination.. no?

The most amusing thing about this is these twats imagining that falling into a black hole would somehow stretch out their subjective perception of time and allow for these billion-year odysseys. Quite the opposite is in fact true: whatever precious few moments you had left before being swallowed by the gaping abyss, would be frozen in time. Your last scream might last a hundred billion years as measured by an observer from earth, but to you it would be frozen. For all practical purposes, you would simply stop - experiencing nothing at all, until the moment you literally ceased to exist in any recognizable form.

There are three main reasons why I think that the universe is like a computer simulation (in no particular order):

* Time slows down near black holes, I think this is comparable to how a computer starts to slow down when it is receiving vast amounts of information so that it can preserve its processing power.

* The fact that we live in an unimaginably vast universe yet life seems to exist only on Earth. Perhaps extraterrestrial forms of life weren't coded into the simulation or they are coded into the simulation only when the Programmer (who you can call 'God', if you want) deems it necessary/desirable.

* Quantum physics has proven that things don't exist in the way that we observe them UNTIL we observe them. So in other words, EVERYTHING is energetic wave-form information UNTIL we observe it. This is so that this universe doesn't have to be rendered every second for every observer (human or otherwise) for the sake of preserving processing power.

The smaller the black hole, the greater effects of its gravitational force, the computer would never reach the event horizon, it would be pulled into an extremely large molecular chain. The larger the black hole, the less the you feel the gravitational force; the computer will never feel the effects of the time dilation to that degree in either scenario.

In reverse order:

Quantum physics asserts no such absurd principle and you, sir, are a complete twat for ignorantly repeating such prattle.

Now, imagine a slug-like creature with no eyes, living in a small petri dish with a few of his own kind, spouting philosophy that - although sounds and vibrations sensed seem to indicate a nearly infinite world outside the confines of the dish, no signs of other life exist, therefore the dish must be a simulation. You, sir, are that silly slug.

And last but not least, if you play an intensely computational video game, do other processes on your computer still run quickly? Can you play a 3D shooter that slows everything down, and expect your bitcoin mining or code compiling to still merrily hum away in the background? If not, explain why the computational load would not slow down the entire universe equally, and therefore be un-measurable to us, in your scenario?

In short, you are a buffoon.

The universe can't be a computer simulation due to the fact that the universe is analogue, not digital. A simulation can only simulate something within its own parameters, the fact that we are able to understand physics is widely considered proof of this

The universe is most certainly digital, but your senses are insufficiently refined to tell the difference. Planck scale objects are very small, and make everything SEEM analog due to lack of measurement resolution.

>explain why the computational load would not slow down the entire universe equally
not user

the humanity program is set to the "realtime" priority while the 3Dspace OS is set to normal priority as per default

this diverts resources to the simulation of life while slowing down non-necessary processes related to the humanity program during times of stress on the cpu to ensure that the simulation can run at "full speed"

Particles are both waves and particles until oberved. You cannot accurately measure the location and trajectory of particle at the same time, to observe one is to change the outcome of the other. This uncertainty can only be demonstrated with an element of uncertainty. These are the principles that all quantum physics is based on. This is as much as I can simplify it. A particle IS NOT everywhere and no where until observed. If you were to observe the wave function of an electron, you will see approximately 3 locations of which the electron will most likely be until observed. It's still definitely somewhere, you just don't know where until observed

Quantum physics would not exist in a digital world, there would be no wave function.

The most important thing is to make sure you feel superior

There is no space so there are no black holes. Only black holes are NASA and other flae space agencies.

Flae space confirmed.

The plank scale only list the smallest measurements possible before reaching a singularity. Plank was one of the founders of quantum physics, quantum physics is based on the principles of uncertainty

i said orbiting
not falling into

No, the most important thing is to realize we are all fucked. Everyone is so stupid that no one can function properly. That includes you, me, and everyone else who browsed through Sup Forums for whatever reason

>all of human history still hasn't amounted to the blink of an eye, and probably never will.

well in that case, fuck it. i'd do it

Show me real image of space and stars. Pro tip you cant. This is why we dint have photo of earth. Stars sun moon are just lights in our atmosphere. Do some research by your self not listen to science and new bs.

roger that, Master Chief.

>time slows near black holes
>we're in a giant computer
how do you even make that leap?

Dont worry you srent the worst version of humans lol. 90% are more dumber than you. I cant understand how stupidbcant be so stupid. This is why governments can slave you all so easly. All your life porpouse is slave for dolar and go to sgopa dialy and spend it. Go play with your and NASAs balls. Enjoy you life as porpouseless monkeyman who lives on rock. xD you have gf? Go tell she is accident she dont have porpouse so does shes family and friends. Why should she get mad if that is truth. Remember you all are just an accident ;)

think artificial brains that retain our consciousness after our flesh expires... in what ever millions of years, the technology to orbit a black hole has been utilized for this exact purpose

Time doesn't slow as measured by the person near the black hole, other people watching them would see them moving slower and slower until they appear frozen in time.

in this scenario, the black hole computer is our only option because everything else but black holes have died


black holes slow time cause gravity and time go hand in hand

they have an immense amount of gravity the more gravity slows down time has nothing to with giant computers

well it is true that quantum mechanics and computer science are coming together and that the current thinking is that our perceived localisation is a 'projection' from the edges of a 2D surface. I believe using the word computer detrimentally constricts you to our current understanding of the capabilities of the fastest conventional computers