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What is Sup Forums cooking?
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Seared and diced pork chops with boiled then roasted potatoes and a mixed salad.

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Roasted baby with onions, potatoes, and garlic sauce

something from "the pile," haven't decided what yet

Fish assholes in cream sauce

maybe some of pic related. Slow braised in red wine reduction sauce

Damn, I'd want to serve that for a cookout. I'd bet the limbs turn tough and crispy while the belly remains juicy as all hell.
Looks like different parts of meat slapped together.

You do realize that pork shouldn't still be pink in the middle, right? That's only for steak

quality meat is overrated.
meatloaf and macaroni

More importantly, I'm drinking a fuck load of these

Roasted chicken with glazed labia topping

You are one lucky son of a bitch.

That cross-section looks wonderful, not much marbling but that ridge of fat would be heaven to eat. I'd cut strips of that and grill me some steaks while basting the meat with all the fatty juices dripping off of it.

why the fuck does your meatloaf look like chicken? Disgusting

Not true, pork can be cooked to medium and still be perfectly safe.

Depends on the pork, son. I wouldn't trust German or Danish pork.

Been drinking beer and gin and eating kidney beans for the past 12 hours. Also ate two M pizzas, but i don't remember that part of the day too well. I think I was passed out.

Stuffed leg of human with wingnuts

don't know. probably becous it's from a factory.

Thanks. The wife and I buy a quarter cow every year, worth every penny.

Took some practice to get the short ribs correct, but they are fucking amazing.

All remaining juices are preserved for later use. Never really thought to save chunks of the fat, but will have to try it out (the warden doesn't like "fatty meat" lawl)


post moar food

This is now a vegan thread

>post moar food

Sperm and eggs for breakfast!




I'm craving a burrito



>I'm craving a burrito

I'm working on one for you right now.
Reach into my burrito warmer, it's about done.
Don't burn your fingers, and mind the flies.

Not enough spices on those fries.





How difficult is this to do? How much money you save?



Yeah dude nobody goes there for the fries

I bet youre fat like negro.

Not sure where you're located but I'm in Michigan and it's super simple here. Some farmers advertise the service but they typically charge more. We found a local farmer who does it by request.

Typically the farmer will have a specific butcher they deal with, so once the cows are slaughtered they send them whole to the processor/butcher. From there you decide how much you want, how you want it processed, etc..

I buy a 1/4 cow, and usually take home around 120lbs of processed beef. Steaks, roasts, ribs, burger, etc etc etc. For the cow and the processing, it equals out to about $5.00-5.75 per pound.

When you consider the amount of choice beef you get averaged out with the shit we grind up for burger, it's a hell of a deal.

Only a fucking idiot would put parmesan on a burrito

I should also mention it's all grass fed, no steroid, mercy killed cattle, which makes all the difference compared to typical market meat

In VA. Been researching this but it seemed too much meat for just my girl and me. But a 1/4 cow sounds about right. Thanks for the idea user.

oh, it was just a random google burrito pic. Pretty sure that's Cotija anyway.

>mercy killed cattle
>market meat
>mercy killed cattle

NP guy.

It is a lot of meat, but about the right amount for my wife and I over the course of a year. I love to grill and smoke meats and we have lots of cookouts so we'll go through the 1/4 cow, 1/2 pig and about 30lbs of Salmon in a year.

do you even into beef?

Fuck this thread has made me hungry


Post foods mfers




lawl, my kid would love that

