Why do libertarians tend to become white nationalists? What's the chain of events at play?

Why do libertarians tend to become white nationalists? What's the chain of events at play?

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they figured out non whites hate libertarianism

>Dude free borders lmao, people are rational and always make economic choices
>Wait a second, no they fucking don't, everyone but whites are collectivist cultures and will overwhelm white culture If we go the route of delusional libertarianism
>Therefore, white nationalism

they start to think about the real world instead of maybe interesting but useless abstractions that are and will be far from being implemented for a while

Once you realize that Libertarianism, or something like it, can only possibly work within a small ethnically/racially homogeneous nation with enforced borders.

Libertarianism draws in people who distrust the state.

All evidence indicates that Northwestern Europeans are the only subspecies of homosapiens capable of maintaining an orderly civilization in the absence of a strong state.


>what's the chain of events at play

Growing up

Well, it basically boils down to the fact that the government exists primarily to steal peoples' wealth and re-distribute it along racial lines.

They realize their idea of Libertarian utopia can only exist in communities over a certain IQ level.

You start with altruism, causing many to become a liberal.

Then you realize altruism has a prerequisite, personal responsibility. You become a libertarian.

Finally, you realize that personal responsibility is impossible if you do not band together and actively defend your liberty against enemies foreign and domestic; you become a nationalist.

Final stage is imperialist, where you actively dominate others to advance the human race as a whole.

None of the libertarian theorists and/or economists I know of support the open borders policy that libertarians are alleged to support. Not Hoppe, not Rockwell, not Paul... actually the only anarcho-capitalist I can think of who supports the open border policy is Walter Block. I'm an anarcho-capitalist and denounce the open border positions. The open border position is incompatible with libertarianism.

Also, this article was on Lew Rockwell yesterday: lewrockwell.com/2016/05/bionic-mosquito/libertarian-open-borders/

Libertarianism is the first step towards white nationalism. There's a pretty handy chart that is floating around which describes the transition perfectly.

Also libertarianism is a great way to be "racist" without actually being racist.

>supports national borders

So you don't actually support the true NAP but your own version of it which allows you to coerce others if they displease you/your community (per Hoppe)? How very enlightened.

underrated post

>Final stage is imperialist, where you actively dominate others to advance the human race as a whole.

previous libertarian checking in, basically this

biggest redpill has been being an economics major desu

Lolbertarianism is the larval stage of white nationalists. Eventually you grow up and figure out it isn't tenable given the current conditions caused by other actors in the world.

Much like Communism, they are idealistic systems that could work given ideal conditions.

Eventually you grow up and realize that these ideal conditions will never become a reality in the world you live in and so you move on to more tenable systems and philosophies that fit better into the current world rather than some far off ideal one that is never likely to exist.

he's got the crazy eyes alright.
he looks like a school shooter.


I never said I support national borders. I said I am against the open border policy. I'm an anarcho-capitalist so adherence to the NAP is of the utmost importance.

An anarcho-capitalist society would have strict controls on immigration into that society. How could you possibly have mass migration into an anarcho-capitalist society? How do you suppose the free travel of people from states into the anarcho-capitalist society would work? They would be required to travel across privately owned property.


I must of skipped that stage.
Stage 1:
It was the Ukraine coup,
Stage 2:
Isis rising and USA's stupid response
Libya Explodes.
Stage 3:
Europe Flooded with Immigrants.
Stage 4:
More immigrants,
Images found not seen on main media.

Stage 5:
Rapes on New Years.

Stage 6:
Found anti-racist is anti-white meme.
Found alt-right.

Couldn't have said it better myself, excellent post

The collapse of the European colonial empires was the single greatest mistake of the 20th century.
Personally speaking libertarianism, although I find many aspects of it personally appealing (like the emphasis on personal responsibility and liberty), would only ever be acceptable to a very small percentage of the population on the more rational/autistic side of things. On the other hand I don't believe that the state is necessarily The Worst Thing Ever and it has a legitimate role to play in the governing and growth of a country.

You need to find a good balance between:

libertarianism: a completely atomized, free yet isolated individual

social justice: the destructive and suffocating leveling of egalitarianism and the ensuring social fanaticism

nationalism/tribalism: if pursued to far becomes destructive to both individual and polity, also unnecessarily closed and guarded.

Because they have a complex about being owned by other humans. Look at moly's obsession with emancipation.

The refugee crisis shit where governments are hurting their people without their permission is aristocratic lording cuntery + arrogant low-iq Muslims wanting to install their collectivist authoritarianism is bound to trigger the AnCap's autism heavily.

it's a reaction to social justice.

now that the sjw's own libertarianism they distance themselves as soon as possible. no self respecting libertarian can stomach it.

hate for free riders

pic related

Other way around. White nationalists have a refuge in libertarian politics because libertarians are, in general, really big on not intervening with other people's lives, even though their practices may be culturally, morally, and politically repugnant.

They lack critical thinking skills and self confidence, and they are antisocial. This gives them the need to search for and adopt an identity that reinforces their need to feel superior in some way while also rationalizing their lack of success. It also makes them susceptible to propaganda.