Atheists are the most edgy and egotistical man children, and you just can not prove me wrong

Atheists are the most edgy and egotistical man children, and you just can not prove me wrong

why do you honestly care, nobody gives a shit

Whatever you say, buddy.


vegan atheists are even worse

can you prove that they are?

>I don't care
thank you for proving my point

and people who pretend they are spiritual


fuck off samefag

not a samefag, I just saw his thread and I thought the replies were rather amusing

I will say this, OP
Atheists are easier to bait than Christfags
It's weird, because as a Catholic, I can go in any Christfag baiting thread and see pictures of Jesus getting fucked, Mary having an abortion, on and on, and it's all so dull and predictable, I am not even a little mad.
Then if you point out to an atheist that he thinks he figured it all out in middle school, they blow a gasket. Little pussies is what they are.
pic related: atheist culture

got depressed and anti social b4 i lost my faith in god

religioncucks are the most unthinking sheep-children I've ever witnessed, scared when people are scared, happy when people are happy
no self-awareness

atheist here KYS OP

Have you ever met a vegan or a cross-fitter

I'm just pointing out the facts

the fact that you think you are better than them by calling them sheep makes you look like an edgy kid so much it's cringy
thanks for a worthless reply
never met but I've seen some

fuck off or prove me wrong

You already did that yourself

that life OP its worthless


Ok just let me post some edgy shit some man child said

>Atheists are the most edgy and egotistical man children, and you just can not prove me wrong

Most are, yes.

fuck you nigger
christians are all small town poorfags

And yet butthurt fags like you start these threads all the time, while atheists don't. You're projecting your own smugness onto others.

If you make a assertion that there is or isnt a god youre both fags


agnostics are worse than christians
literal retards
>hurr durr idk
>im too stupid to decide
>pls kill me

beautiful reply
atheists post threads shitting on religion all the time what are you talking about

you cant decide because you cant rational deduce anything you retard prove god or isnt real right now mother fucker with out a shadow of a doubt

only at the larval stage, fully hatched at 31 years old I no longer complain about or are bothered by the spiritual beliefs of others but having none of my own am free to use the outsider's understanding of faith to manipulate the faithful

the transition is complete when you understand that priests, be they a medicine man in the deep jungle or the pope himself, are all atheists and are all manipulating you for the benefit of mankind. there is no disconnect between what a young atheist thinks of as the true enemy and himself, they are the same animal, an edgy atheist is just a baby priest

>you just can not prove me wrong

No one cares. You are completely alone in this thread. Why do you waste your time even thinking of shit like this?

Kys newfag

yes, but dig deeper
we got another >no one cares guy
only newfags call others newfags, it's time to go back to school isn't it?

that's not how logic works, everything has doubt
look into rene descartes or plato
but the evidence supporting the existence of a god is flimsy and unsubstantial

youre both a bunch of 5 year olds with youre rustled jimmys and fliping fedoras engaging in a yes it is and no it isnt shit fest "argument" kys

you seem to be one here

You're confusing atheists with anti-theists.

im not saying yes it is or isnt, check mate faggot

>check mate faggot
look mom if I say I won an internet argument that means I won it!

What I said
>If you make a assertion that there is or isnt a god youre both fags

>youre both a bunch of 5 year olds with youre rustled jimmys and fliping fedoras engaging in a yes it is and no it isnt shit fest "argument" kys

what you said in responce to my last post
>you seem to be one here

im literally saying neither there is or isnt a god I objectively won so check mate faggot

Do you lack the ability to understand sentences?

yes can you even point out whats wrong with it

if you could you would actually reply with what was relevant to the reply I posted

why dont you post it then

I already did, and I am seriously worried you're struggling hard to understand me

post it nigga

I already did, and the word ends with -er

nigga cant even post it

just a random reminder that burden of proof is a fundamentally flawed concept and is just a cop out.


Double dubs confirms it, sorry op you have autism.

Atheist here and you're just as bad, m8. Underestimating other humans, especially those that are complete strangers, is a sign of incompetence. No offense meant, mind you.

Unironically calling people sheeple on Sup Forums of all places is pretty hilarious tho so 6/10. You tried, right?

Seriously though, atheists are just as shit as anyone else. There are obviously osme examples of people in all faiths that rise above the majority, but for the moat part people just go with whatever idea is presented to them first or follow whatever idea is yelled at them the most. This is why we used to have kings and currently have prime ministers and presidents. All people want to be controlled on some level because t makes life predictable and easier to manage.

Of course, you get the odd ball every now and again who genuinely has no interest in being manipulated. These often either become the manipulators or the lowest rung on the social ladder; the pariahs and rejects.

tldr; if you believe that all people in group 'a' are inherintly worse than group 'b', you probably got a little wool around the eyes. But don't fret; we're all "sheeple" this time least until we know and do more. Till then tho, no point in dissing your flock you bunch of fleecy newfriends.

>g thread and see pictures of Jesus getting fucked, Ma
Thank you.

they talked shit first, atheists don't give a fuck but religious types like to fuck with people and start shit

>and you just can not prove me wrong
>and like well but just you can like never ever prove me wrong times a million
The words of a sensible, well-rounded adult.

These threads remind me of a joke about people with tattoos... the only difference between people with tattoos and people without tattoos is that people with tattoos don't care if you don't have any tattoos.

every sect has pretentious cunts: "why don't you have a tattoo?, this isn't the fifties!"

People on both sides start shit and give a fuck. Don't even pretend that's not true.

It happens that way because whenever you get a lot of people subscribing to one faith/belief/whatever you're going to get a lot of different kinds of people. Some of them will be passive types and others aggressive. When an aggressor meets an aggressor from the "opposing" party, the situation I first responded to is what occurs. It's fighting fire with fire and it helps nobody in the end.

If you really care about the cause, prove them wrong with actions before words. Show that you walk the walk by simply being a decent human. So long as you're kind when you can be and neither start nor stir shit up for attention/power/selfishness, people will ignore what is clearly slander and bullshit.

Vegan trans-gendered atheist cross-fitters make for pleasant company when dining out.

There are also a lot of ways you can use that aggressive urge to help. Form a group of atheists that do good around the community(organize charity/provide a free service) and aggressively campaign to show people that atheists(or whatever else) can be helpful and good people. It's not for everyone, but if you want to see real change the place to start is at home and in the community.

You culd also stop taking this kind of bait and channel that aggression into a hobby or passion like cooking or working out. Just some stuff to think about, user. And remember this if nothing else; all shit smells like shit. You are just as human as the next one and have just as many flaws because of it.

why the fuck are you giving good advice on Sup Forums? who do you work for, you fucking shill?

you didn't mention the third option for people that refuse to follow the current.

They can also become people that do what this user was trying to for a living. They can become the voice of reason in sick, sad world. A lot of the time those people are ignored en masse, but every now and again they rack up the kind of attention that starts movements.
